The computer files stored in public access directories include: 1. It has the Fortran 90 source libraries, named as *_lib.f, general text help files, named *.txt, simple one line descriptions of each subroutine, named *.sub, dummy source include files, named *.dum, the Unix Sun executable called my_model, and a corresponding Unix make file, named makefile. A few sample Unix alias files contain _alias in their name. 2. It has the numerous example applications of the MODEL code. Most of these are built into the code and are selected via the "example nnn" control keyword in the data file. They are described by a 3 digit example number (nnn) most are then followed by a 2 digit data set number (_nn). Descriptions are in *.txt files, data in *.dat, outputs in *.out, required source files in my_*_inc, a few files edited in length to fit the textbook, called *.show or *.trim or *.result, a few encapsulated plot files called *.eps. General directories of applications are given by example number, exact_case number, or subject in files By_Example_Number.txt, By_Exact_Case.txt and by By_Subject.txt, respectively. A Unix Sun executable containing all static, transient, dynamic, and eigenvalue example applications is named Example_Run. 3. It has numerous Matlab plot scripts, named *.m. All accept ACSII output files from MODEL named *.tmp. Most commands to produce hardcopy PS files are present but commeted out. There are a few *.txt files to describe the most commonly used plots and the data they need. A few files also contain useful Unix alias commands and they have _alias as part of their name. ----------------------- end ----------------------------------