Class brsVisitor.BRSDisplayAdapter$RowColIdx

class BRSDisplayAdapter$RowColIdx
extends Object
This class is a "carrier" class that holds the row and column index for a node in a BiTree. The rows are numbered from 0 at the first row. The columns are numbered from 0 from the left. This class is also a factory for the RowColIdx needed for the left and right sub-trees of the present node. This is a private inner class of BRSDisplayAdapter.

Variable Index

 o colIdx
The stored column index
 o rowIdx

Constructor Index

 o RowColIdx (int, int)
Constructor for the class

Method Index

 o getColIdx ()
Accessor method for the row index
 o getRowIdx ()
Accessor method for the row index
 o nextLeft ()
Factory method for the RowColIdx instance needed for the left sub-tree
 o nextRight ()
Factory method for the RowColIdx instance needed for the left sub-tree


 o colIdx
int colIdx
The stored column index.

 o rowIdx
int rowIdx


 o RowColIdx
public  RowColIdx(int rowIdx, int colIdx)
Constructor for the class.

rowIdx - The row index
colIdx - The column index


 o getRowIdx
int getRowIdx()
Accessor method for the row index.

 o getColIdx
int getColIdx()
Accessor method for the row index.

 o nextLeft
RowColIdx nextLeft()
Factory method for the RowColIdx instance needed for the left sub-tree. The new (row, col) indices are (row+1, 2*col)

A new RowColIdx instance
 o nextRight
RowColIdx nextRight()
Factory method for the RowColIdx instance needed for the left sub-tree. The new (row, col) indices are (row+1, 2*col+1)

A new RowColIdx instance