Interface IGameCtrlAdapter

public interface IGameCtrlAdapter

Interface to the model that the view uses to control the game itself.

Method Summary
 void end()
          Asks that the model end the game.
 Object makePlayer(String name)
          Asks the model to create a player with the given name.
 void pause()
          Asks that the model pause the game.
 void start()
          Askas that the model start the game.

Method Detail


Object makePlayer(String name)
Asks the model to create a player with the given name. An object representing a player will be returned. The view has no knowledge of the type or usage of the returned player object, only that it will save it and return the currently selected one when requested. In the current implementation, players are held in a drop list, where the toString() return value of the player is displayed on the drop list.

name - The name of the new player.
The new player.


void start()
Askas that the model start the game.


void end()
Asks that the model end the game.


void pause()
Asks that the model pause the game.