
Lab 11 - Networking

Lab goals:

Computer Networking Background

The most commonly used method for communicating across computer networks such as the Internet today is the TCP/IP protocol family. Basically, IP (the Internet Protocol) provides the ability to communicate packets between computers on the network, but this communication is not guaranteed to be reliable, including the possibility that some packets may be garbled, lost, or reordered. A packet consists of a control header, carrying information such as the network address of the source and destination computers, and a payload of up to some limited number of data bytes. TCP (the Transmission Control Protocol) uses the services of IP to provide reliable (lossless) byte stream communication from one computer to another. In Unix, the TCP/IP protocols are accessed via a mix of standard Unix I/O and the sockets API.

IPv4 Addresses

Throughout this lab, any mention of IP addresses refers to IPv4 addresses. IPv4 (IP version 4) is what is widely used in the Internet today, whereas IPv6 (IP version 6) is gradually being deployed in the Internet to supplement and replace IPv4.

IP addresses (again, here, IPv4 addresses) are represented in the sockets API using the following structure:

/* Internet address structure */
struct in_addr {
        unsigned int s_addr;    /* network byte order (big-endian) */

When using this structure, it is important to remember that the data in it is in network byte order. As we have previously discussed in Lab 4 (Advanced I/O in C), different machines store the bytes of a multi-byte data type, like an integer, in different byte orders. Some computers use little-endian order, and others use big-endian order. To allow machines with different byte orders to communicate over the network, the byte order for all IP networks, for all information as it goes over the network, has been standardized to use big-endian order. Therefore, any part of a packet header, including the IP addresses, are stored and transmitted in network byte order.

The C library provides some handy functions, defined by the header file <arpa/inet.h>, for handling byte-order conversions. You've seen some of these before in the Linking assignment:

If the local machine's byte order happens to be the same as network byte order (i.e., big-endian order), these functions do nothing, but otherwise, they byte swap the value to properly convert it to/from network byte order.

Although the size of an IP address is 32 bits, it isn't usually written (e.g., for us humans) as a single 32-bit number. Instead, each of the 4 bytes in the address is represented in decimal separately, in the order from the most significant byte to least significant byte, with periods (referred to as dots) separating them. For example, the IP address 2150244638 (decimal) or 0x802A211E (hex) is usually written as This format is referred to as the dotted decimal representation of the address.

The C library provides the following functions for converting an IP address into and out of dotted decimal representation:

As always, check the manual (man) pages for details on using these functions and on the error conditions that they can return. To use these functions, you must include the header file <arpa/inet.h>.

The Domain Name System (DNS)

IP addresses are difficult for humans to remember, so the Domain Name System (DNS) is used to provide a mapping between easy to remember textual domain names (sometimes simply called hostnames) and IP addresses. A domain name consists a hierarchical sequence of textual labels that are separated by dots, with the right-most label identifying the top-level domain for the name. For example,  rice.educs.rice.edu,  and  www.cs.rice.edu  are all examples of different domain names that belong to the  edu  top-level domain.  The name rice.edu refers to the rice subdomain of edu, the name cs.rice.edu refers to the cs subdomain of rice.edu, and the name www.cs.rice.edu refers to the www subdomain of cs.rice.edu.  Other top-level domain names include  comorg,  and  net.

The DNS is maintained as a huge worldwide distributed database implemented on a set of DNS servers, where each server handles requests for all names in a zone of the DNS name space. A zone is a subtree of the DNS name space that is managed by a single entity, pruned of lower down subtrees for which management has been delegated to a different entity and thus form a different zone. Each zone is required to have replicated servers. For example, the rice.edu domain is served by two different replicated DNS servers operated by Rice, and is also supported by two backup servers operated by Purdue University and one operated by Southern Methodist University. The domain name essentially identifies the path from the root of the hierarchy (reading from right to left in the domain name), and the data is stored by the servers for that zone as a set of resource records (RRs) associated with that name. The IPv4 address for a name is stored as an A resource record, whereas the IPv6 address for the same name is stored as an AAAA (usually called quad A) resource record.

The following image (from Wikipedia) depicts this organization of the DNS hierarchy into zones, domain names, and resource records:

DNS from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System

The C library provides a set of functions for querying the DNS for host address information, represented by the following structure:

struct addrinfo {
        int               ai_flags;     /* flags for getaddrinfo */
        int               ai_family;    /* address type (AF_INET or AF_INET6) */
        int               ai_socktype;  /* the socket type */
        int               ai_protocol;  /* the type of protocol */
        size_t            ai_addrlen;   /* length of ai_addr */
        struct sockaddr   *ai_addr;     /* pointer to a sockaddr struct */
        char              *ai_canonname;/* the canonical name */
        struct addrinfo   *ai_next;     /* pointer to the next addrinfo struct */

And the C library provides the following functions to perform these types of DNS queries:

To use these functions, you must include both <sys/socket.h> and <netdb.h>.

