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AAccumulator - Class in provided.listFW.visitors
An IAccumulator that holds an Object as its internal value and who's string representation is the string representation of that value.
AAccumulator(Object) - Constructor for class provided.listFW.visitors.AAccumulator
Constructor for the class
ABCInstrument - Class in provided.abcMusic.utils
Represents an instrument as a name and an integer value
ABCInstrument(String, int) - Constructor for class provided.abcMusic.utils.ABCInstrument
Constructor for the class
ABCParser - Class in provided.abcMusic.parser
Parses an abc file into IPhrase music structures
ABCParser parser = new ABCParser("/data/");
IPhrase phrase = parser.parse();
Cases handled:
- single notes with and without accidentals and naturals with regards to measures
- chords
- dotted notes
- grace notes
- repeats, including first and second repeats.
- triplets
- tuplets
- all headers
- quoted text
- D.C.
ABCParser(String) - Constructor for class provided.abcMusic.parser.ABCParser
Constructs a parser for the given ABC input file.
abcT - Variable in class provided.abcMusic.parser.ABCParser
ABCTokenizer to use.
ABCTokenizer - Class in provided.abcMusic.parser.tokenizer
Tokenizer for the abc music language.
ABCTokenizer(String) - Constructor for class provided.abcMusic.parser.tokenizer.ABCTokenizer
Constructor for the class
ABCUtil - Class in provided.abcMusic.utils
Singleton utility class that has methods for parsing, reading file content and getting the list of instruments.
ABCUtil() - Constructor for class provided.abcMusic.utils.ABCUtil
private constructor
accept(ILogEntry) - Method in interface provided.logger.ILogEntryProcessor
Process the given log entry
accept(ILogEntry) - Method in class provided.logger.util.LoggerPanel
Add a log entry to the display using the current log entry formatting function
accept(T, U, V) - Method in interface provided.utils.function.TriConsumer
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
accidental - Variable in class provided.abcMusic.musicFW.Note
Accidental (normally in {-1, 0, +1})
accidental - Variable in class provided.abcMusic.utils.KeySignature.KeyNote
Whether or not the note is accidental: -1 = flat, 0 = natural, +1 = sharp
accidentalNotes - Variable in class provided.abcMusic.parser.ABCParser
Set of accidental notes in the current measure.
ACCIDENTALS - Static variable in class provided.abcMusic.parser.tokenizer.ABCTokenizer
Allowable note accidentals
accLoader - Variable in class visitorDemoExercises.listFWVisitorExercises.model.ListDemoModel
Dynamic loader for accumulator classes
accumulate(Object) - Method in class provided.listFW.visitors.CopyAcc
accumulate(Object) - Method in interface provided.listFW.visitors.IAccumulator
Accumulates the given value into the internally stored total
accumulate(Object) - Method in class provided.listFW.visitors.LastNegAcc
accumulate(Object) - Method in class provided.listFW.visitors.ProdAcc
accumulate(Object) - Method in class provided.listFW.visitors.SumAcc
addAccidental(Note) - Method in class provided.abcMusic.parser.ABCParser
Adds a note to the set of accidentals replaces any note with the same name and octave.
addCenterPanel(JPanel) - Method in class provided.logger.demo.view.MainFrame
Add a panel to the center of the view.
addCmd(String, IPhraseVisitorCmd) - Method in class provided.abcMusic.musicFW.APhraseVisitor
Add the given command to the dictionary, associated with the given id value.
addCmd(String, ITokVisitorCmd) - Method in class provided.tokenFW.ATokVisitor
Add a new cmd or replace an existing cmd associated with the given host id.
addLogProcessor(ILogEntryProcessor) - Method in interface provided.logger.ILogger
Add the given log entry processor to the set of processors being used.
addLogProcessor(ILogEntryProcessor) - Method in class provided.logger.impl.Logger
addMsg(String) - Method in class provided.logger.util.LoggerPanel
Add an already formatted message (linefeed NOT automatically added)
addNote(Note, int) - Method in class provided.abcMusic.player.impl.ASequencePlayer
Add a note to the MIDI sequence with a default velocity of 64 for middle volume
addNote(Note, int) - Method in interface provided.abcMusic.player.ISequencePlayer
Add a note to the MIDI sequence with a default velocity of 64 for middle volume
addNote(Note, int, int) - Method in class provided.abcMusic.player.impl.ASequencePlayer
Add a note to the MIDI sequence.
