Lab 1 - Introduction to C

Lab goals:

You Will Need a Rice NetID and a GitHub Account

For this course, you will need to have a Rice NetID-type account to be able to log in to Rice's CLEAR Linux servers. If you do not have one, you can apply for one here.

You will also need a GitHub account for this course. GitHub hosts an instance of the git distributed software version control and change tracking system. Many of you already have a GitHub account. If you do not have one, you should create one now. As a computer scientist, your GitHub account will follow you forever, so choose your username wisely.

To access GitHub using git commands from the command-line, such as from CLEAR, you will also need to create what GitHub calls a personal access token (or PAT). To do so, refer to the GitHub documentation for creating a personal access token. It is easiest to use a classic token.

Specifically, follow the steps shown in this GitHub documentation under the heading Creating a personal access token (classic). Where it asks you to provide a Note, give a description such as For COMP 321 command-line use. Where it asks you to select the expiration period for your new token, select whatever period you like, such as perhaps the end of the semester. And where it asks you to select the scopes for your new token, make sure the checkbox next to repo is selected. Then click on the Generate token button.

This will then show you your newly generated GitHub personal access token. It will look like an ugly 40-character long line of random characters. Copy the new personal access token to your clipboard, and then paste it somewhere safe, such as a private file on your own computer or your password manager. Note that you must copy it immediately, as there is no way to see the token again once you leave that page. You will need to use this personal access token as if it was your GitHub password when using git commands on the command-line. Basically, your real GitHub password can still be used to access the GitHub website and acts as the long-term authenticator for your GitHub access, but your personal access token acts like a shorter-term password for your GitHub account when accessing GitHub from the command-line. You only need to generate a personal access token once, or when the one you had been using expires.

Register for COMP 321 on Piazza

This semester, we will be using Piazza, a web-based platform that will allow you to post questions about the course material and to receive answers from the instructors, from the TAs, and from your fellow classmates.

If you have not already done so, please register for COMP 321 on Piazza by going to the Piazza registration page. You will need to register using your email address.

Throughout the semester, check Piazza frequently for any new questions, answers, announcements, or other information. To do so, go to the COMP 321 Piazza page, log in to Piazza if you are not already logged in, and click on "Q & A" at the top of the page, if it is not already selected. In addition to posting and finding answers to your own questions, reading other questions and answers on Piazza can help you find additional valuable information including assignment assistance and clarifications. And if you encounter a new problem or question, you may well find an answer to it by searching on Piazza.

When using Piazza, please observe the following guidelines:

Basic Computer Pragmatics

All of your programming assignments in this class must be compiled and tested on Rice's CLEAR servers. In particular, you can log in to them over the network using ssh from your own personal laptop or desktop computer. Moreover, it doesn't matter whether your computer is on-campus or off-campus for accessing CLEAR using ssh. Also, note that you don't need to use (and shouldn't use) Rice's VPN when using ssh. You can log directly in to any of the CLEAR servers using just ssh using the host name This name automatically chooses one of the available servers.

Specifically, to log in to one of the CLEAR servers, you will need an ssh client program on your own computer. The details for which ssh client you use will differ, depending on whether your computer is a Mac or a Windows machine.


If you see a message about the host SSH key on clear, the following is the correct fingerprint as of 1/10/24:

SHA256:nQMQP3qbXdN3NemQvbgka7/d/zv2Ydj6e4jcS1NdQTA (ED25519)

Using a Mac to log in to CLEAR

To log in to CLEAR from your Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Terminal application.
  2. At the terminal's command line, type (this is the same as for logging in from a Windows computer, below):

    to log in to CLEAR. Log in using your Rice NetID and password. When logging in from your own personal computer, your username on that computer may be different than your Rice NetID. For yournetid above, use your Rice NetID.

    If you get a notice saying that the authenticity of the host can't be established and asking if you are sure you want to continue connecting, answer on yes. You only need to do this the first time you connect to a new server.

    Note: When entering commands, you must precisely duplicate the given capitalization.

Congratulations! You are now logged in to the CLEAR system and ready to go! You are at the command prompt of the command-line interface (also called a shell) and can now enter commands into CLEAR.

