COMP 405
Spring 2014

Assignments: General Information

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General Outline of Assignment Discussions

You should essentially copy the following outline into your wiki page and fill out the various sections.    The following is a outline where the content still need to be tailored to the specific, additional requirements of the specific assignment.    Note that the last two peer review sections will be filled out by the peer reviewers.

You may reference other sections of your discussion if the issue is covered elsewhere in your discussion.    You do not need duplicate your content.   

The use of hyperlinks to external content to bolster your arguments and provide references for your materials is highly recommended.

Here is a text file containg the HTML code for the following outline:  discussion_template.txt    In the editor of your assignment wiki page on SharePoint, simply click on the "HTML/Edit HTML Source" option of the far right side of the top toolbar and paste the HTML code from this template into the resulting dialog box.    Close the dialog box and change the "HWXX "and "NetID"s to their appropriate values.

----- outline start-------

  1. Description of Your Program

    1. What exactly does your program do? Clearly state the goals of your program in terms of what concepts, principles, capabilities, etc. that it is supposed to demonstrate.

    2. User Manual for your program.    In detail, explain exactly how the user should operate your program, including how to see the various ideas, features and capabilities that you wish to demonstrate.

    3. UML Diagrams.    Include at least full UML class diagrams and, optionally, any other diagrams that help illustrate your design and operation of your program.   Your code should already include full Javadocs for all classes, interfaces, methods and fields.

    4. URL to your code:   The SVN URL needed for the peer reviews to branch your code

  2. Description of Principles and Design Patterns

    1. What CS principles at being demonstrated?   Be specific and look for concepts that apply beyond the bounds of your program.   Identify exact portions of your program operation, design and code where these principles are found.

    2. What design patterns are being used to exemplify which CS principles?   Be explicit about where these patterns are to be found in your design, naming specific classes that are involved and their relationship to the associated designed pattern.

  3. Analysis of Your Program

    1. OOP/D design goals:   Specifically, how does your design address the following issues:
      1. Flexibility:  Can the system be used for a wide variety of tasks?

      2. Extensibility:  Can the system be extended with minimal disruption for new tasks?

      3. Robustness:   Is the system resistant to unknown and incorrect user or other inputs, including malicious ones?

      4. Correctness:  Does the system aid and/or ensure correct behavior and/or results?

    2. Advantages:   In terms of applications beyond your program, what are the advantages of the concepts and techniques demonstrated by your program?  Be specific.   Clearly describe at least 3 other applications or situations where it would be useful to leverage the ideas in your program.

    3. Disadvantages: In terms of applications beyond your program, what are the disadvantages of the concepts and techniques demonstrated by your program? Be specific.   Clearly describe at least 3 other applications or situations where the main notions you are demonstrating may not be appropriate. 

  4. Additional notes for anything not covered above.

  5. Peer Review Feedback (not included above) -- Be sure to include the reviewers' NetID's linked to the text color used!

  6. Peer Review Scores (20 pts total per review)



----- outline end -------


General Peer Review Feedback Outline

Each team is required to peer review 3 other teams.

General guidelines for peer review feedback:

Scoring scale:

"Minor" issues include vagueness and lack of clarity, though as the semester progresses, these issues will become more major.

"Major" issues include incompleteness in filling out the above outline and in the discussions in each section.

Avoid arguments about your scoring by being complete, specific and clear in your feedback!

Late Penalty:   -2 pts/day rounded up to the nearest day.


© 2013 by Stephen Wong