COMP 310
Fall 2014

HW02 Supplied Code

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Download the supplied code here (docs).    Descriptions of all the included code are below.


A wrapper around Java's java.util.Observable to make it easier to use.

package util;
import java.util.*;

 * A simplified Observable class that immediately notifies its Observers when its notifyAll() method is called.   The changed state of the Dispatcher does not need to be separately set.
public class Dispatcher extends Observable {
	 * Immediately notifies all the Observers held.
	 * @param param An input parameter that is passed on to all the Observers.
	public void notifyAll(Object param) {



Top-level interface abstractly defining routines that provide randomized values.

package util;

import java.awt.*;

public interface IRandomizer {
	 * Generates a random location point subject to the constraint that 0<=X<=rect.width and 0<=Y<=rect.height.
	 * @param rect The bounds for the x and y values of the created Point
	 * @return A Point object whose x and y are subject to the given bounds
	public Point randomLoc( Rectangle rect);

	 * Generates a random location point subject to the constraint that 0<=X<=dim.width and 0<=Y<=dim.height.
	 * @param dim The bounds for the x and y values of the created Point
	 * @return A Point object whose x and y are subject to the given bounds
	public Point randomLoc( Dimension dim);

	 * Returns a random integer greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max.
	 * @param min The minimum allowed value
	 * @param max The maximum allowed value
	 * @return an int subject to the given bounds
	public int randomInt(int min, int max);

	 * Returns a random double greater than or equal to min and less than max.
	 * @param min The minimum allowed value
	 * @param max The maximum allowed value
	 * @return a double subject to the given bounds
	public double randomDouble(double min, double max);
	 * Returns a random velocity (as a Point) subject to the constraint that the absolute value of the velocity (speed) 
	 * within the bound (inclusive) defined by rect.   Thus the resultant velocity may be negative.   The given Rectangle
	 * should use all positive values.
	 * @param rect The bounds for the absolute value of the velocity in the x and y directions.  
	 * @return a Point object with x and y subject to the given bounds.
	public Point randomVel( Rectangle rect);

	 * Returns a random square Dimension, whose width is maxDim.width/2<=width<=maxDim.width
	 * @param maxDim  The bounds on the side of the created Dimension.
	 * @return A random square Dimension subject to the given bound
	public Dimension randomDim( Dimension maxDim);

	 * Generates a randomly located and sized rectangle
	 * @param rect  The bounds for the location of the created rectangle
	 * @param maxDim  The bounds for the dimensions of the create rectangle
	 * @return A Rectangle with location and dimensions subject to the given bounds.
	public Rectangle randomBounds( Rectangle rect, Dimension maxDim);

	 * Generates a random color
	 * @return a random Color object
	public Color randomColor();

	 * Returns a random choice of one of two objects, x and y, where probX is the probability 
	 * that x will be picked (0<=x<=1).
	 * @param x The first of two choices
	 * @param y The second of two choices
	 * @param probX  The probability of the first choice
	 * @return Either x or y as per the probability of choosing them. 
	public Object randomChoice(Object x, Object y, double probX);




Concrete implementation of IRandomizer defining specific algorithms that provide randomized values.

package util;

import java.awt.*;

 * Utility class that supplies  class routines for generating various random values
public class Randomizer implements IRandomizer {
	public static Randomizer Singleton = new Randomizer();

	private Randomizer() {

	 * Generates a random location point subject to the constraint that 0<=X<=rect.width and 0<=Y<=rect.height.
	 * @param rect The bounds for the x and y values of the created Point
	 * @return A Point object whose x and y are subject to the given bounds
	public Point randomLoc( Rectangle rect) {
		return (new Point( randomInt(0, rect.width), randomInt(0, rect.height)));

	 * Generates a random location point subject to the constraint that 0<=X<=dim.width and 0<=Y<=dim.height.
	 * @param dim The bounds for the x and y values of the created Point
	 * @return A Point object whose x and y are subject to the given bounds
	public Point randomLoc( Dimension dim) {
		return (new Point( randomInt(0, dim.width), randomInt(0, dim.height)));

