Interface IShapeFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
EllipseShapeFactory, Fish1PolygonFactory, Fish2PolygonFactory, PolygonFactory, RectangleShapeFactory

public interface IShapeFactory

Abstract factory that creates a Shape for use as prototype shapes in IPaintStrategies. The location of the center of the shape and the x and y scales can be specified.

Method Summary
 Shape makeShape(double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale)
          Returns a Shape object centered at (x, y) and with the specified x and y dimensions.

Method Detail


Shape makeShape(double x,
                double y,
                double xScale,
                double yScale)
Returns a Shape object centered at (x, y) and with the specified x and y dimensions.

x - x-coordinate of the center of the shape
y - y-coordinate of the center of the shape
xScale - The x-dimension of the shape, usually the x-radius.
yScale - The y-dimension of the shape, usually the y-radius.
A Shape instance.