A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z _


AALOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
AASTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
AAttributeInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.attributes
Abstract class file attribute.
AAttributeInfo(AUTFPoolInfo, byte[], ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
ACC_ABSTRACT - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_BRIDGE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_ENUM - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_FINAL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_INTERFACE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_NATIVE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_PRIVATE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_PROTECTED - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_PUBLIC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_STATIC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_STRICT - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_SYNCHRONIZED - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_SYNTHETIC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_TRANSIENT - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_VARARGS - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ACC_VOLATILE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
AClassNameTypePoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents an object in the constant pool described by class and name-and-type.
AClassNameTypePoolInfo(int, ClassPoolInfo, NameAndTypePoolInfo, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Create a new object.
AClassNameTypePoolInfo(int, DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
ACONST_NULL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
act() - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Execute a simulation step.
add(Observer) - Method in class sysModel.SimEngine
Add observer to simulation.
addAttribute(AAttributeInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Add an attribute to the class.
addConstantPoolItems(APoolInfo[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Add new items to the constant pool.
addEnvSettings(AEnvFactory) - Method in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Add environment factory to dialog.
addField(String, String, String, boolean, short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Add the constant pool items for a field "fieldName:fieldDescriptor" in class "className".
addFish(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, AFish) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Add the fish to the global environment.
addFishToInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, AFish) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Add the fish to the environment's internal data structure.
addFishToInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, AFish) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Add the fish to the global environment.
addFishToInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, AFish) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Add the fish to the global environment.
addFishToInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, AFish) - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Add the fish to the global environment.
addFishToInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, AFish) - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Add the fish to the global environment.
addFishToInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, AFish) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
addMethodToConstantPool(String, String, String) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Add the constant pool items for a method "methodName:methodDescriptor" in class "className".
ADefaultAttributeVisitor<R,D> - Class in sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors
An attribute visitor in which all cases call an abstract default method.
ADefaultAttributeVisitor() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors.ADefaultAttributeVisitor
ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor<R,D> - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors
Abstract visitor in which all cases call a default method.
ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
adjustPC(short, short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Adjust program counter values contained in this attribute, starting at startPC, by adding deltaPC to them.
adjustPC(short, short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Adjust program counter values contained in this attribute, starting at startPC, by adding deltaPC to them.
adjustPC(short, short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.SourceFileAttributeInfo
Adjust program counter values contained in this attribute, starting at startPC, by adding deltaPC to them.
adjustPC(short, short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.UnknownAttributeInfo
Adjust program counter values contained in this attribute, starting at startPC, by adding deltaPC to them.
advanceIndex(int) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Advance the program index by multiple instructions.
advanceIndex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Advance the program index to the next instruction.
AEnvFactory - Class in sysModel.env
Abstract environment factory.
AEnvFactory() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.AEnvFactory
AFish - Class in sysModel.fish
Behavior-controlled fish.
AFish(Color, IFishDisplay) - Constructor for class sysModel.fish.AFish
Create a new fish.
age() - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Execute the aging part of a simulation step.
age() - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestFish
AGlobalEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Abstract global environment class.
AGlobalEnv(ICmdFactory, ISecurityAdapter) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Construct a new abstract global environment.
AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Abstract bsae class of the environment local to a fish.
AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv
AGlobalEnv.BreedLambda - Class in sysModel.env
Lambda to execute a breed.
AGlobalEnv.BreedLambda(AFish, AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.BreedLambda
AGlobalEnv.ILocalEnvVisitor - Interface in sysModel.env
Visitor to opererate on a local environment.
AInstruction - Class in sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
Abstract Java instruction.
AInstruction() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction
AInstructionTest - Class in sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
Unit tests for AInstruction classes.
AInstructionTest() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstructionTest
ALOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ALOAD_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ALOAD_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ALOAD_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ALOAD_3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ANEWARRAY - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ANEWARRAY_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ANode - Class in lrs
Represents the abstract list state.
ANode() - Constructor for class lrs.ANode
APoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents an abstract constant pool object.
APoolInfo(int, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Apply - Class in lrs.visitor
Applies the lambda specified as input to all elements in the LRStruct.
Apply() - Constructor for class lrs.visitor.Apply
apply(Object) - Method in interface model.ILambda
Execute command.
apply(Object) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.BreedLambda
Execute the breeding.
apply(Object) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
Execute the move.
apply(Object) - Method in class sysModel.env.DeactivatableLambda
Execute the wrapped command only if action is activated.
apply(Object) - Method in interface sysModel.env.IBlockedCommand
Execute command.
apply(Object) - Method in interface sysModel.env.IOpenCommand
Execute command.
apply(Object) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
Execute the move.
apply(Object) - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
Execute the move.
apply(Object) - Method in class sysModel.NoOpLambda
Do nothing.
apply(Object) - Method in class view.MBSView.StepItLambda
approveSelection() - Method in class view.EnvFileChooser
Called when the user hits the approve button (Save/Open) to confirm the selected file is acceptable.
ARETURN - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ARRAYLENGTH - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ASCIIPoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents CONSTANT_Utf8_ASCII data in the constant pool.
ASCIIPoolInfo(String, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ASCIIPoolInfo
ASCIIPoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ASCIIPoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
asciizCase(ASCIIPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for asciiz info.
asciizCase(ASCIIPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for asciiz info.
asciizCase(ASCIIPoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckUTFVisitor
Return host.
asciizCase(ASCIIPoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for asciiz info.
ASquareEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Abstract square environment class.
ASquareEnv(ICmdFactory, ISecurityAdapter) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv
ASquareEnv.ASquareLocalEnvironment - Class in sysModel.env
Concrete local environment for the square environment.
ASquareEnv.ASquareLocalEnvironment() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.ASquareLocalEnvironment
ASquareEnv.Direction - Class in sysModel.env
Concrete direction class.
ASquareEnv.Direction(ASquareEnv.Direction) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
ASquareEnv.Direction(double, double) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
ASquareEnv.Direction() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Creates a new direction facing north.
ASquareEnv.Location - Class in sysModel.env
Concrete location class.
ASquareEnv.Location() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
ASquareEnv.Location(double, double) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
ASTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ASTORE_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ASTORE_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ASTORE_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ASTORE_3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ATHROW - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
attributesCount - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo.CodeProperties
ATX - Static variable in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
AUTFPoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents UTF data in the constant pool.
AUTFPoolInfo(int, String, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AUTFPoolInfo
AUTFPoolInfo(int, DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AUTFPoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor<R,D> - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors
Abstract visitor in which all value cases call a default value method, and all reference cases call a default reference method.
AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor


BALOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
BASTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
BIPUSH - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
BODY_LENGTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.CircleFishDisplay
BODY_LENGTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.LittleFishDisplay
BODY_LENGTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.NarrowFishDisplay
BODY_LENGTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
BODY_LENGTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.RoundFishDisplay
BODY_WIDTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.CircleFishDisplay
BODY_WIDTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.LittleFishDisplay
BODY_WIDTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.NarrowFishDisplay
BODY_WIDTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
BODY_WIDTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.RoundFishDisplay
bodyAndTail - Variable in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
BoundedEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Implementation of a square bounded environment.
BoundedEnv(ICmdFactory, ISecurityAdapter) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Construct a new square bounded environment.
BoundedEnv(ICmdFactory, ISecurityAdapter, int, int) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Construct a new square bounded environment.
BoundedEnv.EmptyField - Class in sysModel.env
Empty field singleton.
BoundedEnv.EmptyField() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.EmptyField
Singleton ctor.
BoundedEnv.IField - Interface in sysModel.env
Field interface.
BoundedEnv.IFieldVisitor - Interface in sysModel.env
Field visitor interface.
BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment - Class in sysModel.env
Concrete local environment for the square bounded environment.
BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment(ASquareEnv.Location, ASquareEnv.Direction) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
Construct a new local environment.
BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda - Class in sysModel.env
Lambda to execute a move.
BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda(BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
BoundedEnv.NonEmptyField - Class in sysModel.env
Non-empty field class.
BoundedEnv.NonEmptyField(BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.NonEmptyField
BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Test cases for BoundedEnv.
BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Test cases for BoundedEnv.LocalEnv.
BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException - Exception in sysModel.env
BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException() - Constructor for exception sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException
BranchInstruction - Class in sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
Branch Java instruction.
BranchInstruction(byte, int) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
BranchInstruction(byte[], short, short, LineNumberTable) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
Make a new branch instruction from the bytecode stating at pc, padded using paddingPC, and use the line number table for branches.
BREAKPOINT - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
breed() - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Execute the breeding part of a simulation step.
buildPaths(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
Set up the paths used for the fish body, tail, and eyes.
BUILTIN_CLASSES - Static variable in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
Array of built-in classes that should not be checked and be loaded with the regular class loader.
bytesFromInt(int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.Types
Construct an array of four individual bytes from an int.
bytesFromInt(int, byte[], int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.Types
Construct four individual bytes from an int and place them in the byte array starting at offset start.
bytesFromShort(short) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.Types
Construct an array of two individual bytes from a short.
bytesFromShort(short, byte[], int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.Types
Construct two individual bytes from a short and place them in the byte array at offset start.


CALOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
CANCEL_BUTTON - Static variable in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Constant to access the cancel button in _optButtons.
cancelClicked() - Method in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Callback when user clicks cancel button.
cancelClicked() - Method in class view.InputStringDialog
CASTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
catchType - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo.ExceptionTableEntry
cb - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.ChoiceWithIconRenderer
checkAccess(Thread) - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Throws a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to modify the thread argument.
checkAccess(ThreadGroup) - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Throws a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to modify the thread group argument.
CHECKCAST - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
CHECKCAST_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
checkClass(String, byte[]) - Method in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
Check if the class is safe to load.
CheckClassVisitor - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors
Check that the host is a class info.
CheckClassVisitor() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckClassVisitor
Singleton constructor.
checkExit(int) - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Throws a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to cause the Java Virtual Machine to halt with the specified status code.
CheckMethodVisitor - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors
Check that the host is a method info.
CheckMethodVisitor() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckMethodVisitor
Singleton constructor.
CheckNameAndTypeVisitor - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors
Check that the host is a name-and-type info.
CheckNameAndTypeVisitor() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckNameAndTypeVisitor
Singleton constructor.
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Throws a SecurityException if the requested access, specified by the given permission, is not permitted based on the security policy currently in effect.
CheckUTFVisitor - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors
Check that the host is a UTF info.
CheckUTFVisitor() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckUTFVisitor
Singleton constructor.
CircleFish - Class in model.fish
A fish that swims around in a circle.
CircleFish(Color) - Constructor for class model.fish.CircleFish
Create a new circle fish.
CircleFishDisplay - Class in model.fish.display
Display for a circle fish.
CircleFishDisplay() - Constructor for class model.fish.display.CircleFishDisplay
Make an object that knows how to display round-ish fish.
classCase(ClassPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for class info.
classCase(ClassPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for class info.
classCase(ClassPoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckClassVisitor
Return host.
classCase(ClassPoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for class info.
ClassFile - Class in sysModel.classFile
Represents a Java class file.
ClassFile(short, short, short, String, String) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Create a new ClassFile instance.
ClassFile(InputStream) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ClassFile(byte[]) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
ClassFileTools - Class in sysModel.classFile
Tools for dealing with class files.
ClassFileTools() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.ClassFileTools
ClassPoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents a class in the constant pool.
ClassPoolInfo(AUTFPoolInfo, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
ClassPoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
Clear - Class in lrs.visitor
Clears this LRStruct.
Clear() - Constructor for class lrs.visitor.Clear
clear() - Method in class sysModel.SimEngine
Clears all observers.
clone() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.SourceFileAttributeInfo
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.UnknownAttributeInfo
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Return a clone this instance.
closeCase() - Method in class sysModel.parser.DefaultTokenVisitor
Case to be called if a closed parenthesis is read.
closeCase() - Method in interface sysModel.parser.ITokenVisitor
Case to be called if a closed parenthesis is read.
CloseToken - Class in sysModel.parser
Closing parenthesis token.
CloseToken() - Constructor for class sysModel.parser.CloseToken
Private singleton constructor.
CodeAttributeInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.attributes
Represents the Code attribute in a class file.
CodeAttributeInfo(AUTFPoolInfo, byte[], ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
CodeAttributeInfo(AUTFPoolInfo, short, short, byte[], CodeAttributeInfo.ExceptionTableEntry[], AAttributeInfo[], ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
CodeAttributeInfo.CodeProperties - Class in sysModel.classFile.attributes
Storage class for code properties.
CodeAttributeInfo.CodeProperties(short, short, int, short, short) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo.CodeProperties
CodeAttributeInfo.ExceptionTableEntry - Class in sysModel.classFile.attributes
CodeAttributeInfo.ExceptionTableEntry(short, short, short, short) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo.ExceptionTableEntry
codeCase(CodeAttributeInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors.ADefaultAttributeVisitor
Case for Code attribute.
codeCase(CodeAttributeInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors.IAttributeVisitor
Case for Code attribute.
codeLength - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo.CodeProperties
color - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.ColorChoice
commaCase() - Method in class sysModel.parser.DefaultTokenVisitor
Case to be called if a comma is read.
commaCase() - Method in interface sysModel.parser.ITokenVisitor
Case to be called if a comma is read.
CommaToken - Class in sysModel.parser
Comma token.
CommaToken() - Constructor for class sysModel.parser.CommaToken
Private singleton constructor.
CONSTANT_Class - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
CONSTANT_Double - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
CONSTANT_Fieldref - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
CONSTANT_Float - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
CONSTANT_Integer - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
CONSTANT_Long - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
CONSTANT_Methodref - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
CONSTANT_NameAndType - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
CONSTANT_String - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
CONSTANT_Utf8_ASCII - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
CONSTANT_Utf8_Unicode - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
ConstantPool - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Constant pool.
ConstantPool(int) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ConstantPool
Constructs an empty constant pool with the specified initial capacity.
ConstantPool() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ConstantPool
Constructs an empty constant pool with an initial capacity of ten.
ConstantPool(Collection<? extends APoolInfo>) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ConstantPool
Constructs a constant pool containing the elements of the specified collection, in the order they are returned by the collection's iterator.
controller - package controller
countNonEmpty() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
countNonEmpty() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
countNonEmpty() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
countNonEmpty() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
create() - Method in class sysModel.env.AEnvFactory
Create an environment as specified by the parameters.
CREATE_BUTTON - Static variable in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Constant to access the create button in _optButtons.
CreateEnvDialog - Class in view
Dialog to create new environment.
CreateEnvDialog(JFrame, IEnvAdapter) - Constructor for class view.CreateEnvDialog
Creates a new CreateEnvDialog and all its controls.
CreateEnvDialog.AddEnvChoice - Class in view
Nested class for adding an environment.
CreateEnvDialog.AddEnvChoice(CreateEnvDialog) - Constructor for class view.CreateEnvDialog.AddEnvChoice
Make a new add environment choice.
CreateEnvDialog.ConcreteEnvChoice - Class in view
Nested class for choosing an environment.
CreateEnvDialog.ConcreteEnvChoice(CreateEnvDialog, AEnvFactory) - Constructor for class view.CreateEnvDialog.ConcreteEnvChoice
Make a new concrete environment choice.
CreateEnvDialog.IEnvChoice - Interface in view
Nested interface for environment choices.
createEnvironment(AEnvFactory) - Method in interface controller.IEnvAdapter
Create environment from factory.
createEnvironment(AEnvFactory) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Create environment from factory.
createFish() - Method in class sysModel.fish.DynamicFishFactory
Create a new fish.
createFish() - Method in interface sysModel.fish.IFishFactory
Create a new fish.
createLocalEnvironment(ASquareEnv.Location, ASquareEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Create a local environment with the given data.
createLocalEnvironment(NoGridEnv.Location, NoGridEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Create a local environment with the given data.
cs2pc - Variable in class sysModel.PolicyFile


