COMP360/560 Lab 1 : Turtle Graphics

Due Date: Jan 30, 2019, 11:59pm

1    Overview

In this project you will implement turtle graphics as discussed in class. First, you will create a virtual turtle that can carry out the basic turtle commands. Next, you will use your turtle to draw simple shapes. You will then implement operators, such as shift, spin, and scale, which you will apply to simple shapes to generate more complicated geometry. Finally, you will create recursive turtle functions that generate fractals.

This project is due at Jan 30, 2019 at 11:59pm. It is worth 100 points.

You should work in pairs on this lab.

2    Specification

The given code can be compiled directly without change. The window in Figure 1 should appear when compilation finishes.

Figure 1: after compilation
The program is divided into three separate sub-regions: the Display (black box to the left), the Input (white vertical box in the middle), and the History (white vertical box to the right). For most of your assignment, you will be typing into the Input and the turtle actions will be drawn in the Display. When your program starts, the Display should be blank.

This project is divided two parts. Part One requires you to fill in the appropriate code for changing the state of the turtle. This includes changing the turtle's position, direction, and scaling factor. It also includes changing the width and the color of the trail of lines drawn by the turtle. This part needs to be completed by modifying the given framework (C++ code). The first part must be completed before you can proceed to the second part of the project.

Part Two requires you to implement turtle drawing commands using a given language. This language has built-in functions that correspond to the C++ code of Part One. The language we will be using is based on Logo. The syntax of this language is very close to the syntax of Mathematica. For the sake of brevity, we will refer to the language as L1 (for Lab 1).

Any portion that requires your implementation will be annotated (in parenthesis) with the point value of that particular section. For example, the work required in Section 2.1 is worth 17 points.

2.1   Part One - Completing the turtle commands (17 Points)

First, open the file Rendering/Turtle.h. In this file, there are several classes, and their purposes can be easily intuited from their names (such as Pt for describing a 2D point and Line for describing a line segment). The class TurtleMachine is the class you will need to modify.

TurtleMachine keeps track of the following information: Your job is to fill in the following empty functions: The lectures in class and the textbook have described some of these functions in more detail. Please first refer to them if you have trouble with this portion. Once you have implemented these functions, you are ready to start writing turtle programs.

2.2   Part Two - Turtle programming with L1

We will first learn the syntax of L1. L1 is a simple, bare-bone language that allows you to program the turtle and create interesting pictures.

2.2.1  Basic language specs

An L1 program consists of statements. Statements can be entered into the Input for evaluation (one statement at a time). After you have typed a statement in Input, you can evaluate the statement by holding the shift key and pressing enter. In the following sections, we describe valid statements in L1.  Numbers and symbols
Numbers are defined in standard notation. Only integers and decimal numbers are allowed. The following are proper numbers: "1", ".1", "1.", and "-1.2". The following are not proper numbers: "1,000", "+2", and "1e9".

Symbols are defined in the same way as in C-style languages. The first character must be a letter ('a'-'z' or 'A'-'Z'). The following characters can either be letters or digits ('0'-'9'). The following are valid symbols: "abc", "abc123", and "A123b". The following are not valid symbols: "1abc", "_abc", and "345". Symbols are used in variable and function definitions.

L1 provides one special constant, Pi, which contains the decimal value of Pi. You will want to use this symbol in your implementation of the turtle.  Arithmetic
You can perform simple arithmetic with L1, using a syntax that is similar to C-style languages. As an exercise, type the following statements into the Input: The small horizontal box (Output) under the Input should have displayed: 2, 3, 3, and 1, respectively. Integer arithmetic and real value arithmetic are not the same. For example, 1/2 evaluates to 0, but 1/2.0 evaluates to 0.5. Mixing integers with real values will produce real values (in general, think C-style behavior).

Like C-style languages, the order of operation between operators of the same priority is determined from left to right. However, to avoid confusion, we encourage you to use parenthesis liberally to enforce order of operation.  Variable definition
Variables can be defined in a syntax similar to C-style languages. Type the following two statements into the Input. Remember you can only evaluate one statement at a time in Input.
  1. x=0
  2. x+1
  3. y
  4. x=x+1
  5. x
The Output should display 1 for the second statement, and fail on the third statement. The third statement fails because y is undefined. The fourth statement adds 1 to the previous value of x and saves the new value into x. Hence, the fifth statement should evaluate to 1.  Function definition
The definition of a function has two parts, separated by the = sign. The first part is defined by first choosing a function name (a symbol), followed by a comma-separated list of parameters (list of symbols). The parameters are enclosed by square brackets([a,b,c,...]). The second part is a statement that can reference the parameters as variables. The following are examples of valid function definitions, Recursive function definition is also possible but needs to be done with care. A later section will cover recursion.

