User Commands PPLOT(1) NAME pplot - CIF to postcript filter SYNOPSIS pplot [ options ] input-file DESCRIPTION Pplot takes a description in CalTech Intermediate Form (CIF) and produces a plot on a PostScript printer. CIF is a low- level graphics language suitable for describing integrated circuit layouts. To get a plot call pplot with the name of the CIF file to be plotted. If the CIF description is divided among several files, you must concatenate the files into one before call- ing pplot as it will only read one input file. After read- ing the CIF description but before plotting, pplot will print an estimate of the size of the plot and the number of (8.5 x 11.0 inch) pages required and then ask if it should continue to produce a plot, at which point it's possible to abort the plot or change the scaling factor. Type y to pro- ceed, n to abort, and c to change the scale factor. A typi- cal run might look as follows: % pplot mipsx.cif Scale = 0.078236 (1987x) The Plot will be 8.5 by 10.1 inches (1 pages) Do you want a plot (Yes/No/ChangeScale) [yes] ? After typing y pplot will produce a PostScript file and write it to stdout. Pplot recognizes several command line options. These can be used to change the size and scale of the plot, change default plot options, and to select the output printer. Several options may be selected. A dash(-) must precede each option specifier. The following is a list of options that may be included on the command line: -s float (scale) The -s option sets the scale of the plot. If no scale is specified the scale is set, by default, so that the plot will best fit in 1 page (rotating it, if necessary). Float is a floating point number specify- ing the number of inches which represent 1 micron. If float is followed by an `x', it will be interpreted as the magnification factor; so that the command pplot -s 100x a.cif will produce a plot of file a.cif magnfied 100 times. SunOS 5.6 Last change: 9/18/91 1 User Commands PPLOT(1) -l layer_list (layer) Normally all layers are plotted. The -l option specifies which layers NOT to plot (see '-' below). The layer_list consists of the layer names separated by commas, no spaces. There are some reserved names: all- Text, bbox, outline, text, pointName, symbolName, and `-'. Including the layer name allText in the list sup- presses the plotting of any type of text; bbox sup- presses the bounding box around symbols. outline sup- presses the thin outline that borders each layer. The keywords text, pointName, and symbolName suppress the plotting of certain text created by local extension commands. text eliminates text created by user exten- sion 2. pointName eliminates text created by user extension 94. symbolName eliminates text created by user extension 9. Including `-' as one of the layers will reverse the meaning of the -l switch; ONLY the layers specified WILL be plotted. -C Generate color postscript. The default is black and white. -c n (copies) will instruct the printer to make n copies of each page. -d n (depth) This option lets you limit the amount of detail plotted in a hierarchically designed chip. It will only instanciate the plot down n levels of calls. -I (non-Interactive) Do not ask for confirmation. Always plot. -Dformat (date) Print the date on the top side of the plot, as specified by the format string. Which should be of the form: [m][w][d][y][h]: (month, weekday, day of the month, year, hour). The order in which these items appear in the format string will determine what gets printed and in what order. If format is omitted the following default will be used: "wmdy" => "Thu 20 Feb 1986". Any other characters in the format string will cause a '*' to be printed in that position. -b "text" (banner) Print the text at the top of the plot. By default, the input filename is printed (after stripping any path components). -Pprinter Send the output to printer (by means of lpr(1) ). If no printer is specified, the PRINTER environment SunOS 5.6 Last change: 9/18/91 2 User Commands PPLOT(1) variable will be used. -T technolgy The -T option lets you specify what type of technology is being used, so that the appropriate pattern_file (see below) is used. The default technology is "cmos- su". -p pattern_file (Pattern) The -p option lets you specify your own lay- ers and stipple patterns. By default, pplot will use the pattern files located in the cad directory (see CADDIR below) which are named "" for black and white postscript and "pat.techname.color" for color postscript. Techname is the name of the technol- ogy (set by the `-T' switch). Pattern_file may contain up to 200 layer descriptors. A layer descriptor for a monochrome file is the layer name in double quotes, followed by 8 integers. Each integer specifies 32 bits where ones are black and zeroes are white. Thus the 8 integers specify a 32 by 8 bit stipple pattern. The integers may be in decimal, octal, or hex. Hex numbers start with '0x'; octal numbers start with '0'. The CIF syntax requires that layer names be made up of only uppercase letters and digits, and not longer than four characters. The following is an example of a stipple pattern for some layer in a monochrome pattern file. "CPP" 0x08080808 0x04040404 0x02020202 0x01010101 0x80808080 0x40404040 0x20202020 0x10101010 A layer descriptor for a color pattern file contains a list of overlapping layer names each in double quotes followed by 3 floating point numbers from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the rgb color to be used for regions that all the layers specified overlapped. A color of -1,-1,-1 can be used to specify a transparent layer. "CPP",-1.0,-1.0,-1.0 "CPP","CPG",...,1.0,1.0,1.0 -F font_name (Font) The -F option indicates which font you want for your text. The font must be one of the standard PostScript fonts. The default font is Helvetica. Obviously, this option is only useful if you have text on your plot. -f float This option allows you to determine what size font should be used to display text. The default is 5.0 point. SunOS 5.6 Last change: 9/18/91 3 User Commands PPLOT(1) -o filename Write the PostScript output in filename, rather than writing it to stdout. -R (don't-Rotate) Generally, pplot will rotate the plot so that it best fits the page (for 8.5x11 pages, the longest side will be plotted vertically). This option instructs the program to plot the circuit as is, with- out rotation. -fp filename (PostScript file) Use filename as the PostScript pro- logue instead of the standard file containing the nec- essary function definitions. This option is mostly useful for debuging. In the definition of CIF provisions were made for local extensions. All extension commands begin with a number. The following is a list of extensions recognized by pplot. 9 name; (Name symbol) name is associated with the current sym- bol. 94 name x y; 94 name x y layer; (Name point) name is associated with the point (x, y). Any mask geometry crossing this point is also associ- ated with name. If layer is present then just geometry crossing the point on that layer is associated with name. ENVIRONMENT CADDIR Pplot tries to locate the pattern files and the postscript startup file in ~cad/lib/pplot. The default cad directory (~cad) by setting the CADDIR environment variable to whatever directory is appropriate, forcing pplot to look for the cad directory there. FILES cad/lib/pplot/ PostScript header file cad/lib/pplot/pat.* Default pattern files. /usr/tmp/pplot#.[0-z] Temporary files. /usr/tmp/ Output file. SEE ALSO cadrc(5) lpr(1) hplot(1) SunOS 5.6 Last change: 9/18/91 4 User Commands PPLOT(1) AUTHOR Arturo Salz, Stanford University 1986. Color PostScript Support by: Bob Durie and Christos Zoulas, Cornell University 1991. BUGS The program only handles manhattan geometry (polygons and rotations may only be in multiples of 90 degrees). The roundflash, wire, and delete cell commands are not sup- ported. SunOS 5.6 Last change: 9/18/91 5