rone Setup Instructions - COMP 551 Spring 2014

Requires Windows 7, also tested on VirtualBox Windows 7 guest with Ubuntu 13.10 host

Configuring JTAG Programmer

Connect mini USB cable from PC to JTAG programmer board
Download JTAG drivers:
Unzip the driver file and dump the directory on the desktop.
Go into Device Manager (Start, right-click Computer, Manage, Device Manager)
Look for two new unconfigured devices: Luminary Micro ICDI Board
Update BOTH using manual driver check in unzip location for above zip file.
The unconfigured devices will change into the following USB devices:
Stellaris ICDI Board A
Stellaris ICDI Board B

Install CodeSourcery
Choose target platform: ARM EABI
Request a trial copy. Beware that you will be unable to download multiple copies!
The file will be: sourceryg++-2011.09-82-arm-none-eabi.exe
Perform a typical install
Modify path for current user
Add icons to default location
Once installed, use the Workbench button

Checkout rone code

Install Tortoise SVN:
64 bit file name: TortoiseSVN-
Right click on desktop, SVN Checkout
URL of repository is
Checkout depth should initially be "Immediate children, including folders"
Go into mrone directory, right-click robotcode directory, TortoiseSVN, Update to revision
Update Depth "Fully recursive"
This two-stage process prevents downloading multiple gigabytes of unnecessary files.

Building rone code

Start CodeSourcery
File - Import - General - Existing Project Into Workspace
Directory should be Desktop/mrone/robotcode
Import projects SuperDemo (first one), roneLib, roneos, freertos, driverlib
Right-click superdemo in Project Explorer window, build project using hammer icon.

Program robot

Connect JTAG board to robot using small ribbon cable (it is keyed)
In CodeSourcery, click on the arrow next to the bug icon and then Debug Configurations
Configuration name should be SuperDemo bin_rone_v09
Go to Debugger tab, set Debug interface to Stellaris USB
Device: Luminary Micro ICDI Board A (hexcode)
Board should be lm3s8962
"Debug" button should program the device

Communicating with Robot

Download SecureCRT3.3 and license file:
Install scrt33.exe
License file data will be needed on startup.
Connect mini USB cable from PC to robot
Go to Device Manager and install the serial port for the robot: FT232R USB UART
Note which serial port the robot is, use this when running SecureCRT.
Serial port configuration in SecureCRT: disable flow control, use maximum baud rate.
Use serial port from device manager
disable flow control
use max baud
If something doesn't work, email Robert Brockman at immediately.