! [File: Getting_to_MODEL_Data.txt] Getting to Data in MODEL_F90 Most applications will require you to access or change the properties you have supplied. The system allows for the input of integer (fixed) and real (floating point) data for each node, and/or each element, and/or miscellaneous global data. (All of the properties are treated in an object-oriented fashion in module Sys_Properties_Data. There the dynamically allocated property arrays are stored as public attributes, and the encapsulated functionality includes the routines to access and modify the properties as cited below.) To get a single miscellaneous global data item invoke function: GET_INTEGER_MISC (I) for integer property number I GET_REAL_MISC (R) for real property number R 1 <= I <= integers (keyword value) 1 <= R <= reals (keyword value) To get a single standard element data item invoke function: GET_INTEGER_LP (I) for integer property number I GET_REAL_LP (R) for real property number R 1 <= I <= el_int (keyword value) 1 <= R <= el_reals (keyword value) To get a single mixed segment element data item invoke function: GET_INTEGER_MX (I) for integer property number I GET_REAL_MX (R) for real property number R 1 <= I <= mixed_int (keyword value) 1 <= R <= mixed_real (keyword value) To get a single flux segment element data item invoke function: GET_INTEGER_SP (I) for integer property number I GET_REAL_SP (R) for real property number R 1 <= I <= seg_int (keyword value) 1 <= R <= seg_real (keyword value) To get a single nodal data item, for node IN, invoke function: GET_INTEGER_NP (IN, I) for integer property number I GET_REAL_NP (IN, R) for real property number R 1 <= I <= pt_int (keyword value) 1 <= R <= pt_real (keyword value) 1 <= IN <= nodes (keyword value) To get a single exact solution data item invoke function: GET_INTEGER_EXACT (I) for integer property number I GET_REAL_EXACT (R) for real property number R 1 <= I <= exact_int (keyword value) 1 <= R <= exact_reals (keyword value) -------------------------------------------------------------------- See Reset_MODEL_Data.txt for changes in iterative solutions. ! [End File: Getting_to_MODEL_Data.txt]