addNote(Note, int, int) - Method in interface provided.abcMusic.player.ISequencePlayer
Add a note to the MIDI sequence.
addObserver(IObserver<TMsg>) - Method in interface provided.utils.dispatcher.IDispatcher
Add an observer to the dispatcher.
addObserver(IObserver<TMsg>) - Method in class provided.utils.dispatcher.impl.ADispatcher
AddToAlgo - Class in provided.listFW.visitors
Returns a copy of the list where the single integer parameter is added to all elements
AddToAlgo() - Constructor for class provided.listFW.visitors.AddToAlgo
ADispatcher<TMsg> - Class in provided.utils.dispatcher.impl
Mid-level abstraction of a dispatcher that establishes the ability to hold and manage observers in a thread-safe manner.
ADispatcher() - Constructor for class provided.utils.dispatcher.impl.ADispatcher
adjust(Note) - Method in class provided.abcMusic.utils.KeySignature
Takes a note and returns the properly transposed note in this key signature
angleBetween(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class provided.utils.valueGenerator.impl.VectorUtil
angleBetween(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in interface provided.utils.valueGenerator.IVectorUtil
Utility method to get the signed angle between the two 2-D vectors.
AObjectLoader<ReturnT> - Class in provided.utils.loader.impl
Factory that dynamically class loads and instantiates an object of type ReturnT
AObjectLoader() - Constructor for class provided.utils.loader.impl.AObjectLoader
Constructor for the class.
AObjectLoader(ILogger) - Constructor for class provided.utils.loader.impl.AObjectLoader
Constructor for the class.
APhraseVisitor - Class in provided.abcMusic.musicFW
Command-based implementation of IPhraseVisitor that uses IPhraseVisitorCmds stored in a hash table.
APhraseVisitor() - Constructor for class provided.abcMusic.musicFW.APhraseVisitor
Constructor that installs a default cmd that throws an IllegalArgumentException on any unknown host.
APhraseVisitor(IPhraseVisitorCmd) - Constructor for class provided.abcMusic.musicFW.APhraseVisitor
Constructor that sets the default cmd to the supplied cmd.
append(ILogger) - Method in interface provided.logger.ILogger
Appends the chain represented by the given logger into this logger chain.
append(ILogger) - Method in class provided.logger.impl.Logger
apply(String, IPhrase, Object...) - Method in interface provided.abcMusic.musicFW.IPhraseVisitorCmd
The method called when the APhraseVisitor delegates its caseAt call to this command.
apply(String, Token, Object...) - Method in interface provided.tokenFW.ITokVisitorCmd
The ATokVisitor delegates its caseAt call to this method
apply(ILogEntry) - Method in interface provided.logger.ILogEntryFormatter
Format the given log entry as a String
ASequencePlayer - Class in provided.abcMusic.player.impl
Common aspects of all sequence player implementations.
ASequencePlayer(int, int) - Constructor for class provided.abcMusic.player.impl.ASequencePlayer
Create a new abstract SequencePlayer to create and play music.
AStringLogEntryProcessor - Class in provided.logger.util
A abstract mutable IStringLogEntryProcessor class that enables the string formatter in use to be both accessed and changed.
AStringLogEntryProcessor() - Constructor for class provided.logger.util.AStringLogEntryProcessor
Construct an instance using the ILogEntryFormatter.DEFAULT formatter.
AStringLogEntryProcessor(ILogEntryFormatter) - Constructor for class provided.logger.util.AStringLogEntryProcessor
Construct an instance that uses the given log entry formatter.
ATokVisitor - Class in provided.tokenFW
A visitor to an Token that implements ITokVisitor using a dictionary of commands.
ATokVisitor() - Constructor for class provided.tokenFW.ATokVisitor
Constructor that sets the default cmd to one that throws and IllegalArgumentException" for any unknown tokens.
ATokVisitor(ITokVisitorCmd) - Constructor for class provided.tokenFW.ATokVisitor
Constructor that sets the default cmd to the given command.
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