Comp201: Principles of Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2008 -- Lab 14: The Start of BallWar    

In this lab, we will begin our final project, BallWar.

For complete details of the final project, see the final project assignment page.

Adding Collisions

If you download the code from the assignment page, you will notice that the collision behavior is not fully implemented. In fact, there is only one thing that has been removed and that is what we will try to fix now.

First, read the sections in the assignment page on command dispatching and collisions.

  1. In the Ball class, you will see that the _collisionCmd variable is uninitialized. Initialize that variable using an anonymous inner class. This command will be used to check if a given ball has collided with any other balls in the system. Follow the stipulations given in the documentation very carefully!
  2. In the updateState method of Ball, you will see that there is a blank section where the ball needs to use the environment's dispatcher to check for collisions. Use your newly initialized _collisionCmd here to check to see if this ball has collided with any other balls.
  3. Recompile your work and try running it. Collision detection and any associated behaviors should now be active!

You are now ready to commence your final project! Go for it!


Last Revised Thursday, 03-Jun-2010 09:50:28 CDT

©2008 Stephen Wong and Dung Nguyen