# Unix aliases words for the MODEL fea code and mesh generators #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # list information about the 2D adaptive mesh generator alias Adapt_Info 'more /net/screech/akin/h_mesh/READ_ME' # turn on this set of aliases alias Alias_On 'source ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Model_alias ; echo done' # list array sizes used in MODEL alias Array_Sizes 'more ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Array_sizes.txt' # Copy zipped text files for stored example: Copy_Zip 104 alias Copy_Zip 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.txt.gz .' # directory of all mesh tmp file output alias Dir_Mesh 'ls -l msh_*.tmp ; pwd ' # directory of all tmp file output alias Dir_Tmp 'ls -l *.tmp ; pwd ' # directory of all zipped files for example alias Dir_Zip 'ls -l ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.*.gz ' # list include file for stored example: Ex_Inc 104 alias Ex_Inc 'ls ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.my_*inc*' # list any text files for stored example: Ex_Text 104 alias Ex_Text 'more ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.txt* ' # list available examples by exact case number, if any alias Exact_Ex 'more ~mech517/public_html/Applications/By_Exact_Case.txt' # search for a control keyword related to 'word': Keyword word alias Find_Key 'grep \!$ ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Keyword_Control_Input.txt' # find the size of an array: Find_Size COORD alias Find_Size 'grep \!$ ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Array_sizes.txt' # find a word in MODEL notation file: Find_Word PATCH alias Find_Word 'grep \!$ ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Notation.F' # copy the new application MODEL source library alias Get_Apply 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/application_lib.f . ; echo done' # copy the old exact solution MODEL source library alias Get_Exact 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/exact_lib.f . ; echo done' # copy generic include files for new application modification alias Get_Inc 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Archive/my_*_inc . ; echo done' # copy specific example data file: Get_Ex_Data 104_01 for 104_01.dat alias Get_Ex_Data 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.dat .' # get all the unix make files for creating new MODEL applications alias Get_Makes 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Archive/make_* . ; echo done' # get the default B matrix include file alias Inc_B 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Archive/my_b_matrix_inc . ; echo done' # get the default exact solution include file alias Inc_Col 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Archive/my_el_col_inc . ; echo done' # get the default E matrix include file alias Inc_E 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Archive/my_e_matrix_inc . ; echo done' # get the default exact solution include file alias Inc_Exact 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Archive/my_exact*inc . ; echo done' # get the default postprocessing include files alias Inc_Post 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Archive/my*post*inc . ; echo done' # get the default mixed segment include files alias Inc_Robin 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Archive/my_mixed*inc . ; echo done' # get the default flux segment column matrix include file alias Inc_Seg 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Archive/my_seg_col_inc . ; echo done' # get the default el sq matrix include file alias Inc_Sq 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Archive/my_el_sq_inc . ; echo done' # copy old mesh mapping data to edit alias Map_Data 'cp /net/course-a/mech517/old_mesh2d/\!$.dat .' # list help file on how to run an existing MODEL example alias Help_Run_Ex 'more ~mech517/public_html/Applications/Run_an_example.txt' # search for a control keyword related to 'word': Keyword word alias Keyword 'grep \!$ ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Keyword_Control_Input.txt' # search for control keywords related to user debugs alias Key_Debug 'grep debug ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Keyword_Control_Input.txt' # search for control keywords to turn off data echos alias Key_Echo 'grep echo ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Keyword_Control_Input.txt' # search for a control keyword related to element data alias Key_El 'grep el_ ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Keyword_Control_Input.txt' # search for a control keyword related to flux data alias Key_Flux 'grep flu ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Keyword_Control_Input.txt' # search for a control keyword related to nodal points alias Key_Pt 'grep pt_ ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Keyword_Control_Input.txt' # list what each alias is for alias List_Alias 'more ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Alias_summary.txt' # list stored examples by number alias List_Ex 'more ~mech517/public_html/Applications/By_Example_Number.txt' # list stored examples by text figure number alias List_Fig 'more ~mech517/public_html/Applications/By_Figure_Number.txt' # list MODEL functions for getting application properties alias List_Prop 'more ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Getting_to_MODEL_Data.txt' # list any text help files alias List_txt 'more ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.txt' alias List_Txt 'more ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.txt' # list old data files for mapped mesh alias Map_Dir 'ls /net/course-a/mech517/old_mesh2d/*dat* ' # run the 2D mesh mapping program with data_name: Map_Mesh data_name.dat alias Map_Mesh '/net/course-a/mech517/old_mesh2d/map_mesh < \!$ > out' # copy mapped mesh data, without leading keywords alias Map_2_Dat 'cp ~mech517/old_mesh2d/PUNCH test.msh ' # convert 2D mapped mesh file to test.dat (less keywords) alias Map_2_test 'csh ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Map_2_test.s' # run old Matlab5 alias Matlab5 '/usr/site/matlab-5.3/bin/matlab.sh ' # run 2D adaptive mesg generator (requires 3 data files) alias Mesh_Adapt /net/screech/akin/h_mesh/new_mesh # list informational notes in output file alias My_Notes 'grep NOTE \!$ ' # list warnings in output file alias My_Warn 'grep WARNING \!$ ' # list order for connecting nodes to elements alias Node_Order 'more ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Element_node_order.txt' # list the variable notations for the MODEL code alias Notation 'more ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Notation.F' # echo plot path to copy into Matlab command (before running Matlab) alias Plot_Path 'echo addpath /net/course-a/mech517/public_html/Matlab_Plots' # turn on alias file to list plot scripts by subject alias Plot_Subject 'source ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Plot_subject_alias ; echo done' # search for all control keywords related to properties alias Property 'grep prop ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Keyword_Control_Input.txt' # list the required control keywords for test.dat alias Required 'more ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Required_Key.txt' # run MODEL with test.dat containing existing example number keyword alias Run_Ex '~mech517/public_html/Applications/Example_Run' alias Run_Old '~mech517/public_html/Applications/Example_Old' # list specific data file cited in List_Ex alias Show_Ex 'more ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.dat' # list specific array size alias Size_Array 'grep \!$ ~mech517/public_html/Copyrighted/Array_sizes.txt' # list available examples by subject alias Subject_Ex 'more ~mech517/public_html/Applications/By_Subject.txt' # Un-Zip & list any text files for stored example: UZ_Ex_Text 104 alias UZ_Ex_Text 'gunzip ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.txt.gz ; more ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.txt ' alias Unzip_Data 'cp ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.dat.gz \!$.dat.gz ; gunzip \!$.dat.gz ' alias Unzip_Out 'gunzip ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.out.gz >! \!$.out ' # Unzip specific example data file: Unzip_Data 104_01 for 104_01.dat alias Unzip_Text 'gunzip ~mech517/public_html/Applications/\!$.txt.gz >! \!$.txt ' # Unzip specific example data file: Unzip_Data 104_01 for 104_01.dat