Aside: Some older documents, including previous editions of the textbook for this class, refer to the functions gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr(). However, these functions have been deprecated, for two reasons: they are not thread-safe, and some implementations of these functions do not support IPv6. You should avoid using these deprecated functions and should use only getaddrinfo() and its related functions above instead.

Connection Endpoint Addresses

As described above, TCP provides a reliable (lossless), point-to-point byte stream connection between two computers such as between a client and a server. A socket represents one of the two endpoints of the connection. Every TCP socket has a unique combination of IP address and port number, where the port number is a 16-bit integer. The port number can either be assigned automatically or be a well-known port number used by convention to represent a particular service, like port 80 for HTTP.

Sockets are used in Unix as the endpoint for more than just TCP connections, and at the time when the sockets API was originally developed, the C language did not yet support generic (i.e., void *) pointers. So, the following generic socket structure was meant to be able to represent the endpoint addresses for arbitrary communication channels (not just for TCP/IP), with the sa_data member providing space for the particular addressing information needed, depending on the value of sa_family:

struct sockaddr {
        unsigned short  sa_family;    /* protocol family */
        char            sa_data[14];  /* address data */

The TCP/IP-specific version of this generic connection endpoint address structure, a struct sockaddr_in, is defined as follows, with the sa_data member above replaced with the addressing information needed for TCP/IP sockets:

struct sockaddr_in {
        unsigned short sin_family;    /* address family (AF_INET or AF_INET6) */
        unsigned short sin_port;      /* port num in network byte order */
        struct in_addr sin_addr;      /* IP addr in network byte order */
        unsigned char  sin_zero[8];   /* pad to sizeof(struct sockaddr) */

The proper way to pass a  struct sockaddr_in  pointer as an argument to a function that expects a  struct sockaddr  pointer is to fill in the  struct sockaddr_in  variable and then cast the address of that variable to a  struct sockaddr *  when using it as the argument to the function.

More on getaddrinfo()

As noted above, in the simplest usage of getaddrinfo(), to just look up an IP address for a given name, you should specify the service and hints arguments for getaddrinfo() both as NULL. However, getaddrinfo() is more powerful than that. It can provide you with all of the argument values needed to actually open a TCP connection to that computer (see the description of the socket() and connect() system calls for the simple echo client below).

In particular, the service argument can specify the server port number to connect to, either as a "%d"-formatted character string giving the port number or as the name of the service to which you would like to connect. For example, port number 80 is defined as the default port number used by web servers. On a call to getaddrinfo(), this port can be specified with the service argument either as "80" or as "http" or "www", and getaddrinfo() will then initialize the sin_port field of the struct sockaddr_in within the struct addrinfo (when the struct sockaddr is viewed as a struct sockaddr_in) to the value 80.

The hints argument to getaddrinfo() can be used to specify many other fields or behaviors as well. For example, the socktype field can be set to SOCK_STREAM to indicate a TCP connection. And the ai_flags field can be set to the logical or of different flags to control the results of getaddrinfo(). For this lab, the two relevant flags are:

Finally, as noted above, getaddrinfo() may return more than one struct addrinfo, since any computer on the Internet may have more than one IP address. To fully make use of these multiple addresses, the requesting computer, when attempting to connect to the intended server, may try a connection attempt with each of those multiple addresses, until one of these connection attempts succeeds (or until all addresses have been attempted).

Overview of the Lab Exercises

The exercises in this lab will be similar to those in Lab 6 (Advanced Linked Lists), in which we asked you to fill in code to make a working hash table. For this time lab, you will create the client program and the server program for a network echo service: the echo client will connect to the echo server and send some text, and the server will then reply by sending the same text back to the client.

To build these programs, use the Unix command:


You can also build either the echo server or echo client programs individually using either of the following two Unix commands, respectively:

    make echoclient
    make echoserver

The initial source code for the echo client program is located in echoclient.c in your repository, and the initial source code for the echo server program is located in echoserver.c.

A Simple Echo Client

The anatomy of the client side of a typical TCP connection is simple. First, the client program should create a socket with a call to socket(), which has the following prototype:

int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);

The argument domain should be AF_INET for IP (i.e., IPv4) connections or AF_INET6 for IPv6 connections; use AF_INET for domain for this lab. The argument type should be SOCK_STREAM for TCP connections, and the argument protocol should be 0 for TCP connections. This call returns a file descriptor that refers to the new socket.

