COMP 405

Installing Java and Eclipse Enterprise Editions

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Having trouble?   See the Java EE Tips and Traps page!

Step 1: Install the latest Java EE SDK:  

  1. Go to
  2. Download the latest "SDK with JDK" that is appropriate for your platform.

If you see the following error during installation, then you probably do not have the 32-bit Java JRE installed.  Ironically, the 64-bit  Java EE installer requires the 32-bit JRE to run.  (Ref:  Stackoverflow posting: Java EE 6 SDK uninstal 'Could not find the required version of the Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment')

JEE Install error

 To install the 32-bit JRE, go to and install Java from this site, which will install the 32-bit JRE.   The proper JRE for your system will be automatically selected.  The Java EE installer should run fine after that.

The Java EE installation will install the Glassfish web application server.    We will not be using the Glassfish server, so when the following screen is shown, be sure to uncheck the "Start domain after creation" box.

JEE install glassfish


Be sure to install any updates to Java EE!!

Step 2:  Install the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

  1. Go to and download the "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers"
  2. IMPORTANT: If you already have Eclipse installed, you may have a problem where both the old and new Eclipse installations are in a folder called "eclipse".     The solution is to create a folder called "eclipse_jee" at the desired install location, e.g. Program Files, and copy the contents of the eclipse folder in the download to the eclipse_jee folder.
  3. Likewise any shortcut you create to the Eclipse Java EE program will have the same name as the existing Eclipse shortcut.    Rename the new shortcut to "Eclipse EE" to distinguish it from the other Eclipse install.
  4. Install Subclipse and UML Lab as normal.

Note that WindowBuilder does not come with the Eclipse Java EE version.  This is because web-based GUIs are not Swing or SWT-based interfaces, so WindowBuilder is not usually needed.    If you do need it for some reason, see the manual WindowBuilder install instructions in the above Eclipse Resources site.


Step 3: Install the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE):

To make it easier to develop Google App Engine applications in Eclipse, you will want to install the Google Plugin for Eclipse.

Reference:  Using the Google Plugin for Eclipse

  1. Under Help/Install New Software..., use this appropriate update URL for your version of Eclipse, e.g. for Juno use a href="">
  2. Select only the following options for installation:
  3. Be  sure the "Contact all update sites during install to find required software." box is checked and click "Next".
  4. Accept any license agreements and click Next and/or Finish until the installation completes.


Step 4:  Configure Eclipse

In addition to any normal configurations of Eclipse, e.g. for WindowBuilder, perform these additional configurations:

  1. Configure the GWT Designer
    1. Go to Eclipse's Preference/Google/Web Toolkit/Designer/Code Style
    2. Use the same configuration as WindowBuilder:
      • Method name for new statements: initGUI
      • Init. Field:  checked, with "private" fields.





© 2013 by Stephen Wong