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  Once a key has been established, an authorization attempt breaks down into the following steps:

  1. The person speaks a password into the microphone.

  2. The short-time magnitude of the signal is found and recorded, as is the pitch track.

  3. Each is cropped and dynamically time warped so that (possible) corresponding points on the signals are aligned.

  4. Now that the signals rest on top of each other, matched filter (for both magnitude and pitch) to determine a numerical value for their correlation.

  5. These numbers are compared to the thresholds set when the key was first created. If both the magnitude and pitch correlations are above this threshold, the speaker has been verified.

  6. Allow user to enter top-secret hangout.

To perform the previous steps, an m-file with the necessary function calls, keysigmatch.m, is executed with the lock signal and the thresholds established by makelock.m. When run, this file returns correlation results for the key signal with data within a directory.


In this case, the directory "sayproject" holds recordings of intruders with knowledge of the password. The key and thresholds have been determined for JP.

>> keysigmatch(lock,pitchthreshold,magthreshold)
Key and rh3 results: Pitch - 0.91654, Magnitude - 0.96115, no match
Key and nb3 results: Pitch - 0.91976, Magnitude - 0.96527, no match
Key and sm4 results: Pitch - 0.91165, Magnitude - 0.98238, no match
Key and av1 results: Pitch - 0.9275, Magnitude - 0.98558, no match
Key and av2 results: Pitch - 0.92516, Magnitude - 0.96334, no match
Key and av3 results: Pitch - 0.87437, Magnitude - 0.95367, no match
Key and sm1 results: Pitch - 0.87993, Magnitude - 0.87161, no match
Key and sm2 results: Pitch - 0.86388, Magnitude - 0.78649, no match
Key and sm3 results: Pitch - 0.87891, Magnitude - 0.9702, no match
Key and ap1 results: Pitch - 0.96795, Magnitude - 0.8557, no match
Key and ap2 results: Pitch - 0.99207, Magnitude - 0.98633, **MATCH**
Key and ap3 results: Pitch - 0.76035, Magnitude - 0.98621, no match
Key and rh1 results: Pitch - 0.73888, Magnitude - 0.93631, no match
Key and rh2 results: Pitch - 0.92455, Magnitude - 0.89989, no match
Key and nb2 results: Pitch - 0.83325, Magnitude - 0.97829, no match
Key and sm5 results: Pitch - 0.65601, Magnitude - 0.92705, no match
Key and jp1 results: Pitch - 1, Magnitude - 1, **MATCH**
Key and jp2 results: Pitch - 0.88351, Magnitude - 0.85871, no match
Key and jp3 results: Pitch - 0.95005, Magnitude - 0.85382, no match
Key and jp4 results: Pitch - 0.98476, Magnitude - 0.99578, **MATCH**
Key and jp5 results: Pitch - 0.98394, Magnitude - 0.98607, **MATCH**
Key and ll1 results: Pitch - 0.80864, Magnitude - 0.92357, no match
Key and av6slow results: Pitch - 0.93953, Magnitude - 0.6969, no match
Key and av5 results: Pitch - 0.95389, Magnitude - 0.98131, **MATCH**
Key and ll2 results: Pitch - 0.72507, Magnitude - 0.95408, no match
Key and ll3 results: Pitch - 0.84369, Magnitude - 0.95392, no match
Key and nb1 results: Pitch - 0.94128, Magnitude - 0.97153, no match
Key and sm6slow results: Pitch - 0.89874, Magnitude - 0.8671, no match
Key and nb4 results: Pitch - 0.91504, Magnitude - 0.97655, no match
Key and mm2 results: Pitch - 0.7873, Magnitude - 0.97525, no match
Key and mm3 results: Pitch - 0.89722, Magnitude - 0.93976, no match
Key and lb1 results: Pitch - 0.77527, Magnitude - 0.96453, no match
Key and lb2 results: Pitch - 0.79939, Magnitude - 0.95166, no match
Key and lb3 results: Pitch - 0.91653, Magnitude - 0.94181, no match
Key and aw1 results: Pitch - 0.83572, Magnitude - 0.65226, no match
Key and aw2 results: Pitch - 0.83677, Magnitude - 0.97752, no match
Key and aw3 results: Pitch - 0.55097, Magnitude - 0.86194, no match
Key and ah1 results: Pitch - 0.85184, Magnitude - 0.92905, no match
Key and ah2 results: Pitch - 0.82709, Magnitude - 0.82106, no match
Key and ah3 results: Pitch - 0.91662, Magnitude - 0.9754, no match
Key and mm1 results: Pitch - 0.78921, Magnitude - 0.94645, no match
Key and nb5 results: Pitch - 0.95223, Magnitude - 0.97784, **MATCH**
Key and av4 results: Pitch - 0.94271, Magnitude - 0.98388, no match

<< 9 || 11 >>

DEFEAT - "For every winner, there are dozens of losers. Odds are you're one of them."
© 1999
Sara MacAlpine
JP Slavinsky
Nipul Bharani
Aamir Virani