When you are done using CLEAR, you should log out of the CLEAR server by typing the following command at the CLEAR command prompt:


Using a Windows computer to log in to CLEAR

To log in to CLEAR from your PC, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Windows PowerShell application.
  2. At the terminal's command line, type (this is the same as for logging in from a Mac computer, above):

    to log in to CLEAR. Log in using your Rice NetID and password. When logging in from your own personal computer, your username on that computer may be different than your Rice NetID. For yournetid above, use your Rice NetID.

    If you get a notice saying that the authenticity of the host can't be established and asking if you are sure you want to continue connecting, answer on yes. You only need to do this the first time you connect to a new server.

    Note: When entering commands, you must precisely duplicate the given capitalization.

Congratulations! You are now logged in to the CLEAR system and ready to go! You are at the command prompt of the command-line interface (also called a shell) and can now enter commands into CLEAR.

When you are done using CLEAR, you should log out of the CLEAR server by typing the following command at the CLEAR command prompt:


If you run into any issues, you may also find it helpful to review Rice's documentation on logging into CLEAR from Windows.

C Survival Skills, Part 1

Like with Java programs, you will normally follow a three-step process:

  1. Write a C program.
  2. Compile the program.
  3. Run the program.
Of course, as you already know from previous COMP classes, writing a program is itself a multi-step process. Thus, you should expect to loop through these three steps as you finish, fix, and/or improve the program. 

In this class, the following steps should all be done on the CLEAR system, once you have logged in to CLEAR as described above.

  1. Writing will be done in an editor. You may use whatever editor your prefer. If you are unsure of what to use, we recommend either Visual Studio Code on your local machine connected remotely to CLEAR or nano directly on CLEAR.

    Visual Studio Code:We recommend that you install and use Visual Studio Code (VS Code). VS Code has become the gold standard of code editors. It uses familiar keyboard shortcuts and menus so you can start to use it very quickly. However, it is also extremely powerful and has a myriad of features to aid in programming that you will find helpful as you learn more about the editor. Furthermore, it has a rich extension ecosystem in which you can find an extension to do almost anything.

    In particular, VS Code can be used for remote develoment. This means you can install and use VS Code on your local machine while you work on CLEAR. To do so, you should install the Remote Development extension. Once you have done so, you can access CLEAR as follows:

    1. Press F1, Ctrl+Shift+P, or Command+Shift+P to open the Command Pallete and run the Remote-SSH: Connect to Host... command.
    2. Enter your user and host:
    3. You will be prompted for a password (the placeholder text will say Enter password), enter your netid password.
    4. You will be prompted for a password again, however this time it is actually the prompt for 2-factor authentication (the placeholder text will say ( Duo two factor login for...): 1 - Duo Push, 2 - Phone Call, 3 - SMS passcodes. Just enter a single number (1, 2, or 3).
    5. Complete the 2-factor authentication.

    Note that you need to pay attention to the placeholder text in the password input box in order to know when you should be typing your password (perhaps because you mistyped it) and when you should be typing a number for the Duo prompt.

    If/when it asks you for the Host Operating System, you should select Linux, as the CLEAR servers are Linux systems.

    Some students have found that they need to click Details in the message box that appears when logging into CLEAR via VSCode in order to access the Duo prompt. If things seem like they are not making progress, you should click Details and see if it provides any useful information.

    You can easily find plenty of information on the web about using VS Code effectively for programming.

    Nano: If you would prefer to get started quickly and set up VS Code later (or you would prefer not to use VS Code at all), we recommend nano, a small, easy to use editor that provides on-screen information about the most common editing commands available at any time. You can, however, use any editor you would like. Other common editors in the Unix environment include emacs and vim.

    Many things about the behavior of nano are configurable through a file called .nanorc located in your Unix "home directory" (the directory or "folder" you are in just after logging in). Every time you run nano, the program will use your .nanorc file to determine various things about the program's behavior. You only need to set up your .nanorc file once, not each time you run nano.

    We have provided a .nanorc that you can use, but you are free to create your own, to modify your own copy of our supplied .nanorc, or to use nano with no .nanorc. If you want to use our provided .nanorc (highly recommended), then you can install it for your use by the following two shell commands on CLEAR:

        cp /clear/www/htdocs/comp321/.nanorc .nanorc

    The cd command here changes your "current directory" to be your "home directory", and the cp command makes a copy of our provided .nanorc in your home directory. Be careful to type these two commands exactly as shown above.

