CPU Architecture - GROUP

Data Flow of CPU and low level blocks - GROUP

Instruction Set - GROUP

Defined the Finite State Machine - GROUP (revised by Karey Tsang)

System Timing - GROUP

Designed and Tested the PLA and registers- Karey Tsang

Designed and Tested the PC and bus controllers - Michael Warner

Designed and Tested the ALU - Christine Pan

Layout of Chip - GROUP

Routed the BOMB! - Christine Pan

Tested and Attempted Debugging of the BOMB! - GROUP

Layout of Final ALU (The BOMB! -- Part II) - Christine Pan

Routed the Final ALU (The BOMB! -- Part II) - Christine Pan

Tested and Debugged the Final ALU (The BOMB! -- Part II) - Karey Tsang and Christine Pan

Analysis of Longest Path - Karey Tsang

Analysis of Maximum Clock Frequency - Michael Warner

Web Page Design & Organization - Christine Pan

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