Module hw06

Interface IObjectLoader<ReturnT>

Type Parameters:
ReturnT - The type of objects being instantiated.
All Known Implementing Classes:
AObjectLoader, ObjectLoader, ObjectLoaderPath

public interface IObjectLoader<ReturnT>
Abstraction of the dynamic class loading process for a particular type of entity (class or interface). To maximally decouple the application from the implementation of the object loader, the object loader object should be typed to to this interface, e.g. IObjectLoader<IMyDesiredType> objLoader = new SomeConcreteObjectLoaderImplementation<IMyDesiredType>().
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    loadInstance​(String className, Object... args)
    Uses dynamic class loading to load and instantiate a subclass or implementation of ReturnT given a fully-qualified class name and an array (vararg) of input parameters.
  • Method Details

    • loadInstance

      ReturnT loadInstance(String className, Object... args)
      Uses dynamic class loading to load and instantiate a subclass or implementation of ReturnT given a fully-qualified class name and an array (vararg) of input parameters. Note that primitive types get auto-boxed into regular classes, e.g. int becomes Integer. Concrete implementations of this interface may have the ability to instantiate well-defined return instances in the event that an error occurs during the loading process. The returned object is instantiated using the constructor of the class corresponding to the given classname whose signature matches the number, order and types of the given constructor parameters.
      className - The fully-qualified name of the desired class which must be assignable to the ReturnT type.
      args - a varargs of input parameter values for the constructor of className
      An instance of the desired class, as ReturnT
      IllegalArgumentException - If no matching constructor can be found.