
Name: Anuj 'workin' man' Dharia
Expected Grad. Date: You mean, I gotta leave this place!?
Major: Massage Therapy
Dream Job: Starting Center for Houston Rockets
Hometown: K-Town--Katy,TX
Claim to Fame: Yao-Ming Kings--SEE: Crazy college kids who do crazy stuff to get on T.V. and dance with the Rocket Power Dancers and do the can-can and wear shirts that spell out famous basketball players from China's names

Name: Mike 'matlab junkie' Higuera
Expected Grad. Date: g-r-a-d-m-a-d-a-t-i-o-n -- i can spell good...yay me!--i grajmadate soon
Major: speling
Dream Job: canoe guide--Northern Tier 4Eva!
Hometown: Funky Town--Fort Worth, TX
Claim to Fame: "I'm a double-E, oh look at me. I play with the resistor and electricity." The Double-E Song!

Name: Greg 'you dirty dawg' Mitchell
Expected Grad. Date: I don't know, man...Is that Sally Port thing for real?!
Major: field and equipment managment
Dream Job: Are you kidding me, look above Pal! I don't mess around: I'm doin' my dream job right now! I went to Omaha last year, Ok! I'm about to win a national fricken' championship with the Rice Owls Baseball Team!
Hometown: mean streets of Greenwich, CT
Claim to Fame: Rect'um!? Darn near killed 'em!