! [File: Properties_Data.txt] ! ! While most applications require some type of properties input ! a few do not. In that case any constititive matrix defaults ! to an identity matrix. For a given application the user selects ! the type(s) of data to be utilized in their subprograms, and ! declares the number and type(s) in the control keywords. ! ! MODEL will read those data, echo them, and allow the user to ! access them, and/or modify them, by means of the functions ! provided in the Sys_Properties_Data Module. The echo will not ! occur if no_prop_echo or no_input_echo keywords are present. ! ! A warning will be issued if no properties are requested. ! ! Usually properties are input after the mesh data. However, if ! keyword exact_int, or exact_reals (or possibly use_exact_bc) ! are present then after any user remarks the exact solution ! properties are input in READ_EXACT_SOLUTION_PROPERTIES, as ! !==>> DATA TYPE NEW, Integer exact solution properties. ! Utilized only if EXACT_FX > 0 on DATA TYPE 3. ! EXACT_FIX(K) = Exact fixed point properties. K=1,EXACT_FX ! !==>> DATA TYPE NEW, Real exact solution properties. ! Utilized only when EXACT_FL > 0 on DATA TYPE 3. ! FLT_EXACT(K) = Exact floating point properties. K=1,EXACT_FL ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! GENERAL NOTE: If a property set is flagged as non-homogeneous ! (with ?_HOMO = 0) the array is initially filled with copies of ! the properties of the first entry. Then only different entries ! and the last one need be input. ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! !==>> DATA TYPE 10 (Subroutine INPUT_PROPERTIES) Integer nodal ! properties. ! Utilized only when N_NP_FIX > 0 on DATA TYPE 3. (I10,(7I10)) ! J = Nodal point number. ! NP_FIX(J,K) = Integer properties. K=1,N_NP_FIX ! NOTE *** Reading terminated when J=M, unless N_HOMO > 0. Then ! only J=1 is read. ! !==>> DATA TYPE 11 (Subroutine INPUT_PROPERTIES) Real nodal ! properties. ! Utilized only when N_NP_FLO > 0 on DATA TYPE 3. (I10,(7F10.0)) ! J = Nodal point number. ! FLT_NP(J,K) = real properties. K=1,N_NP_FLO ! NOTE *** Reading terminated when J=M, unless N_HOMO > 0. Then only ! J=1 is read. Omitted values default to zero when N_HOMO=0. ! !==>> DATA TYPE 12 (Subroutine INPUT_PROPERTIES) Integer elem ! properties. ! Utilizied only when N_LP_FIX > 0 on DATA TYPE 3. (I5,(7I10)) ! J = Element number. ! LP_FIX(J,K) = Integer properties. K=1,N_LP_FIX ! NOTE *** Reading terminated when J=N_ELEMS, unless L_HOMO > 0. Then ! only J=1 is read. Omitted values default to zero when L_HOMO=0. ! !==>> DATA TYPE 13 (Subroutine INPUT_PROPERTIES) Real element ! properties. ! Utilized only when N_LP_FLO > 0 on DATA TYPE 3. (I5,7(F10.0)) ! J = Element number. ! FLT_EL(J,K) = real properties. K=1,N_LP_FLO ! NOTE *** Reading terminated when J=N_ELEMS, unless L_HOMO > 0. Then ! only J=1 is read. ! !==>> DATA TYPE 14 (Subroutine INPUT_PROPERTIES) Integer segment ! properties. ! Utilizied only when N_BS_FIX > 0 on DATA TYPE 3. (I5,(7I10)) ! J = Segment number. ! SP_FIX(J,K) = Integer properties. K=1,N_BS_FIX ! NOTE *** Reading terminated when J=N_SEG, unless L_HOMO > 0. Then ! only J=1 is read. ! !==>> DATA TYPE 15 (Subroutine INPUT_PROPERTIES) Real segment ! properties. ! Utilized only when N_BS_FLO > 0 on DATA TYPE 3. (I5,7(F10.0)) ! J = Segment number. ! FLT_SP(J,K) = real properties. K=1,N_BS_FLO ! NOTE *** Reading terminated when J=N_SEG, unless L_HOMO > 0. Then ! only J=1 is read. ! !==>> DATA TYPE 16 (Subroutine INPUT_PROPERTIES) Integer miscellaneous ! properties. ! Utilized only if MISC_FX > 0 on DATA TYPE 3. (8I10.0) ! MISC_FIX(K) = Misc. fixed point properties. K=1,MISC_FX ! !==>> DATA TYPE 17 (Subroutine INPUT_PROPERTIES) Real miscellaneous ! properties. ! Utilized only when MISC_FL > 0 on DATA TYPE 3. (8F10.0) ! FLT_MISC(K) = Misc. floating point properties. K=1,MISC_FL ! ! NOTE: Nodal loads and/or masses are input after these properties. ! See Data_Input_Order.txt ! [File: Properties_Data.txt]