Package ballwar.model

Interface Summary
IBallCmd Interface that represents commands sent through the dispatcher to process the balls
IBallEnvironment An interface that represents the environment in which the ball is operating.
IMoveable Interface that represents a "moveable" object.
IMovementKeys Interface that represents a set of movement keys.
IPaintStrategy Interface that represents a strategy used by a Ball when asked to perform variant paint operations.
IPlayer Interface that represents a single player that has a name and a score and is associated wtih a particular set of movement keys.
IUpdateStrategy Interface that represents a strategy used by a Ball when asked to perform variant operations associated with initialization, updating its state, collisions and destruction.
IViewCtrlAdapter The adapter interface the model uses to communicate to the view.

Class Summary
AElasticMassCollisionCmd Superclass for commands involving elastic collisions of round balls with individual masses.
Ball An concrete circular ball that moves in a line with its given velocity and bounces off the walls of a rectangularly shaped container.
BallModel Represents the main "model" of the system that coordinates the non-GUI processing.