package view; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; /** * Serves as a view to Hangman. * Has a JPanel where the body parts are painted. * Uses a JApplet to supply the Graphics context for the JPamel to draw the body * parts. * To paint something in Java, we need to paint on a JPanel and override * its paintComponent(...) method. * Everytime the JPanel needs repainting, it will call paintComponent(...). * For example, when the JFrame or a JApplet that contains the JPanel is * resized, it will try to update all of its contents, in particular it will * call its JPanel to update, which in turns will schedule a call to * repaint(...), which in turn will call paintComponent(...)! */ public class HangmanGUI { /** * The GUI component that holds all other GUI components. */ private JApplet _applet; /** * The adapter used to communicate with the model to tell it to paint the * body parts. */ private IPaintAdapter _paintAdapter; /** * A panel derived from a JPanel where the body parts are drawn. * The JPanel's paint() method is overriden so that the gallows is * automatically drawn when the panel is repainted. */ private JPanel _displayPanel = new JPanel() { public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // called whenever the panel is // repainted. The graphics context g is supplied by the GUI // component that contains this JPanel. super.paintComponent(g); // do whatever usually is done, // e.g. clear the panel. g.setColor(; // set the drawing color g.fillRect(0,220,200,5); // base of scaffold g.fillRect(0,0,70,5); // top of scaffold g.fillRect(0,0,5,220); // side of scaffold // FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY: System.out.println("HangmanGUI._displayPanel.paintComponent() " + "calling _paintAdapter.paint()..."); // Delegate to the adapter to get the body parts drawn: _paintAdapter.paint(g); } }; /** * Initializes the GUI components. * @param a the applet that holds all GUI components. * @param gc The IGameControlAdapter object used to for guessing and * resetting. * @param pa The IPaintAdapter object used for requesting that the model * paint the body parts. */ public HangmanGUI(JApplet a, IPaintAdapter pa) { if (null == a || null == pa) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("HangmanGUI(...) has null " + "arguments!"); } // FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY: System.out.println("HangmanGUI.constructor initializing _displayPanel " + "and _applet..."); _applet = a; _paintAdapter = pa; guiInit(); } /**Component initialization*/ private void guiInit() { _displayPanel.setBackground(Color.white); _applet.setSize(400, 350); Container contentPane = _applet.getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); contentPane.add(_displayPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); } }