import sys, os # some basic Python services import Image # loading, manipulating, and displaying images import Numeric # fast arrays and matrices import LinearAlgebra # LAPACK services (in particular, eigenvectors) import cPickle # object serialization (write arbitrary objects to files) from glob import glob # wildcard matching from math import sqrt def norm(v): return sqrt(, v)) def normalize(v): return v / norm(v) def mesg(s): sys.stdout.write(s) sys.stdout.flush() class FaceSpace: def __init__(self, dir=''): if dir != '': self.load_eigenfaces(dir) # takes a filename and returns a vector with the data from that image def image_to_vector(self, filename): try: im = except IOError: print 'couldn\'t load ' + filename + ', aborting' sys.exit(1) self.im_size = im.size a = Numeric.array(im.getdata(), Numeric.Float) # a.shape = im.size # this would make it a matrix, not a vector return a - 128 # takes a vector and a size tuple and saves it to filename (type inferred) def vector_to_image(self, v, filename): v.shape = (-1,) a, b = min(v), max(v) span = max(abs(b), abs(a)) im ='L', self.im_size) im.putdata((v * 127. / span) + 128) # saves a vector to a temporary file and displays it asynchronously def vector_to_screen(self, v, name): self.vector_to_image(v, name + '.gif') os.system('display ' + name + '.gif &') # takes a directory (which it empties), a list of files to analyze, and a # number of eigenfaces to construct (M_prime) def construct_eigenfaces(self, dir, lof, M_prime): # empty the directory (create it if necessary) try: for f in os.listdir(dir): os.unlink(dir + '/' + f) except os.error: # doh! directory didn't exist os.mkdir(dir) # load all the images (gamma) mesg('Loading images...') Gamma = map(self.image_to_vector, lof) print 'done.' self.M = len(Gamma) # compute psi and phi self.Psi = reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, Gamma) / len(Gamma) self.Phi = [] for g in Gamma: self.Phi.append(g - self.Psi) # throw out gamma (to save memory) Gamma = None # build L, the matrix of image dot products L = Numeric.array([0.0] * self.M * self.M) L.shape = (self.M, self.M) for i in range(self.M): for j in range(self.M): L[i][j] =[i], self.Phi[j]) # save psi into the directory self.vector_to_image(self.Psi, dir + '/psi.gif') # compute the eigenvectors evalues, evectors = LinearAlgebra.eigenvectors(L) # sort them by eigenvalue and keep the top M_prime evs = map(None, evalues, evectors) evs.sort() evs.reverse() evs = evs[0:M_prime] # write those into the directory v = map(lambda x: x[1], evs) self.u = [] for k in range(M_prime): mesg(' ' + str(k+1)) self.u.append(Numeric.matrixmultiply(v[k], self.Phi)) self.vector_to_image(self.u[-1], '%s/eig%03d.gif' % (dir, k)) print self.M_prime = M_prime # load a set of eigenfaces from dir, overwriting any previous set def load_eigenfaces(self, dir): mesg('Loading eigenfaces... ') eigs = glob(dir + '/eig*') eigs.sort() self.M_prime = len(eigs) self.u = map(self.image_to_vector, eigs) self.Psi = self.image_to_vector(dir + '/psi.gif') print 'done.' # takes an image vector, projects it into face space, returns that vector def project_to_face_space(self, im_face): # have to futz with the shape so I can use matrixmultiply for v in self.u: v.shape = (v.shape[0], 1) fs_face = Numeric.matrixmultiply(im_face - self.Psi, self.u) # put it back like I found it for v in self.u: v.shape = (-1, ) fs_face.shape = (-1, ) return normalize(fs_face) # takes a face_space vector and multiplies it by the eigenfaces # if n_eigs is nonzero, use only that many eigenfaces def lift_to_image_space(self, fs_face, n_eigs=0): if n_eigs == 0: n_eigs = self.M_prime scaled = [] for i in range(n_eigs): scaled.append(self.u[i] * fs_face[i]) im_face = reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, scaled) return im_face + self.Psi # take a file name for a learned face and return the vector it contains def load_fs_face(self, filename): file = open(filename, 'r') fs_face = cPickle.load(file) file.close() fs_face.shape = (-1, ) # flatten the vector return normalize(fs_face) # take a face space vector and write it to the file named by filename def write_fs_face(self, fs_face, filename): file = open(filename, 'w') fs_face = cPickle.dump(fs_face, file) file.close()