Interface IList

All Known Subinterfaces:
IEmptyList, INEList
All Known Implementing Classes:
EmptyList, NEList

public interface IList

Serves as a host for an algorithm on a list to visit its internal structure. Has a "hook" method to call on the appropriate method of the visitor, making the immutable list structure a framework.

Copyright 2005 - DXN, SBW All rights reserved
Dung X. Nguyen, Stephen B. Wong

Method Summary
 Object execute(IListAlgo algo, Object... inp)
          A visitor pattern "hook" method that executes an IListAlgo.

Method Detail


Object execute(IListAlgo algo,
               Object... inp)
A visitor pattern "hook" method that executes an IListAlgo.

algo - the visitor, the algorithm to be executed.
inp - a variable number of input parameters to be used by the algorithm algo.
an Object output from executing the algorithm algo; may be null.