Comp202: Principles of Object-Oriented Programming II
Fall 2007 -- GalaxyBall Specifications    

Jump to Changes to Interfaces

Basic features:

Agreed upon other features

  1. Fixed total initial mass
  2. making of new balls must conserve mass on a per world basis
  3. Size/radius proportional to mass:  area = mass
  4. Fixed density
  5. max velocity inversely proportional to mass
  6. size = interaction area, not painted size
  7. Earth planet -- defenseless, source of mass
  8. Harvester balls eat away at opposing earth planets.
  9. Max mass for harvesters?   Need to go home to deliver captured mass
  10. How to deliver mass ?
public interface IChatSendBall extends IChatData {

   * Index value used to select the case associated with this host.
  public static final String INDEX = "Send Ball";

   * Retrieves the chat object associated with the *sender* of this chat data object.
   * Note that the host for the command that processes this chat data will be of type IChatData<?>
   * so the host will need to be downcast to IChatJoinRoom to access this method.
  public IBallStrategyFac getStratFac();  


public interface IBallStrategyFac extends Serializable {

  public IUpdateStrategy makeUpdateStrategy();
  public IPaintStrategy makePaintStrategy();
  public IPerson getPlayer();
  public UUID getUUID();
  public String getType();  // Earth , harvester, warrior




 * Interface that hides the implementation of a Ball
 * The methods in this interface are up to debate.   
 * Some, such as doKill() are arguably not appropriate 
 * Likewise for performUpdate()
public interface IBall extends Observer {

  public IPerson getPlayer();
  public UUID getUUID();
  public String getType();  // Earth , harvester, warrior
  public Point2DDouble getLocation();
  public void setRadius(int radius);
  public int getRadius();
  public void setVelocity(Point2DDouble velocity);
  public Point2DDouble getVelocity();
  public void setColor(Color color);
  public Color getColor();
  public IUpdateStrategy getStrategy();
  public void setPaintStrategy(IPaintStrategy pstrategy);
  public IPaintStrategy getPaintStrategy();  
  public IBallMoveStrategy getMoveStrategy();
  public void setMoveStrategy(IBallMoveStrategy s);
  public void update(Observable o, Object cmd);
  public void addUpdateCmd(IBallCmd cmd);
  public void updateState(Graphics g);

   * Run all the commands in the _updateCmdSet and then clear it.
   * then move the ball
  public void performUpdate();
  public void setStrategy(IUpdateStrategy strategy);
  public void paint(Graphics g);
   * "Kills" this ball by delegating the request to the strategy.
   * @param force an attack amount less than attacker's mass
   * @return resultant damage less than or equal to force, nagative value means attacker was hurt.
  public double attack(double force);
  public IBallEnvironment getEnv();
  public double getMass();
  public void setMass(double mass);



public abstract interface IBallEnvironment {
  * Get the ball dispatcher used by the system.   Used when a ball wants to communicate to all the other balls, e.g. for collisions.
  * @return The system ball dispatcher
 public abstract IDispatcher getDispatcher();
  * Associates a key with a behavior (command).  
  * When the user presses the given key, the ILambda command will be run.
  * The parameter passed to the command will be the key name.   
  * The return value will be discarded.
  * @param keyName The name of the key, as defined by the Java "virtual keys":   VK_XXX  (The "VK_" is omitted).   See the Java documentation under "KeyEvent"
  * @param cmd The ILambda command that will be run when the key is pressed.
 public abstract void addKeyCmd(String keyName, ILambda cmd);
  * Adds a command that will be run to whenever the view requests a display string to be displayed.   
  * The output of the ILambda.apply must be a String given a String input, where the input is the original string
  * on the display.   The output is concatenated with all other display commands in the system.
  * @param cmd The command used to generate part of the total display string.
 public abstract void addDisplayCmd(ILambda cmd);
  * Gets the Component that the Balls will be painted on.  Note that 
  * a Component class is also implements the ImageObserver interface.
  * @return The Component object upon which the Balls will be painted. 
 public abstract Component getComponent();
  * Get the width of the ball's environment.    This is not the same as the width of the entire BallWar frame, but rather
  * simply the width of the graphics area in which the balls are moving.
  * @return The width of the environment in pixels.
 public abstract int getWidth();
  * Get the height of the ball's environment.    This is not the same as the height of the entire BallWar frame, but rather
  * simply the height of the graphics area in which the balls are moving.
  * @return The height  of the environment in pixels.
 public abstract int getHeight();
  * Get the currently selected player.   Note that in general, for a ball or strategy to maintain a 
  * connection to a particular player, they must save their own reference and not rely on the 
  * currently selected player.   Usually this method is only called during an initialization phase.
  * @return The currently  selected player.
 public abstract double getDeltaTime();
 public abstract IPlayer getSelectedPlayer();
  * Takes an IMovementKeys object which defines a set of movement keys and 
  * associates the pressing of each key with its respective behavior in the given IMoveable
  * object.      
  * @param keys The IMovementKeys object that defines a set of movement keys.
  * @param m The IMoveable object that is to be associated with the key set.
 public abstract void registerMovementKeys(IMovementKeys keys, IMoveable m);

Changes to Interfaces

John, Mark, and James: 

Last Revised Thursday, 03-Jun-2010 09:52:31 CDT

©2007 Stephen Wong and Dung Nguyen