COMP 310 |
Mixed Data Dictionaries and Inter-Module Communications |
The problem with dictionaries is that they are typed to fixed <key, value>
types. One can only put one type of object into a dictionary.
If one wants to put a variety of types of data into the same dictionary, e.g.
for configuration information or other common data stores, the superclass of all
possible held data types must be used to define the dictionary.
This causes two main problems with type-safety in the application:
What we'd really like a dictionary that enables us to store mixed types of data safely together. The problem is that Java's type erasure causes the type information to be lost at runtime.
The solution is thus to encode the key with the type information of the data to which it refers. Then, the dictionary can a) restrict any data being stored to only the type or subtype of that the key specifies and b) because of a), can unequivocally retrieve the data with the specific type as defined by the key being used.
See the documentation for the mixedData package.
While a MixedDataKey is Serializable, it is often more practical to build the key when and where it is used by using the three values needed to specify the key instead of sending a serialized key instance.
Here's a breakdown of the information needed to generate a key. These three values completely and uniquely determine a key, that is, any MixedDataKey instance made with the same three values will be equal.
= This value insures that
the key will be unique from all other keys with the same two other values.
In a typical scenario, all the keys in use share the same id value.
For instance, a single randomly-generated UUID value could be used
to uniquely identify the instance of the Game Server. The Game
Server would then give that common UUID value to all commands it
sends out so that they would be tied to that instance of the Game Server. String desc
= This is a
"human-friendly" name that you can use to identify the particular value in
the dictionary to which this key maps, e.g. "MapView adapter". This
helps you keep track of what each key is for. In practice, this is the
main part of the key that one uses to differentiate one value from another
in the dictionary.Class<?> type
= The is the Java
type of the value to which this key maps in the dictionary. Only values of
this type can be associated with this key. While it is technically possible
to use the same description above for different value types, it is not
recommended because of the semantic confusion it would cause. Technically,
this type specification duplicates the generic typing of the
MixedDataKey itself but is needed in Java due to type erasure; in
run-time generics languages such as C#, this parameter is not needed at all.Type-erasure Problems when Storing Generic Types in a Mixed-Data Dictionary (MDD)
It turns out that saving generic types to the MDD is problematic due to Java's type-erasure (boo, hiss!).
In particular, type erasure prevents on from getting the class object of a
generic type, e.g. suppose one has a generic class, MyClass<T>
, then Java won't
let you get the class object for it, e.g. MyClass<SomeClass>.class
will not compile. This is
because at run-time, only the raw MyClass
exists, not the fully generic type.
Thus, we cannot make the MDD key that we want because the key requires the
corresponding Class
object for the data being stored.
The type-safe work-around is to create a custom, non-generic subclass for the desired type, e.g.:
class MyCustomClass extends MyClass<SomeClass> {
Now, MyCustomClass.class
is a perfectly valid operation and
creates the Class
object we want for the MDD key.
object at all is
because of type-erasure!DataPackets
of generic types.A very common problem that arises in enterprise systems is the need for highly decoupled modules to be able to communicate with each other. These modules tend be tightly sandboxed, with very limited access to their host systems. Examples of such communications include passing large amounts of data from multiple producers to multiple consumers and enabling arbitrary components in a component-framework system to inter-operate. Since it is impossible to predict a priori what communications needs any arbitrary modules might need, one must abstract the issue and present a highly abstract interface that can handle any situation.
In an object-oriented system, entities communicate by calling methods on objects. Those object may be each other or they might be common shared objects. In highly decoupled scenarios using MVC-like architectures, decoupled communications occurs by calling methods on adapters whose back-side implementations are hidden from the caller.
One of the most popular techniques to establish communications between isolated entities in enterprise applications is to use a common data storage to hold shared data or objects. All that one needs to do is to have one entity place the desired shared data or objects into the common data storage for other entities to retrieve. Once the shared information is retrieved, communications can be established and/or data will have been transferred. Cloud systems typically have massive shared databases and in-memory "memcaches" just for this purpose.
In the example below, we will consider the smaller but analogous situation of isolated commands installed into an extended visitor that need to communicate with each other.
Important note: It is critical to understand the difference between how the commands for "well-known message" types can interact with the local system vs. how commands associated with "unknown message" types, i.e. command that may have originated from a different system, can interact with the same local system.
, below). This is
analogous to how the adapters in an MVC architecture isolate and sandbox the
model and view. This class of commands CANNOT freely access the local
system! If their adapter does not allow it, it cannot be done.
Thus, the command's adapter interface (ICmd2ModelAdpt
must supply methods along the lines of put(key, object)
to put and get objects to/from the local data storage.
Note that the adapter does NOT directly expose the actual data storage to the
commands in order protect its implementation; it only exposes the necessary
functionality to interact with the data storage.
Command-to-command communications can thus easily be accomplished by simply having one command put an object, typically an adapter to micro-models or views, into the local data storage while other commands who desire that particular communications, will subsequently retrieve it.
Common data storage presents two problems with which typical dictionaries have difficulty:
. But this means that for any specific
piece of data being stored in the dictionary, when retrieved, must be
downcast to its actual type. This fundamentally type-unsafe
operation has no guarantees of being performed without error.
solves both these problems:
holds the type information of the stored data, enabling the
IMixedDataDictionary's get() operation to always return a strongly and
properly typed result. That is, if one has a mixed data dictionary,
, into which one stores an object of type T
, a
MixedDataKey<T> key
must have been used to do the storage of a
of type T
, i.e.
mdd.put(key, value)
. And when that key is used to
retrieve the stored data, the mixed data dictionary automatically returnes
it with its proper type, no downcasting is needed:
T myData = mdd.get(key).
requires 3 items: A UUID
value, a String
descriptive value, and a Class<T>
object. The String
descriptive value and the
object are needed to provde a user-friendly key value and
the data typing information respectively. But since
another unrelated module may be using the same descriptive value, e.g. "view
", and the same class type, e.g. "MapPanel
these two values are insufficient to uniquely identify the key across the
system. The inclusion of the UUID
accomplishes this uniqueness. A single UUID
value is all that is needed across a set of related
modules to ensure that their data keys are unique from any keys made by any
other unrelated modules in the system, even if they have the same string
descriptors and class types. Note that only a
single UUID
value only needs
to be specified across a set of related modules, there is no need to specify
the UUID
on a per-key basis because one can assume that a
related set of modules is capable of keeping its own set of descriptors and
class types from colliding with themselves. Thus, in the example above, the adapter to the commands, ICmd2ModelAdpt
, only needs to expose
the type-safe put and get methods, which will connect to the back-end
<T> T put(MixedDataKey<T> key, T value)
the return value here on the adapter does not have to echo the return value from the
dictionary.<T> T get(MixedDataKey<T> key)
boolean containsKey(MixedDataKey<?> key)
optional, if this functionality is desired.With this simple addition to the command's interface to the local system, type-safe and isolated data storage and inter-command communications can be achieved.
For an example of how common data storage can be used to enable command-to-command communications in a distributed application, see ChatApp and Final Proect Communications Pathways.
© 2017 by Stephen Wong