Rice University - Comp 212 - Intermediate Programming

Spring 2005

Lecture #28 - Hash Tables and Hash Functions

Hash Tables

The Problem: Collisions



Hash Table Implementations

package genDict;

import genListFW.*;
 * An IDictionary implemented using a hash table. Collisions are handled
 * using chaining. The chains are implemented using DictLRS.
 * Uses the method hashCode() defined by class Object as the hash
 * function. Any class may override this method with a new
 * implementation.
 * @author Alan L. Cox
* @author Dung X. Nguyen ("generifier")
 * @since 03/23/05
public class DictHash<K, V> implements IDictionary<K, V> {
* Initialize _table to reference a single-element array of
* IDictionary, containing in its single element a reference to an
* empty DictLRS.
    private IDictionary<K, V>[] _table = new DictLRS[1];
    private int _tableOccupancy = 0;
* An IList factory used to linearalize each internal DictLRS and
* resize the _table array.
    private IListFactory< DictPair<K, V> > _lf;
* An upper bound on the load factor.
    private double _loadFactor;

    public DictHash(IListFactory< DictPair<K, V> > lf, double loadFactor) {
        _table[0] = new DictLRS<K, V>();
        _lf = lf;
        _loadFactor = loadFactor;

* Clears the contents of the dictionary leaving it empty.
* Implemented by replacing the existing LRStruct with a new,
* empty one.
    public void clear() {
        _table = new DictLRS[1];
        _table[0] = new DictLRS<K, V>();
        _tableOccupancy = 0;
* Returns true if the dictionary is empty and false otherwise.
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return _tableOccupancy == 0;

* Returns false always.
    public boolean isFull() {
        return false;

* Returns an IList of DictPair<K, V>s corresponding to the entire
* contents of the dictionary.
* Note that the elements are not in order.
    public IList< DictPair<K, V> > elements(final IListFactory< DictPair<K, V> > lf) {
        IList< DictPair<K, V> > l = lf.makeEmptyList();
        for (int i = 0; i < _table.length; i++)
        l = _table[i].elements(lf).execute(new IListAlgo<DictPair<K, V>, IList< DictPair<K, V> >, IList< DictPair<K, V> > >() {
            public IList< DictPair<K, V> > emptyCase(IMTList<? extends DictPair<K, V> > host, IList< DictPair<K, V> >... input) {
                return input[0];
            public IList< DictPair<K, V> > nonEmptyCase(INEList<? extends DictPair<K, V> > host, IList< DictPair<K, V> >... input) {
                return lf.makeNEList(host.getFirst(),(IList< DictPair<K, V> >)host.getRest().execute(this, input[0]));
        }, l);
        return l;
* Returns the DictPair<K, V> with the given key. If there is not
* a DictPair<K, V> with the given key, returns null.
* Returns a DictPair<K, V> rather than the value alone so that
* the user can distinguish between not finding the key and
* finding the pair (key, null).
* This method is O(1) in the expected case and O(n) in the worst
* case.
* @param key the key to lookup
* @return the DictPair<K, V> found
    public DictPair<K, V> lookup(K key) {
        int index = key.hashCode() % _table.length;
        return _table[index].lookup(key);
* Inserts the given key and value. If the given key is already
* in the dictionary, the given value replaces the key's old
* value.
* This method is O(1) in both the expected case and the worst
* case if we amortize the cost of doubling the hash table over
* subsequent insert()'s.
* @param key the key to insert
* @param value the value to insert
    public void insert(K key, V value) {
        if (_tableOccupancy >= (_loadFactor * _table.length)) {
            int i;
            final IDictionary newTable[] = new IDictionary[2*_table.length];
            for (i = 0; i < newTable.length; i++)
                newTable[i] = new DictLRS<K, V>();
            for (i = 0; i < _table.length; i++) {
                _table[i].elements(_lf).execute(new IListAlgo<DictPair<K, V>, Object, Object>() {
                    public Object emptyCase(IMTList<? extends DictPair<K, V> > host, Object... nu) {
                        return null;
                    public Object nonEmptyCase(INEList<? extends DictPair<K, V> > host, Object... nu) {
                        DictPair<K, V> pair = (DictPair<K, V>) host.getFirst();
                        int index = pair.getKey().hashCode() % newTable.length;
                        newTable[index].insert(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue());
                        return host.getRest().execute(this);
            _table = newTable;
        int index = key.hashCode() % _table.length;
        _table[index].insert(key, value);
* Removes the DictPair<K, V> with the given key and returns it.
* If there is not a DictPair<K, V> with the given key, returns
* null.
* This method is O(1) in the expected case and O(n) in the worst
* case.
* @param key the key to remove
* @return the DictPair<K, V> removed
    public DictPair<K, V> remove(K key) {
        int index = key.hashCode() % _table.length;
        DictPair<K, V> pair = _table[index].remove(key);
        if (pair != null)
        return pair;
* Returns a string representing the contents of the dictionary.
    public String toString() {
        return elements(_lf).toString();