You are correct.

Answers (a, c, and d) are all ways in which Bubba failed to produce a valid C program.

  1. He capitalized main.
  2. He failed to capitalize hello world.
  3. He forgot the parentheses.
  4. He didn't balance opening braces with closing ones.
  5. He misspelled print.

In C, the names of functions are case-sensitive.  The function main is expected to be in lower case.

While the student was asked to produce output with the H and W capitalized, it is still syntactically valid to give them in lower case. It is also not clear if the newline character (\n) is correct for the assignemnt; it was ambiguous on that point.

All function declarations need parentheses after the function name. We'll see what they're for in a later lesson.

Throughout C, all punctuation that is normally paired must be.  The block of statements that makes up the function body begins with a left brace ("{") and ends with a right one ("}").

If you look at the example hello world program you'll see that indeed the output function is named printf - not print. It stands for "print formatted".

The next lesson describes the printf function.