Class ADecoratorPaintStrategy

  extended by ballwar.model.paint.ADecoratorPaintStrategy
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ADecoratorPaintStrategy
extends Object
implements IPaintStrategy

Abstract class that provides default behavior for subclasses that will decorate another IPaintStrategy to add functionality to that strategy. All this class's methods do is to simply delegate to the decoree. A subclass should override one or more methods, adding additional processing either before or after delegating to the decoree. Note that this class cannot be used by the BallWar system directly as it lacks a no-parameter constructor.

Field Summary
private  IPaintStrategy decoree
          The "decoree" paint strategy whose methods are being augmented by this decorator paint strategy.
Fields inherited from interface ballwar.model.IPaintStrategy
Constructor Summary
ADecoratorPaintStrategy(IPaintStrategy decoree)
          Constructor that takes the decoree paint strategy
Method Summary
 void init(Ball host)
          Default behavior is to simply delegate to the decoree's init method
 void paint(Graphics g, Ball host)
          Default behavior is to simply delegate to the decoree's paint method
 void paintXfrm(Graphics g, Ball host, AffineTransform at)
          Default behavior is to simply delegate to the decoree's paintXfrm method
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private IPaintStrategy decoree
The "decoree" paint strategy whose methods are being augmented by this decorator paint strategy.

Constructor Detail


public ADecoratorPaintStrategy(IPaintStrategy decoree)
Constructor that takes the decoree paint strategy

decoree - The paint strategy that is to be decorated
Method Detail


public void paint(Graphics g,
                  Ball host)
Default behavior is to simply delegate to the decoree's paint method

Specified by:
paint in interface IPaintStrategy
g - The graphics context which is passed to the decoree
host - The host Ball which is passed to the decoree


public void paintXfrm(Graphics g,
                      Ball host,
                      AffineTransform at)
Default behavior is to simply delegate to the decoree's paintXfrm method

Specified by:
paintXfrm in interface IPaintStrategy
g - The graphics context which is passed to the decoree
host - The host Ball which is passed to the decoree.
at - The affine transform which is passed to the decoree.


public void init(Ball host)
Default behavior is to simply delegate to the decoree's init method

Specified by:
init in interface IPaintStrategy
host - The host Ball which is passed to the decoree.