D2F - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
D2I - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
D2L - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DADD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DALOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DarterFish - Class in model.fish
Class for a darter fish.
DarterFish(Color) - Constructor for class model.fish.DarterFish
Create a new darter fish.
DASTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DCMPG - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DCMPL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DCONST_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DCONST_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DDIV - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DeactivatableLambda - Class in sysModel.env
Decorator for a lambda to make it deactivatable.
DeactivatableLambda(ILambda) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.DeactivatableLambda
Make a new deactivatable command.
deactivate() - Method in class sysModel.env.DeactivatableLambda
Deactivate action.
deactivateBreedLambdas() - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Deactivate move commands and clear list.
deactivateMoveLambdas() - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Deactivate move commands and clear list.
DEBUG - Static variable in class sysModel.PolicyFile
debug(String) - Static method in class sysModel.PolicyFile
debug(Throwable) - Static method in class sysModel.PolicyFile
DEFAULT_CELL_SIZE - Static variable in class view.DisplayPanel
DEFAULT_POLICY - Static variable in class sysModel.PolicyFile
defaultCase(AAttributeInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors.ADefaultAttributeVisitor
Abstract default case.
defaultCase(APoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Abstract default case.
defaultCase(APoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckClassVisitor
All other cases throw.
defaultCase(APoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckMethodVisitor
All other cases throw.
defaultCase(APoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckNameAndTypeVisitor
All other cases throw.
defaultCase(APoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckUTFVisitor
All other cases throw.
defaultCase(APoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.GetPoolInfoSizeVisitor
All other cases return 1.
defaultCase(APoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.NoOpPoolInfoVisitor
No operation default case.
defaultCase() - Method in class sysModel.parser.DefaultTokenVisitor
Default case to be called of other methods are not overridden.
DefaultTokenVisitor - Class in sysModel.parser
Default token visitor, all cases call the defaultCase method.
DefaultTokenVisitor() - Constructor for class sysModel.parser.DefaultTokenVisitor
delete(Observer) - Method in class sysModel.SimEngine
Remove observer from simulation.
deleteInstr(CodeAttributeInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
This method deletes the instruction at the program index.
detectDrJava() - Method in class controller.MBSController
Detect presence of DrJava n the classpath.
die() - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Let the fish die, remove it from the environment and the simulation.
direction() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.ASquareLocalEnvironment
Accessor for the direction.
direction() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
Accessor for the direction.
direction() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment
Accessor for the direction.
direction() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
Accessor for the direction.
DisplayPanel - Class in view
Panel to display the environment.
DisplayPanel(IDisplayAdapter, IEnvAdapter) - Constructor for class view.DisplayPanel
Make a new display panel.
DisplayViewport - Class in view
The viewport for the display panel.
DisplayViewport(JScrollPane, IDisplayAdapter) - Constructor for class view.DisplayViewport
Make a new display viewport for the given scroll pane.
DisplayViewport.Pannable - Interface in view
The Pannable interface contains those methods the view installed in a PseudoInfiniteViewport needs to support to enable panning behavior along with scrolling.
DLOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DLOAD_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DLOAD_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DLOAD_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DLOAD_3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DMUL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DNEG - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
doubleCase(DoublePoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for double info.
doubleCase(DoublePoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for double info.
doubleCase(DoublePoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.GetPoolInfoSizeVisitor
Returns 2.
doubleCase(DoublePoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for double info.
DoublePoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents a double in the constant pool.
DoublePoolInfo(double, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
DoublePoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
draw(Graphics2D, Component, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in interface controller.IDisplayAdapter
Draw model in this region.
draw(Graphics2D, Component, Color) - Method in class model.fish.display.ImageFishDisplay
Draw the fish.
draw(Graphics2D, Component, Color) - Method in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
Draw the fish facing north on the Graphics2D object.
draw(Graphics2D, Component) - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Draw the fish on the graphics object.
draw(Graphics2D, Component, Color) - Method in interface sysModel.fish.IFishDisplay
Draw the fish.
draw(Graphics2D, Component, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Draw model in this region.
drawBackground(Graphics2D, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Draw ocean background.
drawFish(AFish, Graphics2D, Component) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv
Draw the fish on the graphics object.
drawFish(AFish, Graphics2D, Component) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.ASquareLocalEnvironment
Draw the fish on the graphics object.
drawFish(AFish, Graphics2D, Component) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment
Draw the fish on the graphics object.
DREM - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DRETURN - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv - Class in tests
Test cases for BoundedEnv.
DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv() - Constructor for class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv
DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv - Class in tests
Test cases for BoundedEnv.LocalEnv.
DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv() - Constructor for class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv - Class in tests
Test cases for NoGridEnv.
DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv() - Constructor for class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv
DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv - Class in tests
Test cases for NoGridEnv.LocalEnv.
DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv() - Constructor for class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv - Class in tests
Test cases for UnboundedEnv.
DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv() - Constructor for class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv
DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv - Class in tests
Test cases for UnboundedEnv.LocalEnv.
DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv() - Constructor for class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv - Class in tests
Test cases for WrappingEnv.
DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv() - Constructor for class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv
DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv - Class in tests
Test cases for WrappingEnv.LocalEnv.
DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv() - Constructor for class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_Location - Class in tests
Test cases for WrappingEnv.Location.
DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_Location() - Constructor for class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_Location
DSTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DSTORE_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DSTORE_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DSTORE_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DSTORE_3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DSUB - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DUP - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DUP2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DUP2_X1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DUP2_X2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DUP_X1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
DUP_X2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
duplicate() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Return a new object which has the same direction.
duplicate() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Return a new object which has the same direction.
DynamicFishFactory - Class in sysModel.fish
AFish factory to dynamically create new fish.
DynamicFishFactory(String, Color, ISecurityAdapter) - Constructor for class sysModel.fish.DynamicFishFactory
Construct a new factory.