    To run nano, you may use the following command:

    nano filename

    where filename is the name of an existing file you want to edit or a new file you want to create.

    In nano, you can move around within the file naturally, such as using cursor keys (i.e., the "arrow" keys), the "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys on the keyboard, etc., and you can delete characters naturally using the "Delete" or "Backspace" keys on your keyboard. For most characters that you type, they are simply inserted into the file as you type them, at the current cursor position.

    The bottom 3 lines on the screen have a special purpose. The first of these 3 lines shows useful status information. For example, when you first open a file in nano, this line tells you how many lines exist in the file or tells you that this is a new file. The 2 lines below this show the most common editing commands that you can use then.

    Editing commands in nano are generally typed as a single "control character". For example, typing a control-X causes nano to exit, typing a control-W allows you to search for words or other text within the file ("Where Is"), and typing control-G allows you to get online help within nano. As is common in many programs, a control character is displayed as, for example, ^X, meaning a single control-X character. To type such a control character, press and hold down the "Control" (or "Ctrl") key on your keyboard, then press and release the particular character (such as X), and finally release the Control key on your keyboard.

    The ^K ("Cut Text") and ^U ("UnCut Text") commands allow you to effectively move a whole line (or a part of a line) of text within your file. If you type ^K at the beginning of a line, nano "cuts" the entire line; if you type ^K somewhere in the middle of a line, nano "cuts" just from the current cursor position on that line to the end of the line (this behavior is determined by a setting in the .nanorc file). To bring the cut text back at some other place in the file, just move the cursor position to where you want to place the cut text and use the ^U ("UnCut Text") command.

    When you are done editing your file in nano, you must save that file before exiting nano. To do so, use the nano ^O command (meaning "WriteOut"). You will be prompted for "File Name to Write", with the default being the existing name of the file you are editing. If you just want to save it to the same name, just hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard. If you have made changes in the file in nano and try to exit nano (using ^X) without having saved your file, nano will ask you if you want to "Save modified buffer" first. Answer Y to save your changes to the file and then exit nano, or answer N to exit without saving your changes to the file (the file will still exist, but any changes you made to it while running nano this time will be discarded). If you want to continue in nano and not exit, answer with a single ^C character.

    If you are looking for more information on how to use nano, there are many tutorials available online, including this one and this one. And in addition to the help available within nano itself (available using control-G), the official documentation for the version of nano that is installed on CLEAR is available on the web.

  2. Compiling may be done either may be done by typing the compilation command at the Unix command prompt or at the control of a compilation manager like make.

    On CLEAR, an appropriate command would be

             cc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O2 program.c -o program

    This command and its options have the following meanings:

    • Use the cc C compiler.
    • Use the latest version of the C language that is supported by this compiler.
    • Enable all standard and some extra warnings.
    • Treat any warning like an error and reject the program (giving you a chance to fix that problem and try compiling again).
    • Ask the compiler to work harder to generate machine code that runs faster.
    • Use the single source code file program.c.
    • Output the resulting executable (the result of compiling this source code file) in a file named program.

    We recommend that you always use -Wall and -Wextra because they instruct the compiler to check for common programming errors, like using uninitialized variables. Technically, programs that provoke warnings are not illegal C programs, but they are unlikely to produce correct results. You'll see and use more compiler options later. Don't be surprised if the compiler finds lots of errors in your code and doesn't produce an executable.

    Nonetheless, most compilation in Unix is usually done under the control of make. A later lab will fully explain make, but even the first projects will set things up for you to use make without you needing to know the details of its operation.

  3. Running your program is then simply a matter of typing its full (i.e., absolute) path name (e.g. /a/b/c/program), or a relative path name (e.g., ./program) at a Unix prompt.

    Relative names are often much shorter and easier to type. In Unix, a period (".", usually pronounced "dot") is shorthand for the current directory, so prefixing "./" on a file name means to look for it in the current directory:


    Similarly, 2 periods ("..", or "dot dot") means to look for it in the parent directory, 1 level up:


    Note: If a single name is given to the shell (e.g., program) with no slashes in the name, the shell uses a search path to look for the program to run. A search path is simply a list of directories to look through to find executable programs of the given name.

