MATLAB code and examples

function [DH, l, coeffsm]  = DWT_temp(x, sampling_freq)
max_reached = 0;

sig = [x zeros(1, 2^ceil(log2(length(x))) - length(x))];
sig2 = sig;

tv = 0:length(sig2)-1;
tv = (1/sampling_freq)*tv;

diffs_v = [];
diffs_l_v = [];
l_c = 1;
while max_reached == 0,
   [sums, diffs] = s_c(sig');
   diffs_l = length(diffs);
   sums_l = length(sums);
   diffs_v = [diffs' diffs_v];
   diffs_l_v = [diffs_l diffs_l_v];
   l_c = l_c + 1;
   if sums_l == 1
      max_reached = 1;
   sig = sums';
subplot(311), plot(tv, sig2); grid; title('Signal');
xlabel('time'); ylabel('amplitude'); axis tight;
DH = [sums' diffs_v];
subplot(312), plot(1:length(DH), DH); grid; title('DWT');
axis tight;
l1 = [sums_l diffs_l_v];
coeff_mat = zeros(length(l1), l1(length(l1)));
sfv = [];
sf = sampling_freq/2;
for sn = 1:length(l1)
   sf1 = 3*(sf/4);
   sfv = [sf1 sfv];
   sf = sf1;

for row_c = 1:length(l1)
   row_step_limit = round(l1(length(l1))/l1(row_c));
   coeff_c = [ones(1, row_c-1) zeros(1, length(l1)-row_c + 1)];
   row_step_c = 1;
   pix_coeff_c = 0;
   for pix_c = 1:l1(length(l1))
       pix_coeff_c = pix_coeff_c + 1;
       index =  sum(coeff_c.*l1) + row_step_c;
       new_value = DH( index );
       coeff_mat(row_c, pix_c) = new_value;
       if pix_coeff_c == row_step_limit
          row_step_c = row_step_c + 1;
          pix_coeff_c = 0;

subplot(313), imagesc(tv, sfv, coeff_mat);
title('DWT'); xlabel('time'); ylabel('frequency (Hz)');
axis xy;
l = l1;
coeffsm = coeff_mat;

DWT of chirp signal


DWT of displacement signal


ELEC 631 - Spring 1999