edit(Point2D.Double, int) - Method in interface controller.IEnvAdapter
Edit a field.
edit(Point2D.Double, int) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Edit a field.
editFish(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, IFishFactory, int) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Edit the fish.
editFish(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, IFishFactory, int) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv
Edit the fish.
editFish(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, IFishFactory, int) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Edit the fish.
editFish(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, IFishFactory, int) - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Edit the fish.
editFish(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, IFishFactory, int) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
EditToolbar - Class in view
Code for the edit toolbar.
EditToolbar(JFrame, IEnvAdapter, IDisplayAdapter) - Constructor for class view.EditToolbar
Create a new EditToolbar and all its tools.
EditToolbar.ChoiceWithIcon - Interface in view
Interface that unifies choices with icons (fish, color) so we can use one common renderer for both.
EditToolbar.ChoiceWithIconRenderer - Class in view
EditToolbar.ChoiceWithIconRenderer(JComboBox) - Constructor for class view.EditToolbar.ChoiceWithIconRenderer
EditToolbar.ColorChoice - Class in view
Nested class used to hold the per-item information for the entries in the combo box of color choices.
EditToolbar.ColorChoice(String, Color) - Constructor for class view.EditToolbar.ColorChoice
EditToolbar.ColorIcon - Class in view
Nested class used to drawFish the color swatch icon used for color choice entries in the color combo box.
EditToolbar.ColorIcon(Color, int, int) - Constructor for class view.EditToolbar.ColorIcon
EditToolbar.FishChoice - Class in view
Nested class used to hold the per-item information for the entries in the combo box of fish choices.
EditToolbar.FishChoice(String, IDisplayAdapter, ISecurityAdapter) - Constructor for class view.EditToolbar.FishChoice
EditToolbar.FishIcon - Class in view
Nested class used to drawFish the fish icon used for fish entries in the fish combo box.
EditToolbar.FishIcon(String, Color, int, int, IDisplayAdapter, ISecurityAdapter) - Constructor for class view.EditToolbar.FishIcon
emptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in interface lrs.IAlgo
Operates on an empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
emptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in class lrs.visitor.Apply
Operates on an empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
emptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in class lrs.visitor.Clear
Operates on an empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
emptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in class lrs.visitor.GetLength
Operates on an empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
emptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in class lrs.visitor.GetNth
Operates on an empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
emptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in class lrs.visitor.Remove
Operates on an empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
emptyCase(EmptyPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for empty info.
emptyCase(EmptyPoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for empty info.
emptyCase(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, Object) - Method in interface sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ILocalEnvVisitor
Case called if the location is empty.
emptyCase(BoundedEnv.EmptyField, Object) - Method in interface sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.IFieldVisitor
Empty case.
EmptyLocalEnvState - Class in sysModel.env
Empty local environment state.
EmptyLocalEnvState() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.EmptyLocalEnvState
singleton ctor.
EmptyNode - Class in lrs
Represents the empty state of a mutable list LRStruct.
EmptyNode() - Constructor for class lrs.EmptyNode
EmptyPoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents an empty slot in the constant pool.
EmptyPoolInfo() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.EmptyPoolInfo
Singleton constructor.
enableMouseAdapter(boolean) - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Enable or disable the mouse adapter for editing.
endCase() - Method in class sysModel.parser.DefaultTokenVisitor
Case to be called if end of file is reached.
endCase() - Method in interface sysModel.parser.ITokenVisitor
Case to be called if end of file is reached.
EndOfStreamToken - Class in sysModel.parser
End of stream token.
EndOfStreamToken() - Constructor for class sysModel.parser.EndOfStreamToken
Private singleton constructor.
endPC - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo.ExceptionTableEntry
ENV_EXT - Static variable in class view.EnvFileChooser
Standard extension.
envChosen() - Method in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Callback when user selects new environment class choice from combo box.
EnvFileChooser - Class in view
Environment file chooser class.
EnvFileChooser() - Constructor for class view.EnvFileChooser
Create a new EnvFileChooser.
EPSILON - Variable in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
EPSILON - Static variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Return true if this instruction list and the other object are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction
Return true of this instruction and the other object are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
Return true of this instruction and the other object are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
Return true of this instruction and the other object are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Return true of this instruction and the other object are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Return true of this instruction and the other object are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
Return true of this instruction and the other object are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ASCIIPoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AUTFPoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.EmptyPoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FieldPoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.InterfaceMethodPoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.MethodPoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.UnicodePoolInfo
Compare this object and another one.
error(URL, StreamTokenizer, String) - Static method in class sysModel.PolicyFile
I miss macros.
exceptionTableLength - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo.CodeProperties
execute(IAlgo, Object, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.ANode
Executes a visitor algorithm and returns the output.
execute(IAlgo, Object, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.EmptyNode
Calls the IAlgo visitor's empty case.
execute(IAlgo, Object) - Method in class lrs.LRStruct
Hook method to execute an algorithm with a given input and return

an appropriate output object.

execute(IAlgo, Object, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.NENode
Calls the visitor's non-empty case.
execute(IAttributeVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Execute a visitor on this attribute.
execute(IAttributeVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Execute a visitor on this attribute.
execute(IAttributeVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.SourceFileAttributeInfo
Execute a visitor on this attribute.
execute(IAttributeVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.UnknownAttributeInfo
Execute a visitor on this attribute.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ASCIIPoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.EmptyPoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FieldPoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.InterfaceMethodPoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.MethodPoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(IPoolInfoVisitor<R, D>, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.UnicodePoolInfo
Execute a visitor.
execute(AGlobalEnv.ILocalEnvVisitor, Object) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv
Execute a visitor on this local environment.
execute(BoundedEnv.IFieldVisitor, Object) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.EmptyField
execute(BoundedEnv.IFieldVisitor, Object) - Method in interface sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.IField
Visitor hook.
execute(BoundedEnv.IFieldVisitor, Object) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.NonEmptyField
execute(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, AGlobalEnv.ILocalEnvVisitor, Object) - Method in class sysModel.env.EmptyLocalEnvState
execute(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, AGlobalEnv.ILocalEnvVisitor, Object) - Method in interface sysModel.env.ILocalEnvState
Execute a visitor on local environment, depending on the state.
execute(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, AGlobalEnv.ILocalEnvVisitor, Object) - Method in class sysModel.env.NonEmptyLocalEnvState
execute(ITokenVisitor) - Method in class sysModel.parser.CloseToken
Execute visitor.
execute(ITokenVisitor) - Method in class sysModel.parser.CommaToken
Execute visitor.
execute(ITokenVisitor) - Method in class sysModel.parser.EndOfStreamToken
Execute visitor.
execute(ITokenVisitor) - Method in interface sysModel.parser.IToken
Execute visitor.
execute(ITokenVisitor) - Method in class sysModel.parser.NumberToken
Execute visitor.
execute(ITokenVisitor) - Method in class sysModel.parser.OpenToken
Execute visitor.
execute(ITokenVisitor) - Method in class sysModel.parser.WordToken
Execute visitor.
expand(String) - Static method in class sysModel.PolicyFile
Expand all instances of "${property-name}" into System.getProperty("property-name").
eye1 - Variable in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
eye2 - Variable in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
EYE_SIZE - Static variable in class model.fish.display.CircleFishDisplay
EYE_SIZE - Static variable in class model.fish.display.LittleFishDisplay
EYE_SIZE - Static variable in class model.fish.display.NarrowFishDisplay
EYE_SIZE - Static variable in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
EYE_SIZE - Static variable in class model.fish.display.RoundFishDisplay


F2D - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
F2I - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
F2L - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FADD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FALOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FASTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FCMPG - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FCMPL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FCONST_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FCONST_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FCONST_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FDIV - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
fieldCase(FieldPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for field info.
fieldCase(FieldPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for field info.
fieldCase(FieldPoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for field info.
FieldInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile
Represents a field in a class file.
FieldInfo(short, AUTFPoolInfo, AUTFPoolInfo, SourceFileAttributeInfo[]) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
FieldInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
FieldPoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents a field in the constant pool.
FieldPoolInfo(ClassPoolInfo, NameAndTypePoolInfo, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FieldPoolInfo
FieldPoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FieldPoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
filterRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class model.fish.display.ImageFishDisplay.TintFilter
findInstruction(AInstruction) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Finds the next instruction that matches the specified instruction completely and moves the program counter there.
findMethodInConstantPool(String, String, String) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Find the method info in the constant pool for a method "methodName:methodDescriptor" in class "className".
findOpcode(byte) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Finds the next instruction with the specified opcode and moves the program counter there.
fish() - Method in class sysModel.env.FishApplyParams
Get the fish.
FishApplyParams - Class in sysModel.env
Class containing parameters that the fish passes back to the lambda on an update.
FishApplyParams(AFish, AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.FishApplyParams
Construct new parameters.
FishException - Exception in sysModel.fish
Exception during fish simulation.
FishException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception sysModel.fish.FishException
Constructs a FishException with a target exception.
FLOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FLOAD_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FLOAD_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FLOAD_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FLOAD_3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
floatCase(FloatPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for float info.
floatCase(FloatPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for float info.
floatCase(FloatPoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for float info.
FloatPoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents a float in the constant pool.
FloatPoolInfo(float, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
FloatPoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
FMUL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FNEG - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FREM - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FRETURN - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FSTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FSTORE_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FSTORE_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FSTORE_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FSTORE_3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
FSUB - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode


GenericFish - Class in model.fish
Class for a generic fish.
GenericFish(Color) - Constructor for class model.fish.GenericFish
Create a new generic fish.
GenericInstruction - Class in sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
Generic Java instruction.
GenericInstruction(byte[]) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
GenericInstruction(byte[], short, short, LineNumberTable) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
Make a new generic instruction from the bytecode stating at pc, padded using paddingPC, and use the line number table for branches.
getAccessFlags() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Accessor for access flags.
getAccessFlags() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Accessor for access flags.
getAccessString(short) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFileTools
Return a string that represents the access flags set.
getAngle() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Return the angle between (0,-1) and this direction.
getAngle() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Return the angle between (0,-1) and this direction.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Return the attribute with the specified name.
getAttributeName() - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Returns the name of the attribute as it appears in the class file.
getAttributeName() - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.SourceFileAttributeInfo
Returns the name of the attribute as it appears in the class file.
getAttributeName() - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.UnknownAttributeInfo
Returns the name of the attribute as it appears in the class file.
getAttributes() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Return a copy of the attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Accessor for the attributes list.
getAttributes() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Accessor for attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Accessor for attributes.
getBranchTargets() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction
Return an array of target indices.
getBranchTargets() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
Return an array of target indices.
getBranchTargets() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
Return an array of target indices.
getBranchTargets() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Return an array of target indices.
getBranchTargets() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Return an array of target indices.
getBranchTargets() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
Return an array of target indices.
getBranchTargets(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Returns an array of branch targets for the instruction.
getBytecode(short, LineNumberTable) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction
Get the bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value, with branch targets according to the specified line number table
getBytecode(short, LineNumberTable) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
Get the bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value, with branch targets according to the specified line number table * @param pc PC for padding
getBytecode(short, LineNumberTable) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
Get the bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value, with branch targets according to the specified line number table
getBytecode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
Get the bytecode for this instruction.
getBytecode(short, LineNumberTable) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Get the bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value, with branch targets according to the specified line number table
getBytecode(short, LineNumberTable) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Get the bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value, with branch targets according to the specified line number table
getBytecode(short, LineNumberTable) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
Get the bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value, with branch targets according to the specified line number table
getBytecodeLength(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction
Get the length bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value.
getBytecodeLength(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
Get the length bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value.
getBytecodeLength(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
Get the length bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value.
getBytecodeLength(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Get the length bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value.
getBytecodeLength(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Get the length bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value.
getBytecodeLength(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
Get the length bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value.
getBytecodeLength(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideInstruction
Get the length bytecode for this instruction, padded for the specified program counter value.
getCause() - Method in exception sysModel.fish.FishException
Returns the cause of this exception (the thrown target exception).
getCellSize() - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Return the current cell size.
getCellSize() - Method in interface view.DisplayViewport.Pannable
Get the size of the cells.
getClassAccessFlags() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Accessor for the class access flags.
getClassInfo() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Accessor for the class information.
getClassLoader() - Method in interface sysModel.ISecurityAdapter
Return the class loader that checks fish classes for potential security violations.
getClassLoader() - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Return the class loader.
getClassName(String) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFileTools
Return class name in Java form.
getCmdFactory() - Method in interface controller.IEnvAdapter
Return the factory to make commands for the simulation driver.
getCmdFactory() - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Get the simulation engine.
getCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Return a copy of the code bytes.
getCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Accessor for the bytecode.
getCodeAttributeInfo() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Return this method's code attribute info.
getColor() - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Get the fish's color.
getColor() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.ColorChoice
getConstantPool() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Accessor for the constant pool.
getConstantPoolItem(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Return a constant pool item from this class.
getCorrespondingLoad(AInstruction) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction
Returns a load instruction that corresponds to the given store instruction.
getCorrespondingStore(AInstruction) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction
Returns a store instruction that corresponds to the given load instruction.
getCurrentColor() - Method in interface controller.IEditAdapter
Return current color.
getCurrentColor() - Method in class view.EditToolbar
Return the currently selected color.
getCurrentColor() - Method in class view.MBSView
Return current color.
getCurrentFish() - Method in interface controller.IEditAdapter
Return name of current fish class.
getCurrentFish() - Method in class view.EditToolbar
Return the currently selected AFish class.
getCurrentFish() - Method in class view.MBSView
Return name of current fish class.
getData() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Accessor for data.
getDeltaX() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Return the direction delta x.
getDeltaX() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Return the direction delta x.
getDeltaY() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Return the direction delta y.
getDeltaY() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Return the direction delta y.
getDescriptor() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Accessor for the type descriptor information.
getDescriptor() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Accessor for descriptor.
getDescriptor() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Accessor for descriptor.
getDisplaySize() - Method in interface controller.IDisplayAdapter
Get size of the display.
getDisplaySize() - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Get size of the display.
getDisplaySize() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Get size of the display.
getDisplaySize() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Get size of the display.
getDisplaySize() - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Get size of the display.
getDisplaySize() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Get size of the display.
getDisplaySize() - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
getDisplaySize() - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Get size of the display.
getDoubleValue() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
Accessor for the data.
getEnvironmentClassNames() - Method in interface controller.IEnvAdapter
Return an array of environment class names to be loaded at startup.
getExceptionTableEntries() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Return a copy of the exception table entries.
GETFIELD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
GETFIELD2_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
GETFIELD_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
GETFIELD_QUICK_W - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
getFields() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Accessor for the fields list.
getFirst(LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.ANode
Returns the first data object of the referencing LRStruct.
getFirst(LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.EmptyNode
Throws java.util.NoSuchElementException.
getFirst() - Method in class lrs.LRStruct
Gets the first data element from this LRStruct
getFirst(LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.NENode
getFishClassName() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.FishChoice
getFishClassNames() - Method in interface controller.IEnvAdapter
Return an array of fish class names to be loaded at startup.
getFishThreadGroup() - Method in interface sysModel.ISecurityAdapter
Get the thread group the fish are run in.
getFishThreadGroup() - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Get the thread group the fish are run in.
getFloatValue() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
Accessor for the data.
getHead() - Method in class lrs.LRStruct
Gets the head node (i.e.
getIcon() - Method in interface view.EditToolbar.ChoiceWithIcon
getIcon() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.ColorChoice
getIcon() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.FishChoice
getIconHeight() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.ColorIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.FishIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.ColorIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.FishIcon
getIndex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Accessor for the program index.
getInstr() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Return the instruction at the program index.
getInstrSize(byte[], int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Return the length of the instruction at the specified offset in the bytecode array.
getInstrSize(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Return the length of the instruction at the specified offset in the bytecode array.
getInterfaces() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Accessor for the interface list.
getIntValue() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
Accessor for the data.
GetLength - Class in lrs.visitor
Return the length of the list.
GetLength() - Constructor for class lrs.visitor.GetLength
getLength() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Get the length of the instruction list.
getLineNumber(int) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTable
Get the line number from the PC.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class view.EditToolbar.ChoiceWithIconRenderer
getLocalEnv() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.NonEmptyField
Return local environment.
getLongValue() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
Accessor for the data.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Accessor for the major version.
getMethods() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Accessor for the methods list.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Returns the minimum size of the display, for use by layout manager.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Accessor for the minor version.
getName() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Accessor for _name information.
getName() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Accessor for the name information.
getName() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Accessor for the name information.
getName() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Accessor for field name.
getName() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Accessor for field name.
getNameAndType() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Accessor for the NameAndType information.
getNeighbor(ASquareEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
Return the location of a neighbor in the given direction.
getNeighbor(NoGridEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location
Return the location of a neighbor in the given direction.
getNeighbor(ASquareEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Location
Return the location of a neighbor in the given direction.
getNextSignature(String) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFileTools
Return the next descriptor from a string of concatenated signatures.
GetNth - Class in lrs.visitor
Return the n'th element in the list.
GetNth() - Constructor for class lrs.visitor.GetNth
getOpcode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Return the opcode at the program index.
getOpcode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction
Get the opcode of this instruction.
getOpcode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
Get the opcode of this instruction.
getOpcode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
Get the opcode of this instruction.
getOpcode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Get the opcode of this instruction.
getOpcode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Get the opcode of this instruction.
getOpcode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
Get the opcode of this instruction.
getOpcode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideInstruction
Get the opcode of this instruction.
getOpcodeName(byte) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Return a human-readable version of the code.
getPanDelta(Point2D.Double) - Method in interface controller.IDisplayAdapter
Ask the model how much to pan, given where the user scrolled.
getPanDelta(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Ask the model how much to pan, given where the user scrolled.
getPanDelta(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Ask the model how much to pan, given where the user scrolled.
getPanDelta(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Ask the model how much to pan, given where the user scrolled.
getPanDelta(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Ask the model how much to pan, given where the user scrolled.
getPanDelta(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Ask the model how much to pan, given where the user scrolled.
getPanDelta(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
getPanDelta(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Ask the model how much to pan, given where the user scrolled.
getPannableView() - Method in class view.DisplayViewport
Return pannable view.
getPanTipText() - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Get the tool tip text for panning.
getPanTipText() - Method in interface view.DisplayViewport.Pannable
Get pan tooltip text.
getPC(int) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTable
Get the PC from the line number.
getPCFromIndex(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Calculate the PC for an index.
getPermissions(CodeSource) - Method in class sysModel.PolicyFile
GetPoolInfoSizeVisitor - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors
Return the size of the info in the constant pool.
GetPoolInfoSizeVisitor() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.GetPoolInfoSizeVisitor
Singleton constructor.
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
getPreferredSize() - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Returns the desired size of the display, for use by layout manager.
getProperties() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Return a copy of the code properties.
getReference() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.ReferenceInstruction
Get the constant pool id.
getRest(LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.ANode
Returns the rest LRStruct of the referencing LRStruct.
getRest(LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.EmptyNode
Throws java.util.NoSuchElementException.
getRest() - Method in class lrs.LRStruct
Gets the rest of this LRStruct.
getRest(LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.NENode
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
getSecurityAdapter() - Method in interface controller.IEnvAdapter
Return the security adapter.
getSecurityAdapter() - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Return the security adapter.
getSeed() - Method in class model.RandNumGenerator
Return seed.
getSourceFileName() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.SourceFileAttributeInfo
Return the source file name information.
GETSTATIC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
GETSTATIC2_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
GETSTATIC_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
getSuperClass() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Accessor for the superclass.
getSuperClassName() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Return the name of the super class or the empty string, if this class is java.lang.Object.
getTargetException() - Method in exception sysModel.fish.FishException
Get the thrown target exception.
getThisClass() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Accessor for this class.
getThisClassName() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Return the name of this class.
getToolTipText(Point2D.Double) - Method in interface controller.IEnvAdapter
Get a tool tip description for a specific place in the environment.
getToolTipText(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Get a tool tip description for a specific place in the environment.
getToolTipText(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv
Get a tool tip description for a specific place in the environment.
getToolTipText(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Get a tool tip description for a specific place in the environment.
getToolTipText(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Get a tool tip description for a specific place in the environment.
getToolTipText(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
getToolTipText(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Get a tool tip description for a specific place in the environment.
getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Given a MouseEvent, determine what text to place in the floating tool tip when the the mouse hovers over this location.
getTypeString(String, String) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFileTools
Translate a type descriptor descriptor and a variable name into a Java declaration.
getUtf() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Accessor for the utf information.
getViewPosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in interface controller.IDisplayAdapter
Ask the model where to scroll, given where the user has scrolled.
getViewPosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Ask the model where to scroll, given where the user has scrolled.
getViewPosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Ask the model where to scroll, given where the user has scrolled.
getViewPosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Ask the model where to scroll, given where the user has scrolled.
getViewPosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Ask the model where to scroll, given where the user has scrolled.
getViewPosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Ask the model where to scroll, given where the user has scrolled.
getViewPosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
getViewPosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Ask the model where to scroll, given where the user has scrolled.
getX() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
Return column.
getX() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location
Return column.
getY() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
Return row.
getY() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location
Return row.
GOTO - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
GOTO_W - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
GRADIENT_SIZE - Static variable in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay


handle(Throwable) - Method in class view.MBSView.GUIExceptionHandler
Handle the exception by displaying a dialog box and exiting.
handleException(Throwable) - Method in interface controller.ISimulationExceptionAdapter
Handle an exception that was caught during the simulation.
handleException(Throwable) - Method in interface sysModel.ISecurityAdapter
Handle an exception that was caught during the simulation.
handleException(Throwable) - Method in class view.MBSView
Handle an exception that occurred during the simulation.
handlerPC - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo.ExceptionTableEntry
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Return hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction
Return hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
Return hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
Return hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Return hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Return hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
Return hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideInstruction
Return hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AUTFPoolInfo
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.EmptyPoolInfo
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Return a hash code.


I2B - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
I2C - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
I2D - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
I2F - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
I2L - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
I2S - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IADD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IAlgo - Interface in lrs
Represents an abstract algorithm on an LRStruct.
IALOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IAND - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IASTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IAttributeVisitor<R,D> - Interface in sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors
A visitor that operates on attributes.
IBlockedCommand - Interface in sysModel.env
Special version of ILambda for use as blocked command.
ICmdFactory - Interface in sysModel
Interface for a factory to create a notify lambda.
icon - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.ColorChoice
ICONST_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ICONST_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ICONST_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ICONST_3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ICONST_4 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ICONST_5 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ICONST_M1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IDisplayAdapter - Interface in controller
Adapter to connect the display and the model.
IDIV - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IEditAdapter - Interface in controller
Adapter to connect the edit controls and the model.
IEnvAdapter - Interface in controller
Adapter to connect the environment controls and the model.
IF_ACMPEQ - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IF_ACMPNE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IF_ICMPEQ - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IF_ICMPGE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IF_ICMPGT - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IF_ICMPLE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IF_ICMPLT - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IF_ICMPNE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IFEQ - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IFGE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IFGT - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IFishBehavior - Interface in sysModel.fish
AFish behavior interface.
IFishDisplay - Interface in sysModel.fish
Interface for a fish display.
IFishFactory - Interface in sysModel.fish
Abstract interface for making new fish.
IFLE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IFLT - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IFNE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IFNONNULL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IFNULL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IINC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ILambda - Interface in model
Abstract command interface.
ILOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ILOAD_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ILOAD_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ILOAD_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ILOAD_3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ILocalEnvState - Interface in sysModel.env
Local environment state.
ImageFishDisplay - Class in model.fish.display
Use an image file to display a fish.
ImageFishDisplay(String, double) - Constructor for class model.fish.display.ImageFishDisplay
Make an object that knows how to display a fish as an image.
ImageFishDisplay.TintFilter - Class in model.fish.display
An image filter class that tints colors based on the tint provided to the constructor (the color of a fish).
ImageFishDisplay.TintFilter(Color) - Constructor for class model.fish.display.ImageFishDisplay.TintFilter
Construct an image filter for tinting colors in an image.
IMPDEP1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IMPDEP2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IMUL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
indexOf(APoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ConstantPool
Return the index of the pool item in the pool.
INEG - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
inField(ASquareEnv.Location) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
Return true of the other location is in the same field as this location.
INITIAL_DELAY - Static variable in class view.SimToolbar
inPool(ConstantPool) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Return the reference to the constant pool item that is already in pool, that matches this one.
InputStringDialog - Class in view
Dialog to enter a string.
InputStringDialog(JDialog, String) - Constructor for class view.InputStringDialog
Creates a new input string dialog and all its controls.
InputStringDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class view.InputStringDialog
Creates a new input string dialog and all its controls.
insertBeforeInstr(AInstruction, CodeAttributeInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
This method inserts the instruction before the program counter.
insertFront(Object, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.ANode
Inserts a data object at the front of the LRStruct owner.
insertFront(Object, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.EmptyNode
The owner becomes non-empty and has dat as its first element.
insertFront(Object) - Method in class lrs.LRStruct
Inserts dat to the front of this LRStruct.