    If the current directory (i.e., ".") is not on your Unix command search path, then you will need to prefix "./" to your program's name to run the program. For example:


    Otherwise, an error message such as the following will be printed:

             program: Command not found.

    To check your Unix command search path, you can enter the following command:

             echo $PATH

    For programs in the current directory, running them using the "./" prefix as above (e.g., "./program") is always the best approach, in any case. And it is recommended not to include "." on your Unix search path so that you don't accidentally end up running something from the current directory when you, for example, mistype the name of some standard Unix command.

Also, make sure you don't name your program the same as any of the standard Unix programs or commands. Otherwise, you're likely (depending on your $PATH) to run the standard program or command and not your own program. To check whether or not a name is that of some existing command, e.g., the name test, try the command

        which test
You'll find that test is the name of an existing Unix command (located in the file /usr/bin/test).

A Brief Introduction to Generic git Concepts

In this class, we will be using the git program for providing starter or template files to you, and you will be using git for managing and saving your source code files and for submitting your work for grading.

The git program is a complex system with hundreds of operations and variations. But for now (and for this lab), however, we will stick to the 6 most fundamental operations of git. For the most part, these operations should suffice for most of the class. We will supply you with more information on git if and when it becomes necessary.

The fundamental object that git maintains is called a repository. For the moment, think of a repository (or "repo" for short) as a kind of augmented directory (or folder). The repository contains source code files, augmented with a history of changes to those files. This means that you can go back to any previous version of some file that has been committed to the repository.

The git system distinguishes between local and remote copies of a repository. The normal git workflow begins by cloning a remote repository onto the local system, then making several commits to the local copy, and finally pushing the changes back to the remote repo.

One other wrinkle in the git workflow involves local commits. Rather than a single operation to accomplish a local commit, git uses two operations to accomplish this task. The first stage is used to add any new or modified files to a list of files to be committed, followed by the actual commit operation to commit those files to the local repo. In particular, you add the files to be committed in step 1 (all on a single add command or on multiple individual add commands), followed by a single commit operation to commit all of the added files at the same time.

Creating a git Repo for Something in COMP 321

For this class, our remote git repos will use GitHub. As mentioned above, GitHub hosts an instance of the git system, and your remote git repos will be stored in the GitHub cloud. Your local git repos will be stored on Rice's CLEAR system.

The first step for any lab or assignment in this class is to use your browser to go to the provided link for the starter code. For this lab, that link is:

If you are not already logged in to GitHub, it will ask you to do so now.

Next, since this will be your first use of GitHub for this class, GitHub will first show you a web page titled Join the classroom, where you need to associate your GitHub account (which you are logged in to GitHub as) with your netid (your "school's identifier" for you). This is necessary so that we can then correctly attribute your GitHub submissions to you for grading them, for this lab and all following labs and assignments. Scroll down to find your netid and click on it. GitHub will ask if you are sure you want select the netid you selected, and if so, click on OK. You only need to do this step once; for the rest of the labs and for the assignments, GitHub should not need to ask you this.

Following this step, you should next be presented with a web page asking you to "Accept the assignment". Please click on the green Accept this assignment button.

GitHub will then do a bit of work to create a new remote repo for you for this assignment, based on the starter code we have provided. This may take only a few seconds, or it may take a few minutes. Occasionally use your browser to refresh the view of this web page, until you get a new page saying You're ready to go!.

On this You're ready to go! page, you should also see a link to your new remote repo. This link will begin with https:// and will end with your own GitHub username. Use the mouse on your computer to copy that entire link (beginning with the https:// text and ending with your GitHub username) to the clipboard on your computer. You will use this link in a moment to clone this remote repo onto CLEAR as your local repo for this lab.

Log in to the CLEAR system if you have not already done so. In your home directory on CLEAR, type the following command:

git clone   paste your repo link from the clipboard here

In other words, type the words

git clone

followed by a space, then paste the link from your clipboard (the link you copied above) onto that same command line. Then hit the Enter key on your keyboard to complete the command. You will be prompted for your GitHub username and password. As described above, you need to use your GitHub personal access token as your GitHub password here (e.g., use your mouse to copy and paste your personal access token here, from whatever file you saved it in when you generated it above).

