Package sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors

Interface Summary
IPoolInfoVisitor<R,D> Visitor on constant pool info objects.

Class Summary
ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor<R,D> Abstract visitor in which all cases call a default method.
AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor<R,D> Abstract visitor in which all value cases call a default value method, and all reference cases call a default reference method.
CheckClassVisitor Check that the host is a class info.
CheckMethodVisitor Check that the host is a method info.
CheckNameAndTypeVisitor Check that the host is a name-and-type info.
CheckUTFVisitor Check that the host is a UTF info.
GetPoolInfoSizeVisitor Return the size of the info in the constant pool.
NoOpPoolInfoVisitor<R,D> Abstract visitor in which all cases call a default method.