Package sysModel.classFile.constantPool

Class Summary
AClassNameTypePoolInfo Represents an object in the constant pool described by class and name-and-type.
APoolInfo Represents an abstract constant pool object.
ASCIIPoolInfo Represents CONSTANT_Utf8_ASCII data in the constant pool.
AUTFPoolInfo Represents UTF data in the constant pool.
ClassPoolInfo Represents a class in the constant pool.
ConstantPool Constant pool.
DoublePoolInfo Represents a double in the constant pool.
EmptyPoolInfo Represents an empty slot in the constant pool.
FieldPoolInfo Represents a field in the constant pool.
FloatPoolInfo Represents a float in the constant pool.
IntegerPoolInfo Represents an integer in the constant pool.
InterfaceMethodPoolInfo Represents a method in the constant pool.
LongPoolInfo Represents a long in the constant pool.
MethodPoolInfo Represents a method in the constant pool.
NameAndTypePoolInfo Represents a name-and-type object in the constant pool.
StringPoolInfo Represents a string in the constant pool.
UnicodePoolInfo Represents Unicode data in the constant pool.