Once the clone operation is complete, you will have a directory named

where name is your GitHub username. Confirm that you have the directory by typing ls on the command line. (ls is the Unix command to list files).

Now, change your current directory into this new directory by typing

cd lab-1-introduction-to-c-name
where name, again, is your GitHub username. The cd command name is short for change directory. Now that you are inside this new directory, type ls again. You will see two files of starter code and a README file:

The file contains the instructions for the exercises in this lab, as will be the case throughout the semester. The README file is in markdown format; you can look at it in any text editor and it will mostly make sense. However, it is intended to be viewed from within the GitHub web interface, where it will be formatted nicely. You should see it below the list of files in the repository, as GitHub automatically displays the file for a repository.

At this point you will edit, compile, and run your files several times. When you have completed a unit of work, you will want to commit your changes to your local repository. In addition, after a few commit steps, you will want to push your changes back to the remote repository for safekeeping. (We are being vague here, as the amount of work you do before a commit or push is a judgment call.)

A Complete Example git Workflow

In this section, we will give some details on the git operations needed to enact a simple (and typical) COMP 321 workflow.

Step 0. Clone the starting repo (You have already done this step for this lab, presumably)

git clone   your personal assignment repository name

Step 1. If you have not done so already, cd to your local directory (repo).

cd   your local assignment directory name
Work in your local directory; perform some edit-compile-test cycles.

Step 2. When at a good point, do a local commit.

Step 2.1: See what has already been added using

git status

Step 2.2: Add all files we want to commit, both files that have changed since last commit as well as newly created files.

git add   names of changed files and new files
Note, you should always include in your repo all files that you created in the lab, other than those (such as the output of the compiler) generated automatically from other files. Think of this as including just the files necessary to backup and to be able to recreate your work. Do not simply add all files to your repo; for example, do not simply say something like git add . or git add *, and never add any core files to your repo. Only add the actual files that should be in your repo.

Step 2.3 (Optional): Confirm the status

git status

Step 2.4: Commit the changes to the local repo

git commit -m 'a brief 1-line message describing the commit changes'

You may repeat steps 1 and 2, before deciding to push the local commits to the remote repository. (You may also, instead, decide to push after every local commit, if you want to.)

Step 3. Push local repository changes back to remote repository

git push origin master

PLEASE NOTE: You must commit and push your final result!  This is how we are able to grade your submissions!

You can push as many times as you want. We always take your latest version (up to the deadline) for grading.

One other operation you may want to use will list the commit messages from the history.

git log

It is also highly recommended that you set up the credential cache using the following git command. This will save you from having to reenter the credential upon every interaction with GitHub.

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=7200'
You are also free to change the timeout (the number of seconds to cache credentials) as you like, although we recommend setting the timeout to 7200 seconds.

Finally, in common Unix fashion, the git program supplies general help

git help
You can also get help with a specific git command. For example
git help commit
shows help for the commit command. Other git commands also have help.

Some C Fundamentals

Don't forget what you've learned before, especially about designing and testing programs. For most programs and functions, you should follow all the same design steps as you learned in previous COMP classes.

Now we need to see some basic C syntax. To begin, you'll write small programs that are just transliterated from ones written in more familiar languages, like Python. In fact, the syntax should be familiar to those of you who just took COMP 215, because Java's syntax is based on that of C. For brevity, we'll omit the steps you should be using in designing the programs, and show only the final code.

A Simple Recursive Function

For now, we will use numbers as our only data. Examples with more interesting kinds of data will be presented in the upcoming lectures and laboratories.

Let's write sum_upto, which computes the sum of the integers 0, 1, ..., n.  In Python, we could write

     def sum_upto(n):
         Returns 0 + ... + n.
         if n == 0:
             return (0)
             return (n + sum_upto(n - 1))

A C transliteration would be:

     /* Returns 0 + ... + n. */
     sum_upto(int n)
             if (n == 0)
                     return (0);
                     return (n + sum_upto(n - 1));

Some remarks:

A complete C Program

Like Java objects, C functions don't stand on their own as complete programs. We need a main() function to start the program. To make it useful, we also need at least a little bit of output.

