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Arithmetic - class compress.Arithmetic.
Implements arithmetic compression.
Arithmetic() - Constructor for class compress.Arithmetic


BiTree - class biTree.BiTree.
The concrete instance of WeightCompare that makes up the root and limbs of a binary tree.
biTree(BiTree) - Method in class biTree.visitor.GetCode
The method to call on biTrees.
biTree(BiTree) - Method in class biTree.visitor.GetCodeHelper
Method to be called on biTrees.
biTree(BiTree) - Method in class biTree.visitor.MakeHashTable
Travels through a binary tree on all of the BiTrees
biTree(BiTree) - Method in interface biTree.visitor.Visitor
The method to call on BiTrees
BiTree(WeightCompare, WeightCompare) - Constructor for class biTree.BiTree
Constructor for BiTree
BitsToFile - class compress.BitsToFile.
Behavior class.
BitsToFile(FileOutputStream) - Constructor for class compress.BitsToFile


compareTo(Object) - Method in class biTree.BiTree
The required compareTo method from Comparable.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class biTree.Symbol
The required compareTo method from Comparable.
compareTo(Object) - Method in interface biTree.WeightCompare
The required compareTo method from Comparable.
CompressAlgo - class compress.CompressAlgo.
The abstract class of compression algorithms.
CompressAlgo() - Constructor for class compress.CompressAlgo


decode(File) - Method in class compress.Arithmetic
decode(File) - Method in class compress.CompressAlgo
Decodes the given file.
decode(File) - Method in class compress.Huff
Decodes fileIn.


encode(File) - Method in class compress.Arithmetic
Encodes fileIn using Arithmetic coding and gives back the encoded file with a .cac attatched to the name.
encode(File) - Method in class compress.CompressAlgo
Encodes the given file.
encode(File) - Method in class compress.Huff
Encodes fileIn using Huffman coding and gives back the encoded file with a .ccc attatched to the name.
execute(FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, Vector) - Method in class compress.ReadIn
This method comprises the entire behavior of the class.
execute(Vector) - Method in class compress.BitsToFile
Writes a vector of bits to the file.
execute(Vector) - Method in class compress.VecToTree
Converts the given vector of WeightCompares into a binary tree of WeightCompares
execute(Visitor) - Method in class biTree.BiTree
The hook for my visitors
execute(Visitor) - Method in class biTree.Symbol
The hook for my visitors
execute(Visitor) - Method in interface biTree.WeightCompare
The hook method for visitors


finishUp() - Method in class compress.BitsToFile
When we get to the end of a file, we need to write the last vector, even though it may not be full.


GetCode - class biTree.visitor.GetCode.
A visitor on WeightCompares that gets a value for a given code by traversing the tree.
GetCode(Vector, FileInputStream, IntWrapper) - Constructor for class biTree.visitor.GetCode
GetCodeHelper - class biTree.visitor.GetCodeHelper.
Helper for the GetCode visitor
GetCodeHelper(Vector, FileInputStream, IntWrapper) - Constructor for class biTree.visitor.GetCodeHelper
getLeftChild() - Method in class biTree.BiTree
Getter for left child
getRightChild() - Method in class biTree.BiTree
Getter for right child
getValue() - Method in class biTree.Symbol
Getter for the value
getValue() - Method in class compress.IntWrapper
Gets the value of the IntWrapper
getWeight() - Method in class biTree.BiTree
Getter for weight
getWeight() - Method in class biTree.Symbol
Getter for the weight
getWeight() - Method in interface biTree.WeightCompare
The getter method for the weight


Huff - class compress.Huff.
A concrete CompressAlgo for Huffman coding
Huff() - Constructor for class compress.Huff


incWeight() - Method in class biTree.Symbol
Increments the weight by one
IntWrapper - class compress.IntWrapper.
Wraps around a primitive int so that it can be passed by reference instead of by value.
IntWrapper() - Constructor for class compress.IntWrapper


main(String[]) - Static method in class Test
MakeHashTable - class biTree.visitor.MakeHashTable.
Visitor on WeightCompare to make a hashtable from a given tree.
MakeHashTable(Hashtable) - Constructor for class biTree.visitor.MakeHashTable


ReadIn - class compress.ReadIn.
This class reads in a file and puts the letters and relative frequencies into a vector.
ReadIn() - Constructor for class compress.ReadIn


setValue(int) - Method in class compress.IntWrapper
Sets the value of the IntWrapper
setWeight(int) - Method in class biTree.Symbol
Sets the weight
Singleton - Static variable in class compress.Arithmetic
Singleton - Static variable in class compress.Huff
Singleton - Static variable in class compress.ReadIn
Singleton - Static variable in class compress.VecToTree
Singleton pattern
Symbol - class biTree.Symbol.
The leaf node class for our binary tree
Symbol(int) - Constructor for class biTree.Symbol
Symbol(int, int) - Constructor for class biTree.Symbol
symbol(Symbol) - Method in class biTree.visitor.GetCode
The method for Symbols.
symbol(Symbol) - Method in class biTree.visitor.GetCodeHelper
Method to be called on symbols.
symbol(Symbol) - Method in class biTree.visitor.MakeHashTable
When we get to a Symbol, we just want to return the value of the symbol and the code vector that we have found for that value.
symbol(Symbol) - Method in interface biTree.visitor.Visitor
The method to call on Symbols


Test - class Test.
Driver to test each of the compression schemes
Test() - Constructor for class Test
toString() - Method in class biTree.Symbol
A toString method for testing purposes


VecToTree - class compress.VecToTree.
This class is a behavior class.
VecToTree() - Constructor for class compress.VecToTree
Visitor - interface biTree.visitor.Visitor.
Visitor on WeightCompares


WeightCompare - interface biTree.WeightCompare.
This interface exists so I can sort a vector with both BiTrees and Symbols in it.


_byteVector - Variable in class biTree.visitor.GetCode
_byteVector - Variable in class biTree.visitor.GetCodeHelper
_fstreamIn - Variable in class biTree.visitor.GetCode
_fstreamIn - Variable in class biTree.visitor.GetCodeHelper
_fstreamOut - Variable in class compress.BitsToFile
_hash - Variable in class biTree.visitor.MakeHashTable
_indexToSet - Variable in class biTree.visitor.MakeHashTable
_leftChild - Variable in class biTree.BiTree
_offset - Variable in class compress.BitsToFile
_offsetIncrementor - Variable in class compress.BitsToFile
_oneCode - Variable in class biTree.visitor.MakeHashTable
_rightChild - Variable in class biTree.BiTree
_singleByte - Variable in class compress.BitsToFile
_symbol - Variable in class biTree.visitor.GetCode
_symbol - Variable in class biTree.visitor.GetCodeHelper
_value - Variable in class biTree.Symbol
_value - Variable in class compress.IntWrapper
_weight - Variable in class biTree.BiTree
_weight - Variable in class biTree.Symbol

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