COMP 212 Lab 10: Sort Animation

This tutorial illustrates the various sorting algorithms with a fun GUI animation. We'll also give you a quick overview of the mechanisms used to implement this animation.

Using the animation

Run the animation, e.g.,

     % cd ~comp212/public_html/01-spring/labs/10/sort_animation
     % java SortCtrl
Play around with each algorithm, to make sure you understand its behavior.

Understanding the program

You are not expected to understand all the details of this program. It combines lots of ideas which you've seen before, with a few that you haven't. Even the latter should be fairly straightforward. But, in any case, some of the details will be explained more thoroughly later in the course.

Since it is a GUI application, it uses the MVC pattern, as shown in the following diagram:

MVC.png (34099 bytes)

The model consists of an array of OCInteger objects (i.e., ordered, colored integers), together with a concrete ACompareSorter object embodying a particular sorting algorithm. The user can pick among the available algorithms at runtime.

The view is SortGUI. It has a GraphCanvas where the data array is plotted and animated. The design of GraphCanvas is identical to that of BodyPartsCanvas in the hangman project with the IDrawable object replaced by an ILambda object to draw on its graphics context. In this case, the ILambda object is an inner object of SortCtrl.GraphBarsCmnd within the control. ILambda is an example of the Command Pattern.

As just mentioned, SortCtrl is the control. It makes uses of ArrayMapCar to plot each element in the data array on the GraphCanvas. It is SortCtrl.GraphCmnd that does all the plotting of the array elements. SortCtrl holds a Timer object that periodically tells the GraphCanvas to repaint. I.e., SortCtrl.GraphCmnd defines what to draw, while the Timer object dictates when to draw.


Modify the code for HeapSort and Heapifier to sort IOrdered instead of int. (There is no need to write the code for Heapifier.siftUp.)

Copy the animation code into your own directory and modify it to add a Heap Sort radio button that runs heap sort.

Doing these modifications shouldn't be too difficult, even though you haven't seen all this code before. Modifying the heap sort is basically just a syntactic change with type casts and such, while modifying the GUI is essentially just duplicating code already there.

Some implementation details

The following are some pieces of the implementation that haven't been explained before. This is just a quick overview. The patterns will be explained in more detail in the future.

(Labbies: Cover whatever you have time for.)

Dealing with points

We want to plot an array of integers on a JPanel as rectangular bars with appropriate heights and widths. The method needed is

     Graphics.fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
So, what should x and y be? It is important to first understand the orientation of the x-y coordinate system in Java graphics. As in most graphics systems, the x-coordinate of the graphics context of the JPanel extends form left to right, while the y-coordinate extends from top to bottom. The origin of the coordinate system is at the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle.

To plot each number A[i] on a JPanel, we use the simple transformation y = slope * A[i] + offset to map A[i] to the plane of the JPanel. When designing the GUI, we figure out where to place the bars and how big they should be, and thus can figure out what the slope and offset should be.

Command Pattern

The ILambda interface has one method:

     Object apply(Object arg)
It represents the abstraction of a command that is capable of performing a task given an input and returning an output object. As hinted by the name ILambda, any object implementing this interface is the equivalent of an anonymous function in Scheme.

In this case, GraphCanvas delegates the task of drawing to its ILambda object. Similarly, SortCtrl delegates the task for updating the text area to print the data array to another ILambda inner object called _appendCmd. SortCntrl.GraphBarsCmnd and _appendCmd define what to display on the view SortGUI. But they only appear to SortCtrl as ILambda objects. SortCtrl asks these objects to carry out their tasks (by calling apply) without knowing what the tasks are.

Decorator Pattern

The abstract sorting algorithm, ACompareSorter, and its concrete variants have no notion of displaying the data array. After all, the model should not be concerned with the view. To add new displaying capablity without modifying any existing code, we apply what is called the Decorator Pattern to ACompareSorter:

Sorter.png (20408 bytes)

GraphicSorter is called a decorator for ACompareSorter. It wraps a concrete ACompareSorter, the decoree, intercepts all requests to the decoree, and performs additional work (decoration) before and/or after delegating the requests to the decoree. This provides additional functionalities to the decoree without changing any of its code.