

Type Classification Code:

main.m (program control)

discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)

plotimg.m (plots images)

dirImg.m (computes the directional image)

extract.m (extracts square portion of image - called by dirImg)

slitSum.m (computes the slit sum direction - called by dirImg)

tileImg.m (tiles the image and computes new directions)

averImg.m (smoothes the image)

angleImg.m (computes the angles from the vector representation)

Poincare.m (computes the core-delta points)

temp.m (extracts the core-delta points and locations)


Correlation Code:

proj.m (program control)

plotimg.m (plots images)

discretize.m (converts image to discrete values)

normalize.m (normalizes images)

corrfft.m (computes the correlation)

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