2.2.2  Special functions

These special functions will be necessary in fully implementing turtle graphics.  Block[A,B,C,...] - execute multiple statements
Block groups sequential statements into a single composite statement. Assume we are given statements A, B, and C. We can build the sequence of executing A, B, and C by writing Block[A,B,C]. The value of a Block statement is the value of the last statement executed in the sequence, C. Consider the example, This will execute x=1, x=x+1, and x in that order. The Output should display the value of x, which is 2.  For[i,a,b,S] - looping structure
The For[ ] function allows for repeated execution of a statement, S; i represents the counting variable; a and b are integers with the relationship that a<=b. The statement S can refer to i as a variable; i will count from a to b with respect to the loop iteration. Try the following examples,
  1. Block[x=0, For[i,1,5,x=x+i], x]
  2. Factorial[n]=Block[x=1, For[i,1,n,x=x*i], x]
For statement 1, the Output will display the value of x which is 1+2+3+4+5=15. Statement 2 defines a factorial function that computes n!.  Eq[a,b,T,F] - conditional
The Eq[ ] function allows for branching. You can consider Eq as equivalent to the more familiar notation if(a==b) {T} else {F}. Statement T will only execute if a is equal to b. Otherwise, statement F will execute. Try the following, This function will return 1 if a is 2 times b. So test[2,1] evaluates to 1, but test[1,1] evaluates to 0.  Cos[x] and Sin[x] - trignometric functions
Basic trig functions that you may use to implement turtle programs. The parameter x should be an angle in radians.  Print[x,...] - Standard output print function
This function prints the value of its parameters. The functions can take any number of parameters greater than one. For two or more parameters, the output will be a comma-separated list of the values of the parameters.  Int[x] - Converts a numeric value to an integer
This function converts a numeric value, which can be either an integer or a floating point value, to an integer. A floating point to integer conversion will truncate any value after the decimal point. For example, both Int[1.1] and Int[1.6] will return the integer 1.  ResetAll[ ] - clear all states
This function resets all variable and function definitions. It also resets the state of the turtle.  Hold[ ] - passing procedures as arguments to functions
To allow for proper passage of procedures as arguments, we need an identifier that indicate "lazy evaluation" of the parameter arguments. In general, if we write a statement f[x], where f[x]=Block[x,...], x is evaluated once at the function instantiation, and once more when the function uses the variable x. For example, if we write What value would you expect a to hold? Most people would answer a=1. By substituting a=a+1 into f[x], we get f[a=a+1]=(a=a+1)=(a=0+1)=(a=1). But L1 greedily evaluates its function parameters, which means a=a+1 will be evaluated twice, so a=2 (try it). To prevent greedy evaluation, we use the following syntax, Then, the output value is 1, which is what we expect. This feature will be essential for functions such as Shift,Spin, and Scale.  General note about recursion
In general, your recursive functions should take the form where baseCase is a statement you want to evaluate as the base case of the recursion. Most (if not all) of the fractals that you are required to implement should have this form. It is also possible to have the base case as a variable, such as, In this case, as mentioned in the previous section, you need to call the function f with a lazily-evaluated base case statement. So calling f might look like, Note the use of the Hold function.

2.2.3  Turtle functions

The turtle functions are built-in commands that correspond to the functions you have implemented in Part One. Following are their syntactic definitions, Once you have finished Part One. You can test out these commands. As an example, you can try the following statement, This code should draw a triangle, with sides of length 50.

2.2.4  Simple turtle programs (17 Points)

You will need to complete the following functions (or programs) in L1. You can save your progress by using the "Save file" button. Save often so that if the program unexpectedly crashes, you won't feel compelled to destroy your monitor. The saved files are simple text files that you can edit freely. In a saved file, statements are separated by "#", and they are executed in the order from top to bottom when loaded.

Figure 2: Rosette

2.2.5  Turtle program operators (17 points)

Your program should also respond to the following fractal commands.

2.2.6  Turtle fractals (17 points)

Figure 3a: KochSnowflakeSide at
recursion level 1

Figure 3b: KochSnowflakeSide at
recursion level 2

Figure 4:The Koch Snowflake, created by
the Snowflake program with sides = 3.

Figure 5: The Sierpinski Gasket, a PolyGasket
with 3 sides and a scale factor of 0.5.

2.2.7   Additional fractals (16 points)

For the remaining fractals, you should create your own command syntax. Be sure to clearly document how to call these turtle programs in your README file. Implement turtle programs to generate the five fractals shown below (Figures 6&7).

Figure 6: The Square Gasket and the Fractal Staircase.
Figure 7: The Hangman Fractal, a Fractal Bush, and a Fractal Tree.

2.2.8   Flag of Freedonia (16 points)

Freedonia has just emerged from several centuries of a brutal absolute monarchy. Rufus T. Firefly, the newly elected democratic prime minister of Freedonia, has declared a contest among his citizens to create an appropriate flag for the new Republic of Freedonia to replace the old flag of the monarchy, which displayed a lion disemboweling a lamb on a bloody red background. You are going to enter this contest, using turtle graphics to generate a new flag for the fledgling republic. The best flag wins the grand prize, sharing a bowl of duck soup with the prime minister. Your grade will reflect the artistic quality of your flag. Once again, you should document in your README the commands necessary to produce your flag.

2.3   Notes

3   What to turn in

Use the given "lab_turtle" directory. This directory should contain your source code, all files needed to build your program in Visual C++, all text files containing each of your turtle programs (In each file just include a single turtle program) and all the images generated by your turtle program. The grader should be able to load up the text file and test all of your turtle programs. The outcome of each turtle program should be the same as the image you submit. Also include a README pdf file containing: You should turn in a .zip file containing the directory of the VS project in Canvas. Please name your .zip file as If your project will be completed late, email your TA and let him know.