PROGRAM truss_box_1_2 ! "Introduction to Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics for Finite Element Analysis" ! J. Bonet & R.D. Wood, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-57272-X, 1997 ! ! Translated from f77 syntax to f90 syntax by J. E. Akin, ! Rice University, June 2003, ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Newton-Raphson solver for 1 d.o.f. nonlinear truss example ! Input: ! d = horizontal span ! x_0 = initial height ! area_0 = initial area ! E = Young's modulus ! n_incr = number of load increments ! f_incr = force increment ! c_norm = residual force convergence norm ! m_iter = max number of Newton-Raphson iterations ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT none INTEGER, PARAMETER :: D_P = kind (1.d0) ! machine portable INTEGER, PARAMETER :: n_incr = 5, m_iter = 20 REAL(D_P), PARAMETER :: d = 2.5d3, x_0 = 2.5d3, area_0 = 1.d2, & E = 5.d5, f_incr = 0.3d7, c_norm = 1.d-20, & tolerence = TINY (1.d0) INTEGER :: incrm ! current increment INTEGER :: n_iter ! current N-R iteration number REAL(D_P) :: force = 0.d0 ! current force REAL(D_P) :: vertical ! current vertical truss force REAL(D_P) :: residual = 0.d0 ! current residual REAL(D_P) :: r_norm ! current norm of residual REAL(D_P) :: length, length_0 ! current and initial length REAL(D_P) :: stiff ! current stiffness REAL(D_P) :: stress ! current stress REAL(D_P) :: x, area ! current height and area REAL(D_P) :: volume ! current volume REAL(D_P) :: u ! current displacement increment ! initialize geometry and stiffness x = x_0 ; area = area_0 length_0 = sqrt ( x **2 + d **2 ) volume = area_0 * length_0 stiff = (area / length_0) * E * (x / length_0 ) **2 ! start load increments DO incrm = 1, n_incr force = force + f_incr residual = residual - f_incr ! Newton-Raphson iteration r_norm = c_norm * 2 ; n_iter = 0 ! initialize DO WHILE ( (r_norm > c_norm) .and. & (n_iter < m_iter) ) n_iter = n_iter + 1 ! Find geometry increment u = -residual / stiff ! displacement increment x = x + u ! update height length = sqrt ( x **2 + d **2 ) ! update length area = volume / length ! update area ! Find stresses and residual forces stress = E * log (length / length_0) ! axial stress vertical = stress * area * x / length ! vertical force residual = vertical - force r_norm = abs (residual / force) print "('increment = ', i3, ' iteration = ', i3, & & ' residual = ', g10.4, ' x = ', g10.4, & & ' force = ', g10.4)", incrm, n_iter, r_norm, & & x, force ! Find stiffness and check stability stiff = (area/length) * (E - 2 * stress) * (x/length) **2 & + (stress * area / length) IF ( abs ( stiff) < tolerence ) THEN print *, 'Near zero stiffness' STOP 'Near zero stiffness' END IF ! unstable END DO ! Newton-Raphson iteration END DO ! incrm END PROGRAM truss_box_1_2 ! ! Running with parameters E = 5.d5, f_incr = 1.5d7, c_norm = 1.d-20: ! increment = 1 iteration = 1 residual = 0.2184 x = 4621. force = 0.1500E+08 ! increment = 1 iteration = 2 residual = 0.4239E-01 x = 5540. force = 0.1500E+08 ! increment = 1 iteration = 3 residual = 0.2973E-02 x = 5822. force = 0.1500E+08 ! increment = 1 iteration = 4 residual = 0.1806E-04 x = 5844. force = 0.1500E+08 ! increment = 1 iteration = 5 residual = 0.6780E-09 x = 5845. force = 0.1500E+08 ! increment = 1 iteration = 6 residual = 0.1242E-15 x = 5845. force = 0.1500E+08 ! increment = 1 iteration = 7 residual = 0.000 x = 5845. force = 0.1500E+08