COMP 310
Spring 2010

Using CLEAR for Assignment Turn-In

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To use Subversion ("SVN") source control for managing projects or for turn-in, be sure to first install the Subclipse plug-in

Update:  The "turnin init comp310" command is unnecessary for those people who will only use Subclipse to turn in their assignments.   If you wish to manually turn-in work from the Unix command line, then you will need to initialize the turnin directories as describled below.

Follow the directions on the Subversion web page to add the comp310 repository to Subclipse.

The Comp310 turn-in repository name is:

General Turn-in Procedure:

Turning in an assignment is nothing more than committing your work to the Comp310 repository:

  1. Add your homework project to the repository.   You may do this at any time.  It is recommended that you simply use the repository as part of your everyday development process.

  2. Before the due date, when you have completed your work, simply commit the entire project to the repository.

If you are modifying your work for the next assignment, be sure to copy all the files to a new project in your workspace and then separately add that project to the repository.   DO NOT OVERWRITE PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSIONS!



To use manual turn-in from the Unix command line, you must first initialiaze the Comp310 repository.  Follow the turn-in directions at CLEAR for "turnin init":

  1. Use SSH (available from Rice IT) to login in to a terminal session on using your NetID.

  2. At the command prompt, run the command  "turnin init comp310"  (no quotes).   This only needs to be done once.

  3. Log out of CLEAR.



© 2010 by Stephen Wong