Beat This

A Beat Synchronization Project
Kileen Cheng Bobak Nazer Jyoti Uppuluri Ryan Verret


Beat Detection Algorithm

Frequency Filterbank
Comb Filter

Block Diagram

Matlab Code
Matlab Plots

Time Scaling Algorithm

Matlab Code


Phase Alignment Algorithm

Matlab Code
Matlab Plots



Music Samples






About The Gang


  Beat Detection Algorithm

We adapted a beat detection algorithm from the MIT Media Lab to Matlab for our project. Although the algorithm is quite mathematically involved, it basically amounts to emphasizing the sudden impulses of sound in the song and then finding the fundamental period at which these impulses appear. This is done by breaking the signal into frequency bands, extracting the envelope of these frequency-banded signals, differentiating them to emphasize sudden changes in sound, and running the signals through a comb-filterbank and choosing the highest energy result as our tempo. Our algorithm does not account for the possibility of a varying tempo in a piece of music. It extracts 2.2 seconds of music from the middle of a song, tempo-analyzes it, and assumes that the tempo found is associated with the entire piece of music. The sample length, 2.2 seconds, is the minimal amount of information we can work with to have at least two beats for the slowest tempo we are allowing for, 60 bpm. We are choosing 2.2 seconds rather than 2 seconds to ensure that the tempo-choosing processing does not exagerrate the energy of 60 bpm. A two second sample could have its beginning and end perceived as beats by a 60bpm search process. Since 60bpm is our lowest search tempo, any sample longer than two seconds works fine.

  Step 1: Filterbank

The signal is divided up into six separate signals, each consisting of the frequency content of the original signal from a certain range. This has the general effect of separating "notes" from different instrument groups and allowing them to be analyzed separately. Tempo-analyzing the original signal could be error-prone due to conflicting downbeats of different instruments. This separation is performed by taking the FFT of the signal and then taking appropriate sized chunks of the FFT and assigning them to their frequency bands. (Chunk length is dependent on both the sampling frequency and the signal length.) We chose to follow the method outlined in Scheirer, 1998 and broke our signal into the bands 0-200Hz, 200-400Hz, 400-800Hz, 800-1600Hz, 1600-3200Hz, and finally 3200Hz-Sampling Frequency. This gave us a total of six bands to work with. The inverse FFT of these signals is taken and their time domain representation is sent to the smoothing function.

  Step 2: Smoothing

Since we are only looking for the tempo of our signal, we need to reduce it to a form where we can see sudden changes in sound. This is done by reducing the signal down to its envelope, which can be though of as the overall trend in sound amplitude, not the frequencies it carries. Essentially, we take each of our six frequency-banded signals and lowpass filter them. To accomplish this we first full-wave rectified our signals in order to decrease high-frequency content and so that we would only have to deal with the positive side of the envelope we were searching for. We then convolved each of our signals by the right half of a Hanning window with a length of .4 seconds. Again, we chose to do this operation in the by transforming to the frequency domain, multiplying, and inverse transforming to decrease computation time. The resulting plots of the frequency-banded signals definitely correspond to the envelopes of the original signals.

  Step 3: Diff-Rect

Now that we have the signals in an enveloped form, we can simply differentiate them to accentuate when the sound amplitude changes. The largest changes should correspond to beats since the beat is just a periodic emphasis of sound. The six frequency-banded signals are differentiated in time and then half-wave rectified so we can only see increases in sound. The signals are now ready to be tempo-analyzed.

  Step 4: Comb Filter

This is the most computationally intensive step. We need to convolve the differentiated frequency-banded signals with various comb filters to determine which yields the highest energy. A comb filter is basically a series of impulses that occur periodically, at the tempo you specify. Convolving a comb filter with a total of three impulses with our signal should give an output that has a higher energy when the tempo of the comb filter is close to a multiple of that of the song. This is because the convolving with the three impulse comb filter just results in an output vector made up of an echoed version of our original signal. This echoed output will have a higher energy if the tempo of the signal and comb filter match because it will result in there being higher peaks (overlap from echo) in the output which when squared will give a higher energy.

We implemented the comb filter by specifying a range of tempos we wanted to search for and the resolution or spacing between them. This established a set of comb filters to convolve with our signal. The FFT of each frequency-banded signal was multipled by the FFT of each comb filter and the energy of each of these was taken. Then the energies of the frequency-bands were summed so that we were left with a vector of energies of tempos. This output takes the form of a peak at the fundamental tempo of the song followed by smaller, wider peaks at multiples of this tempo. We then choose the maximum value of these energies to be the fundamental tempo of our piece.

  Beat Detection Block Diagram

  Matlab Code

  • filterbank.m - divides a time domain signal into individual frequency bands.
  • hwindow.m - rectifies a signal, then convolves it with a half Hanning window.
  • diffrect.m - differentiates a signal, then half-wave rectifies the result.
  • timecomb.m - finds the tempo of a musical signal, divided into frequency bands.
  • control.m - takes in the names of two .wav files, and outputs their combination--beat-matched, and phase aligned.

  Matlab Plots

    Step 1: Filterbank (output of 1 frequency band)

    Step 2: Smoothing

    Step 3: Diff-Rect

    Step 4: Comb Filter




(C) 2001 Beat This. All rights reserved.