COMP 310
Spring 2010

Lec05: Ballworld: The Next Generation

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 "Too much is never enough"  -- Mick Jagger

Design patterns as expressions of CS principles:

Why are there only a few types of bridges in use today?  There are only 4-6 different types of bridges, depending on whoe you ask:  See for instance:. or


Design Pattern CS Principle(s)
Union Polymorphism, inheritance
Template Concrete process involving abstract behaviors.
Singleton Uniqueness
Null Object Concept of "zero" (something that represents nothingness)
Observer-observable Decoupled communications from a single sender to multiple receivers.

To look for design patterns in the problem is to look for the underlying CS prinicples that are driving it.   The design patterns and the abstract notions that they represent comprise the "chunks" into which a problem is decomposed in order to understand it -- "Abstract decomposition"

Never Satisfied...

While the ability to dynamically load new classes and run them is nothing to sneeze at, why stop there?  Out inheritance-based Ballworld system is quite capable, but yet suffers from limitations imposed by its architecture.

What if we wanted more?    New Ballworld Demo

The discussion continues in the following Connexions module:


© 2010 by Stephen Wong