Eigenfaces Group - Home
Our task
Build a system to learn and recognize faces efficiently and accurately.
Our tools
A stack of research papers, an Olympus 340R digital camera, a few
computers, and whatever time was leftover between our other classes.
Our web site
Which we have conveniently organized for you into the following sections:
- Intro -
Details about what we set out to do, how we decided to do it, and some
of the history of the eigenfaces technique.
- Proposal -
Of possible "historical" interest. This is the proposal that was
submitted when the project was assigned. Decide for yourself whether or
not we met our goals.
- Algorithmics -
A more in depth explanation of how the system works.
- Results -
Did it work? Click here to found out!
- Code -
Read the wonder that is our system. It's in Python, but I've always
found Python to be very readable. Some people even call it "executable
- Images -
Lots of images. Here you'll find the original face images (86 of them),
and the 50 eigenfaces we generated from them.
- References -
See how we got to where we are.
And feel free to email us if you have any questions!
Tim Danner
Indraneel Datta
Last modified: Fri Dec 17 20:45:40 CST 1999