	 * Returns a random integer greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max.
	 * @param min The minimum allowed value
	 * @param max The maximum allowed value
	 * @return an int subject to the given bounds
	public int randomInt(int min, int max) {
		return (int)Math.floor((Math.random()*(1+max-min))+min);

	 * Returns a random double greater than or equal to min and less than max.
	 * @param min The minimum allowed value
	 * @param max The maximum allowed value
	 * @return a double subject to the given bounds
	public double randomDouble(double min, double max) {
		return (Math.random()*(max-min))+min;

	 * Returns a random velocity (as a Point) subject to the constraint that the absolute value of the velocity (speed) 
	 * within the bound (inclusive) defined by rect.   Thus the resultant velocity may be negative.   The given Rectangle
	 * should use all positive values.
	 * @param rect The bounds for the absolute value of the velocity in the x and y directions.  
	 * @return a Point object with x and y subject to the given bounds.
	public Point randomVel( Rectangle rect) {
		return (new Point (randomInt(-rect.width, rect.width), randomInt(-rect.height, rect.height)));

	 * Returns a random square Dimension, whose width is maxDim.width/2<=width<=maxDim.width
	 * @param maxDim  The bounds on the side of the created Dimension.
	 * @return A random square Dimension subject to the given bound
	public Dimension randomDim( Dimension maxDim) {
		int x =  randomInt(maxDim.width/2,maxDim.width);
		return new Dimension(x,x);

	 * Generates a randomly located and sized rectangle
	 * @param rect  The bounds for the location of the created rectangle
	 * @param maxDim  The bounds for the dimensions of the create rectangle
	 * @return A Rectangle with location and dimensions subject to the given bounds.
	public Rectangle randomBounds( Rectangle rect, Dimension maxDim) {
		return new Rectangle(randomLoc(rect), randomDim(maxDim));

	 * Generates a random color
	 * @return a random Color object
	public Color randomColor() {
		return new Color( randomInt(0,255),randomInt(0,255),randomInt(0,255));

	 * Returns a random choice of one of two objects, x and y, where probX is the probability 
	 * that x will be picked (0<=x<=1).
	 * @param x The first of two choices
	 * @param y The second of two choices
	 * @param probX  The probability of the first choice
	 * @return Either x or y as per the probability of choosing them. 
	public Object randomChoice(Object x, Object y, double probX) {
		return (Math.random()<probX) ? x: y;



Utility that provide sinusoidally-varying values.

package util;

 * A utility class that can be used to create smoothly varying sinusoidal
 * numerical data.
 * Note that this is not a singleton class nor does it have static methods as
 * its behavior depends on the minimum, maximum and delta values given to 
 * its constructor.
public class SineMaker {
	 * The midpoint of the min and max values.
	private double _mid;    
	 * The amplitude of the sinusoidal output
	private double _ampl;  
	 * The amount that _theta is incremented each time, in radians.
	private double _delta; 
	 * The current angle used to generate the current
	 * sinusoidal value.  Initialized to produce the minimum value.
	private double _theta = -Math.PI/2.0;  

	 * The constructor takes several values to control the object's behavior.
	 * @param min The minimum and initial value to produce.
	 * @param max The maximum value to produce.
	 * @param delta The amount in radians that the generating angle is incremented each time
	 * */
	public SineMaker(double min, double max, double delta) {
		_mid = (max+min)/2.0;
		_ampl = (max-min)/2.0;
		_delta = delta;

	 * Returns a different value each time it is called.  The value varies smoothly in a 
	 * sinusoidal fashion, incrementing each time as per the above specified delta 
	 * angle increase.
	 * @return the next value as a double
	public double getDblVal() {
		double result = _mid + _ampl*Math.sin(_theta);
		_theta += _delta; // shorthand for _theta = _theta + _delta
		return result;

	 * Same as getDblVal, but returns the result rounded to the nearest integer.
	 * Note that getDblVal and getIntVal are not independent as getIntVal merely calls
	 * getDblVal.
	 * @return the next value as an int
	public int getIntVal() {
		return (int) Math.round(getDblVal());




© 2014 by Stephen Wong