Serialized Form

Package ballwar.controller

Class ballwar.controller.BallControl extends JApplet implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 793513781091954451L

Serialized Fields


BallGUI _view
The system's view (GUI).


WindowListener _windowListener
The window listener used by the view when the window is closed. By default, it does nothing, as needed for an applet. One of the constructors can be used to set this value to something else, as needed when run as an application.


BallModel _model
The system's model.


OptionPanel _keysPnl
An OptionPanel used to display the movement keys. This panel is added to the view.

Package ballwar.view

Class ballwar.view.BallGUI extends JFrame implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -4878185240028886154L

Serialized Fields


JPanel _controlPnl
The panel upon which all the game controls are located.


JPanel _canvasPnl
The panel upon which the balls are painted.


JButton _clearAllBtn
The button to clear all the balls.


JTextField _inputTF
The textfield where the user can type in the classname of a new strategy.


JButton _addBtn
Button to add the strategy entered in inputTF to both drop lists.


JPanel _inputPnl
The sub-panel that the input textfield is located.


JButton _makeSwitcherBtn
The button that makes a new ball with a SwitcherStrategy.


JButton _switchBtn
The button that switches the decoree in the SwitcherStrategy to the currently selected strategey.


JPanel _switcherPnl
The sub-panel that holds the SwitcherStrategy controls.


JPanel _cbPnl
The sub-panel that holds the drop-lists of strategies and their control buttons.


JComboBox _list1CBox
A drop-list with all the strategies and combinations of strategies. Holds the factories that are used by the model to instantiate balls with that strategy. The factory's toString() method is called to generate the text shown on the drop list. This drop list is the list used when the user selects a strategy, except when creating a combination.


JComboBox _list2CBox
Same content as _list1CBox because two lists are needed to create combinations of strategies.


JButton _combineBtn
Button used to combine a selection from _list1CBox and a selection from _list2BCBox into a combined strategy.


JButton _makeSelectedBtn
Button to make a ball with the selected strategy in _list1CBox.


JLabel _statusLbl
Label at the bottom of the screen used to display the status of the game and the player's scores.


JButton _makePlayerBtn
Button to make a new player with the name typed in by the user.


JComboBox _playersCBox
Drop list that shows the names of all the players made so far. Holds players and uses their toString() method to display their names.


JTextField _paintTF
The textfield where the user can type in the classname of a new painting strategy.


JPanel _paintSelPnl
The sub-panel that the paint selection controls are located.


JButton _addPaintBtn
Button to add the paint strategy entered in _paintTF to the drop list.


JComboBox _paintCBox
Drop list with available paint strategies.


IBallCtrlAdapter _bCtrlA
The IBallCtrlAdapter used to control the balls.


IGameCtrlAdapter _gCtrlA
The IGameCtrlAdapter used to control the game.


IBallCreateAdapter _bCreateA
IBallCreateAdapater used to create new balls.

Class ballwar.view.OptionPanel extends Box implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 457346703351306663L

Serialized Fields


JComboBox cBox
The drop-list holds all the items.