Next, the client program should pass the file descriptor returned from socket(), together with a properly filled in struct sockaddr_in, to the connect() function, which has the following prototype:

int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);

Remember that the sockets interface was meant to support many different types of communication channels, not just TCP/IP. The addrlen argument is used to allow for differently-sized socket addresses. For TCP/IP communication, you should use a struct sockaddr_in as the variable for the socket address, and addrlen should be the sizeof() for that struct sockaddr_in socket address variable. Assuming that a server process is running and listening on the requested address, the TCP connection will have been established upon return from connect().

A Simple Echo Server

The server side of a TCP connection is more complex than the client side.

Just like with the client, the server program should first call socket() to create a TCP socket, which requires the AF_INET (or AF_INET6) and SOCK_STREAM options (for this lab, you will use AF_INET to create an IPv4 TCP socket):

int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);

Next, a struct sockaddr_in must be filled in to describe what interface the server will be listening on. Recall the definition of a struct sockaddr_in:

struct sockaddr_in {
        unsigned short sin_family;  /* AF_INET for this lab */
        unsigned short sin_port;    /* htons(port number) */
        struct in_addr sin_addr;    /* htonl(INADDR_ANY) */
        unsigned char  sin_zero[8]; /* unused */

If this computer has multiple network interfaces (generally, that is, multiple different network hardware interfaces to different networks), but if the server is willing to use only one of those network interfaces for this server, then the sin_addr field should be set to the IP address of this computer on that particular network interface (each network interface on the computer will have a different IP address). More commonly, if the server is willing to accept connections from any network interface on this computer, then sin_addr should be set to htonl(INADDR_ANY). As described above, the struct sockaddr_in requires the address to be in network byte order, so we need to use htonl here. The port number identifies the port on which this server will be listening for connections.

The function bind should then used to set the address of the socket to the address specified in the struct sockaddr_in. The prototype for bind is

int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);

Here, sockfd should be the file descriptor created by the call to socket (above), and addr should be the address of the struct sockaddr_in variable that was filled in above (cast to be a struct sockaddr *). The argument addrlen should be sizeof() for that struct sockaddr_in variable.

Once the address of the socket is set, the server should use listen() to tell the operating system kernel that the socket is ready to accept connections from clients (i.e., to begin listening for connections). The prototype for listen() is

int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);

The backlog argument to listen() is the maximum number of pending connections that should be supported. Additional connection requests beyond this limit are rejected by the operating system. Note that this is a limit on pending connections (i.e., those that have not yet been accepted, as described below); it is not a limit on total connections.

It is important to note the distinction between listening file descriptors and connected file descriptors. A listening file descriptor is created by a call to listen() and is the endpoint for new client connection requests. The server program should create a listening descriptor only once during the lifetime of the program. A connected file descriptor is the endpoint for one specific connection between a specific client and this server. A new connected file descriptor is created every time the server accepts a new connection request from a client. The reason for this distinction is so that concurrent servers can simultaneously communicate with many clients.

A new connection request from a client is accepted with the accept() function. The accept() function has the following prototype:

int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);

The sockfd should be a valid listening file descriptor. The accept() function returns a connected file descriptor for the newly created connection, and if addr is not NULL,  then accept() also sets the contents of the buffer at addr to be the socket address of the accepted client.  The accept() call will also have set the integer at the address given by addrlen to the size of the resulting addr structure.

Server Process Concurrency

Your current echoserver handles only one request at a time, but servers on the Internet generally need to be able to handle many concurrent requests. For example, Wikipedia averages around 100,000 requests (or more) per second. Wikipedia would be unusable if it did not handle requests concurrently. In order to handle that many requests, Wikipedia needs concurrency on each server as well concurrency across its many (300) servers. In this lab, we will focus on concurrency within a single server.

One simple form of concurrency for a server is process concurrency. In process concurrency, each different request is handled by a distinct process. In this lab, we will explore a common process concurrency technique often called fork-after-accept.

In the fork-after-accept technique, a single server process accepts all incoming connections. After a connection is made, the server forks a copy of itself to handle the new request, and the original process (the parent) returns to accepting other new incoming connections. This technique leverages the behavior of fork() in copying the parent's address space to the new child's address space. In addition, all open files and sockets are shared by the parent and new child process after the fork().

GitHub Repository for This Lab

To obtain your private repo for this lab, please point your browser to this link for the starter code for the lab. Follow the same steps as for previous labs and assignments to create your repository on GitHub and then to clone it onto CLEAR. The directory for your repository for this lab will be


where name is your GitHub userid.


Be sure to git push the appropriate C source files for this lab before 11:55 PM tonight, to get credit for this lab.