A sample main() for the above sum_upto():

     #include <stdio.h>

     /* Returns 0+...+n. */
     sum_upto(int n)
             if (n == 0)
                     return (0);
                     return (n + sum_upto(n - 1));

             int n1 = 3;
             int n2 = 5;

             printf("The sum of 0..%d = %d.\nThe sum of 0..%d = %d.\n",
                 n1, sum_upto(n1), n2, sum_upto(n2));
             return (0);

Some remarks:

Alternative: Loop-based Programming

In low-level programming, loops are far more common than recursion.

In the examples below, the corresponding pieces of code are colored in like colors.

  1. Initialize the loop counter.
  2. Initialize the accumulator.
  3. Repeatedly,
    1. Test whether we should continue.
    2. Update the accumulator.
    3. Update the loop counter.
  4. Return the accumulator.

One way to rewrite the sum_upto function in Python using loops is

     def sum_upto(n):
         Returns 0 + ... + n.
         total = 0
         for i in range(n + 1):
             total += i
         return total

Two C loop-based versions are

     /* Returns 0+...+n. */
     sum_upto(int n)
         int total = 0;
         int i;

         for (i = n; i > 0; i -= 1)
             total += i;
         return (total);
     /* Returns 0+...+n. */
     sum_upto(int n)
         int total = 0;
         int i = n;

         while (i > 0) {
             total += i;
             i -= 1;
         return (total);

Some remarks:

Using Function Prototypes

C requires function prototypes in order to know the arguments and return types of a function that has not yet been defined.

So, the following code will compile and run correctly:

     #include <stdio.h>

     /* Returns 0+...+n. */
     sum_upto(int n)
             int total = 0;
             int i;

             for (i = n; i > 0; i -= 1)
                     total += i;
             return (total);

             int n = 5;

             printf("Sum of 0 ... %d is %d.\n",
                 n, sum_upto(n));
             return (0);

But, this version with the functions reordered will not:

     #include <stdio.h>

             int n = 5;

             printf("Sum of 0 ... %d is %d.\n",
                 n, sum_upto(n));
             return (0);  /* no error */

     /* Returns 0+...+n. */
     sum_upto(int n)
             int total = 0;
             int i;

             for (i = n; i > 0; i -= 1)
                     total += i;
             return (total);

The problem is that, when main calls sum_upto, the C compiler doesn't know what the arguments or return values are for sum_upto. The use of a function prototype will allow the compiler to know this and that the function sum_upto itself is going to be defined later:

     #include <stdio.h>

     int sum_upto(int n);

             int n = 5;

             printf("Sum of 0 ... %d is %d.\n",
                 n, sum_upto(n));
             return (0);

     /* Returns 0+...+n. */
     sum_upto(int n)
             int total = 0;
             int i;

             for (i = n; i > 0; i -= 1)
                     total += i;
             return (total);

Some remarks:

C Survival Skills, Part 2

We will not be introducing you to all features of C. You should use a C reference book. Also, the online Unix manual pages (i.e., using the Unix man shell command) describe all of the standard C library functions and other commands and library procedures.


The labs are not graded. However, you will receive extra credit for completing them. If, at the end of the semester, your final grade is within 0.25 points from the next letter grade cutoff, you will be bumped up to the higher letter grade based on the labs.

In order to receive the extra credit bump, you must have done the following for each lab:

You may fail to submit at most one lab on time and still be eligible to receive the extra credit bump. You may not use slip days for labs.


For this lab and all labs in this course, if you finish everything before the end of your scheduled lab session, you may leave early. If you do not finish, you may continue to work on the lab after you leave. In either case, though, be sure to git push your work on the lab before 11:55 PM tonight, to get credit for the lab.

Again, you should always include in your repo all files that you created in the lab, other than those (such as the output of the compiler) generated automatically from other files. Think of this as including just the files necessary to backup and to be able to recreate your work. Do not simply add all files to your repo; for example, do not simply say something like git add . or git add *, and never add any core files to your repo. Only add the actual files that should be in your repo.