Mech 417 Homework 6 assigned 1/24/19 due 1/31/19 # 1 Reference: Page 3-5 of notes at Beginning with the assembled (and singular) 4 by 4 matrix equilibrilum equations for the three bar problem find the displacements, reaction, and element stresses in each bar for the boundary condition: a) U_1 = 1.0 at node 1 b) U_3 = 0.0 at node 3 # 2 References The Gaussian one-dimensional quadrature points are symmetrically placed with respect to the center of the interval, and n_q points in 1D will EXACTLY integrate a 1D integrand that is a polynomial of degree (2*n_q − 1). In other words (1D Integrand polynomial degree] <= 2*n_q - 1 The mass matrix for any element is defined as the integral of the tranpose of the interpolation funtions times the interpolation functions times the mass density times the differential volume. In 1D: M = density*area* Length_Integral H_transpose * H dx for a four noded cubic line element the interpolation functions are H(r) = [H_1 H_2 H_3 H_4] H(r) = [(1-r*11/2+9*r^2-9*r^3/2), (9*r-45*r^2/2+27*r^3/2), ... (-9*r/2+18*r^2-27*r^3/2), (r-9*r^2/2+9*r^3/2)]. a) what is the polynomial degree of the interpolation functions? b) what is the polynomial degree of the element mass matrix? c) how many integration (quadrature) points, n_q, are needed to exactly integrate the element mass matrix? Mech 517: In addition to the above problems compute the integral of the cubic interpolation functions over the domain 0 to 1.