COMP 310

Using WindowBuilder

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WindowBuilder Resources


WindowBuilder comes automatically with the default Eclipse "Indigo" installation, so no additional installation is necessary.

If you are using an earlier version of Eclipse, e.g. "Helios", please see the Eclipse and plugins installation page.

Important Architectural Warning on Comp310-Incompatible Auto-generated Code

WindowBuilder's automatic code generator sometimes creates code that is incompatible with the architectural design principles taught in Comp310.   While the auto-generated code will certainly run, they will present unnecessary difficulties when scaling the programs up into larger systems.   In such, it is important that certain auto-generated codes be modified after they are created, before proceeding onward with any further programming.  Please pay close attention to notes below concerning changes that should be made to WindowBuilder's auto-generated code to insure design compatibility with Comp310-taught principles.  Setting the preferences as detailed below, will reduce some of the incompatible code generated so change those preferences right away.


Forcibly Opening a Class with WindowBuilder

Sometimes Eclipse forgets that it should open a GUI class using WindowBuilder.   To force Eclipse to open the class with WindowBuilder, do the following:

  1. Make sure that the class has no compile errors and is saved, then close the editor tab for that class.

  2. Right-click the class in the Package Explorer and  select "Open with..."

  3. If WindowBuilder appears on the list, click on it, otherwise, click on "Other..." to find it.

WindowBuilder Designer will not open

If presented with the option, try clicking the "Reparse" button.   It may take several attempts.   Also try cleaning the project: on the main Eclipse menu, select "Project/Clean..."

KNOWN BUG (as of 9/18): WindowBuilder Designer does not understand lambda function syntax

Do not use lambda function syntax to write things like ActionListener implementations for buttons. Doing so will result in WindowBuilder crashing when you double-click the button to try to go to the ActionListener code. ("Reparsing" will restore the designer view.)

WindowBuilder always wants the implementation to be written using anonymous inner classes, not lambda functions.

Bottom line: Always let WindowBuilder write the initial ActionListener implementation by double-clicking the button in the designer view. Then fill in the actionPerformed method. Don't use lambda functions.

Reference: WindowBuilder bug report.


Setting the Preferences for WindowBuilder  (Do this BEFORE using WindowBuilder!)

While the default preferences in WindowBuilder are perfectly usable, for Comp310, life is a lot easier and more convenient is the WindowBuilder preferences are slightly adjusted.   

In Eclipse, go to Window/Preferences and then expand the WindowBuilder link to Swing/Code Generation and make the following changes:

The WindowBuilder Swing Code Generation preference dialog should look like the following when you are finished:

WindowBuilder preference settings


Warning:  WindowBuilder Bug!

Even after making the above preference settings, when a frame or panel is first created, WindowBuilder does not put the GUI initialization code into a separate method, e.g. into initGUI(), instead, putting all the code into the frame or panel's constructor.   

However, this bug is essentially benign because as soon as a component is dragged and dropped from WindowBuilder's component palette onto the frame or panel, WindowBuilder will then correctly move all the initialization code, including the code it initially generated, into the separate initGUI() method.

Work-araound: Either manually move the initialization code into the initGUI() method or simply drop a component into the frame or panel and WindowBuilder will fix the problem automatically.


The WindowBuilder Design Tab

Create a Simple GUI Application

  1. In Eclipse's Package Explorer pane, right-click on the package that you want your new GUI class to be in (create a new package first if it doesn't exist).
  2. Select New/Other... from the pop-up menu.
  3. Under "WindowBuilder", expand "Swing Designer".
  4. Select "JFrame".     Do NOT select "Application Window" as this will create Comp310-incompatible code!
  5. Click "Next".
  6. In the subsequent dialog window, be sure that the package name is correct and type in the desired class name for your new GUI frame.   Use a clearly descriptive name that tells the reader what this frame is for and that it is a frame, e.g. "MainAppFrame".
  7. The "Use Advanced Template" checkbox should be checked.
  8. Click "Finish"
  9. Perform the following code clean-up steps to make the auto-generated code compatible with Comp310 design principles.   These changes will make your code much easier to migrate into a true Model-View-Controller architecture later, as well as make it applet-compatible (i.e. web-compatible):
    1. See the warning about the WindowBuilder bug.
    2. If the above preferences were NOT set, you will need to manually move the GUI initialization code from the frame's contructor into its own private method, e.g. "initGUI()".  This separates the GUI component's instantiation process from its initialization process.  Subsequent auto-generated code will be created in this new method.
      public MyFrame() {
         setBounds(100, 100, 450, 300);
       * Constructor for the frame
      public MyFrame() {
         initGUI();  // Call the initialization method.
       * Initialize the GUI components but do not start the frame.  
       * This method could be public if desired.
      private void initGUI() {
         setBounds(100, 100, 450, 300);
    3. (This has to be done even if the preferences were set.) Move the setVisible(true) statement out of main() and into a public start() method of the frame.   This encapsulates the GUI startup process away from the application startup process. 

      In main():
      frame.start(); // Start the frame up, i.e. make it visible and operational.
      Add the following method:
       * Starts the already initialized frame, making it 
       * visible and ready to interact with the user. 
      public void start() {



WindowBuilder and Lambda Functions

The current version of WindowBuilder by default, still uses anonymous inner classes to create ActionListeners for buttons and the like.   This form is perfectly acceptible though when coding by hand, one might prefer to use lambda functions. For example:

		// WindowBuilder auto-generated code:
		btnChgLabelTxt.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
				lblDisplayLabel.setText("Howdy!");    // changes the text of the lblDisplayLabel to "Howdy" when btnChgLabelTxt is clicked.
		// Hand-coded listener using a lambda function that does the same thing:
		btnChgLabelTxt.addActionListener((arg0) -> lblDisplayLabel.setText("Howdy!"));



© 2017 by Stephen Wong