Module hw06

Package provided.abcMusic.musicFW

package provided.abcMusic.musicFW
Definitions of the IPhrase data structure and its sub-types used to represent ABC music elements.
Stephen Wong, Scott Rixner
  • Interface Summary
    Note interface for Notes and collections of Notes.
    Top level of a piece of abc music.
    Interface for a Phrase visitor.
    The command used by APhraseVisitor that is associated with a host or hosts.
    Interface for sequential lists of IPhrases.
  • Class Summary
    Command-based implementation of IPhraseVisitor that uses IPhraseVisitorCmds stored in a hash table.
    A collection of notes that make up a Chord.
    An ISeqList that transparently routes the visitor execution to its decoree.
    The class is used to implement "Da Capo al fine" or "D.C.
    An abc Header.
    An empty sequence list.
    A non-empty ("cons") sequence list.
    Basic class representing musical Notes.
    A collection of multiple notes ---------------------------------------------- A collection of Notes
    Multiple Decorator ISeqList where the active decoree (the "target") is toggled (cycled, actually) through all the available decorees.
    A musical triplet.
    Class that represents a tuplet, a series of notes played in a fraction of their normal total time.