post condition: getFirst() now returns dat.

insertFront(Object, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.NENode
Inserts a data object at the front of the LRStruct owner.
insertInstr(AInstruction, CodeAttributeInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
This method inserts the instruction at the program counter.
inSquare(NoGridEnv.Location, NoGridEnv.Direction, double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location
Return true of the other location is in a square with this location at the center, facing in the given direction, with sides of the specified length.
instance() - Static method in class model.RandNumGenerator
Return singleton instance.
instance() - Static method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Return singleton instance.
instance() - Static method in class sysModel.NoOpLambda
Return singleton instance.
instance() - Static method in class sysModel.parser.CloseToken
Return singleton instance.
instance() - Static method in class sysModel.parser.CommaToken
Return singleton instance.
instance() - Static method in class sysModel.parser.EndOfStreamToken
Return singleton instance.
instance() - Static method in class sysModel.parser.OpenToken
Return singleton instance.
INSTANCEOF - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
INSTANCEOF_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
InstructionList - Class in sysModel.classFile.code
Represents a list of Java instructions.
InstructionList(byte[]) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
InstructionList(InstructionList) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Copy constructor.
InstructionList(byte[], short) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
InstructionListTest - Class in sysModel.classFile.code
Unit tests for InstructionList class.
InstructionListTest() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
intCase(IntegerPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for int info.
intCase(IntegerPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for int info.
intCase(IntegerPoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for int info.
IntegerPoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents an integer in the constant pool.
IntegerPoolInfo(int, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
IntegerPoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
interfaceMethodCase(InterfaceMethodPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for interface method info.
interfaceMethodCase(InterfaceMethodPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for interface method info.
interfaceMethodCase(InterfaceMethodPoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for interface method info.
InterfaceMethodPoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents a method in the constant pool.
InterfaceMethodPoolInfo(ClassPoolInfo, NameAndTypePoolInfo, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.InterfaceMethodPoolInfo
InterfaceMethodPoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.InterfaceMethodPoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
intFromBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.Types
Construct an int from four bytes in a byte array.
INVOKEINTERFACE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
INVOKEINTERFACE_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
INVOKENONVIRTUAL_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
INVOKESPECIAL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
INVOKESTATIC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
INVOKESTATIC_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
INVOKESUPER_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
INVOKEVIRTUAL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
INVOKEVIRTUAL_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
INVOKEVIRTUAL_QUICK_W - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
INVOKEVIRTUALOBJECT_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IOpenCommand - Interface in sysModel.env
Special version of ILambda for use as open command.
IOR - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IPoolInfoVisitor<R,D> - Interface in sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors
Visitor on constant pool info objects.
IREM - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IRETURN - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IRunIdleAdapter - Interface in view
Adapter to connect the SimToolbar and the main view.
isBranch - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Table determining if an code is a branch instruction.
isBranch(byte) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Return true if the specified code is a branch instruction.
IScrollAdapter - Interface in controller
Adapter to connect the scroll panel and the model.
ISecurityAdapter - Interface in sysModel
Adapter to connect environments and security manager.
isFishCaller() - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Returns true if a fish is somewhere on the call stack.
ISHL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ISHR - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ISimAdapter - Interface in controller
Adapter to connect the simulation toolbar and the simulation.
ISimulationExceptionAdapter - Interface in controller
Adapter to connect the model to the view's exception handler.
isJSR(byte) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Return true if the specified code is a subroutine call.
isOnClassPath(String) - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Returns true if the filename is on the class path.
isPrimitive(String) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFileTools
Return true if this is a primitive type or an array of primitive types.
isProtected() - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Get the protection flag.
isReturn(byte) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Return true if the specified code is a return instruction.
ISTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ISTORE_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ISTORE_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ISTORE_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ISTORE_3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
ISUB - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
isUnconditionalBranch(byte) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Return true if the specified code is an unconditional branch instruction.
IToken - Interface in sysModel.parser
Token interface.
ITokenVisitor - Interface in sysModel.parser
Token visitor.
IUSHR - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
IXOR - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode


JAVA_FILE_MAGIC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Java file magic, 0xCAFEBABE.
JAVA_HOME_STRING - Static variable in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
String with the Java home directory.
JSR - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
JSR_W - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode


KnightFish - Class in model.fish
A fish that moves like a knight in chess.
KnightFish(Color) - Constructor for class model.fish.KnightFish
Make a new knight fish.


L2D - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
L2F - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
L2I - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LADD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LALOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LAND - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LASTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LCMP - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LCONST_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LCONST_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LDC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LDC2_W - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LDC2_W_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LDC_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LDC_W - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LDC_W_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LDIV - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Lexer - Class in sysModel.parser
Wrapper around StreamTokenizer.
Lexer(String) - Constructor for class sysModel.parser.Lexer
Make a new parser.
LineNumberTable - Class in sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
A table that relates PC values to line numbers.
LineNumberTable(byte[]) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTable
Create the line number table from bytecode.
LineNumberTable(LinkedList<AInstruction>) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTable
Create a line number table from a list of instructions.
LineNumberTable(InstructionList) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTable
Create a line number table from a list of instructions.
LineNumberTableTest - Class in sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
LineNumberTableTest() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTableTest
LittleFishDisplay - Class in model.fish.display
Display a small fish.
LittleFishDisplay() - Constructor for class model.fish.display.LittleFishDisplay
Constructs an object that knows how to display teeny little fish.
LLOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LLOAD_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LLOAD_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LLOAD_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LLOAD_3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LMUL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LNEG - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
loadBytes(String, String) - Method in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
Load byte array from name and path.
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
Load a class.
loadEnvironment(String) - Method in interface controller.IEnvAdapter
Load environment from file.
loadEnvironment(String) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Load environment from file.
loadFromClassPath(String, boolean) - Method in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
Load class from class path.
loadFromStream(InputStream) - Method in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
Load byte array from stream.
localEnv() - Method in class sysModel.env.FishApplyParams
Get the local environment.
location() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.ASquareLocalEnvironment
Accessor for the location.
location() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
Accessor for the location.
location() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment
Accessor for the location.
location() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
Accessor for the location.
lone() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
longCase(LongPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for long info.
longCase(LongPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for long info.
longCase(LongPoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.GetPoolInfoSizeVisitor
Returns 2
longCase(LongPoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for long info.
LongPoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents a long in the constant pool.
LongPoolInfo(long, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
LongPoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
LOOKUPSWITCH - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LookupSwitchInstruction - Class in sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
LOOKUPSWITCH Java instruction.
LookupSwitchInstruction(int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
LookupSwitchInstruction(byte[], short, short, LineNumberTable) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Make a new LOOKUPSWITCH instruction from the bytecode stating at pc, padded using paddingPC, and use the line number table for branches.
LOR - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LREM - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LRETURN - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
lrs - package lrs
lrs.visitor - package lrs.visitor
LRStruct - Class in lrs
Mutable linear recursive structure.
LRStruct() - Constructor for class lrs.LRStruct
Initializes this LRStruct to the empty state.
LRStruct(ANode) - Constructor for class lrs.LRStruct
Initiazes this LRStruct with a given head node.
LSHL - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LSHR - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LSTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LSTORE_0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LSTORE_1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LSTORE_2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LSTORE_3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LSUB - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LUSHR - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
LXOR - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode


main(String[]) - Static method in class controller.MBSController
Java Virtual Machine entry point.
makeAddCmd(AFish) - Method in interface sysModel.ICmdFactory
Create a lambda that adds a new fish to the observable.
makeDeleteCmd(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in interface sysModel.ICmdFactory
Create a lambda that notifies all observers to check if they are at the specified location and, if so, remove themselves from the observer.
makeDirection() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv
Factory method for Direction.
makeDirection(double, double) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv
Factory method for Direction.
makeDirection(ASquareEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv
Factory method for Direction.
makeDrawCmd(Graphics2D, Component, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Draw the environment in the region requested in model coordinates.
makeEditCmd(Point2D.Double, IFishFactory, int) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Edit a location.
makeEnvFactory() - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Create the environment settings class for an environment.
makeEnvFactory() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Get the environment settings class.
makeEnvFactory() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Get the environment settings class.
makeEnvFactory() - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Get the environment settings class.
makeEnvFactory() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Get the environment settings class.
makeEnvFactory() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv
Get the environment settings class.
makeEnvFactory() - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
makeInstruction(byte[], short, short, LineNumberTable) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction
Make an instruction from the bytecode starting at pc, using the specified padding PC and the line number table.
makeLocalEnv(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Create a local environment for the position.
makeLocalEnv(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv
Create a local environment for the position.
makeLocalEnv(ASquareEnv.Location, ASquareEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv
Create a local environment for the position.
makeLocalEnv(ASquareEnv.Location, ASquareEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Create a local environment for the position.
makeLocalEnv(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Create a local environment for the position.
makeLocalEnv(NoGridEnv.Location, NoGridEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Create a local environment for the position.
makeLocalEnv(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Create a local environment for the position.
makeLocalEnv(ASquareEnv.Location, ASquareEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Create a local environment for the position.
makeLocalEnv(Point2D.Double) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
makeLocation(double, double) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv
Factory method for Location.
makeLocation(double, double) - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv
Factory method for overridden Location.
makeMenus() - Method in class view.MBSView
Create the drop-down menus on the frame.
makeMoveFwdLocalEnv() - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv
Make local environment in forward direction.
makeMoveFwdLocalEnv() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
Make local environment in forward direction.
makeMoveFwdLocalEnv() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment
Make local environment in forward direction.
makeMoveFwdLocalEnv() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
Make local environment in forward direction.
makeMoveLambda(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv
Factory method for a move lambda.
makeMoveLambda(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
Factory method for a move lambda.
makeMoveLambda(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment
Factory method for a move lambda.
makeMoveLambda(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
Factory method for a move lambda.
makeNotifyCmd(ILambda) - Method in interface sysModel.ICmdFactory
Create a lambda that notifies all observers and sends them the lambda given as parameter.
makeOptionsPanel() - Method in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Build options dialog.
makeOptionsPanel() - Method in class view.InputStringDialog
Build options dialog.
makeStepCmd() - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Make the step command for the simulation driver to execute.
makeTools(IEnvAdapter, IDisplayAdapter) - Method in class view.EditToolbar
Create the UI components for the toolbar.
makeTools() - Method in class view.SimToolbar
Create the UI components for the toolbar.
MARGIN - Static variable in class view.EditToolbar.ColorIcon
MAX_DELAY_MSECS - Static variable in class view.SimToolbar
maxLocals - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo.CodeProperties
maxStack - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo.CodeProperties
MBSClassLoader - Class in sysModel
Class loader used for loading fish classes.
MBSClassLoader(MBSSecurityManager) - Constructor for class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
Create a new class loader.
MBSController - Class in controller
Controller class.
MBSController() - Constructor for class controller.MBSController
MBSSecurityManager - Class in sysModel
Special security manager that does not permit fish to call System.exit() or System.setSecurityManager().
MBSSecurityManager(boolean) - Constructor for class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
MBSView - Class in view
The main frame class of the GUI.
MBSView(IDisplayAdapter, ISimAdapter, IEnvAdapter) - Constructor for class view.MBSView
Create a new MBSGUIFrame and all its controls.
MBSView.GUIExceptionHandler - Class in view
Nested class that is registered as the handler for exceptions on the Swing event thread.
MBSView.GUIExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class view.MBSView.GUIExceptionHandler
MBSView.StepItLambda - Class in view
Iteration command for a set number of steps.
MBSView.StepItLambda(ISimAdapter, DisplayViewport, SimToolbar) - Constructor for class view.MBSView.StepItLambda
methodCase(MethodPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for method info.
methodCase(MethodPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for method info.
methodCase(MethodPoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckMethodVisitor
Case for method info.
methodCase(MethodPoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for method info.
MethodInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile
Represents a method in a class file.
MethodInfo(short, AUTFPoolInfo, AUTFPoolInfo, AAttributeInfo[]) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
MethodInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
MethodPoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents a method in the constant pool.
MethodPoolInfo(ClassPoolInfo, NameAndTypePoolInfo, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.MethodPoolInfo
MethodPoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.MethodPoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
MIN_CELL_SIZE - Static variable in class view.DisplayPanel
MIN_DELAY_MSECS - Static variable in class view.SimToolbar
model - package model
model.fish - package model.fish
model.fish.display - package model.fish.display
MONITORENTER - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
MONITOREXIT - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
move() - Method in class model.fish.CircleFish
Carry out movement behavior for the fish.
move() - Method in class model.fish.DarterFish
Carry out movement behavior for the fish.
move() - Method in class model.fish.GenericFish
Carry out movement behavior for the fish.
move() - Method in class model.fish.KnightFish
Carry out movement behavior for the fish.
move() - Method in class model.fish.RockFish
Carry out movement behavior for the fish.
move() - Method in class model.fish.SimpleFish
Carry out movement behavior for the fish.
move() - Method in class model.fish.SlowFish
Carry out movement behavior for the fish.
move() - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Execute the movement part of a simulation step.
move(AFish) - Method in interface sysModel.fish.IFishBehavior
Carry out movement behavior for the host fish.
move() - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestFish
MULTIANEWARRAY - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
MULTIANEWARRAY_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode


name - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.ColorChoice
nameAndTypeCase(NameAndTypePoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for name and type info.
nameAndTypeCase(NameAndTypePoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for name and type info.
nameAndTypeCase(NameAndTypePoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckNameAndTypeVisitor
Case for name and type info.
nameAndTypeCase(NameAndTypePoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for name and type info.
NameAndTypePoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents a name-and-type object in the constant pool.
NameAndTypePoolInfo(AUTFPoolInfo, AUTFPoolInfo, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
NameAndTypePoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
NAMES - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Table of mnemonics.
NarrowFishDisplay - Class in model.fish.display
Display a narrow fish.
NarrowFishDisplay() - Constructor for class model.fish.display.NarrowFishDisplay
Constructs an object that knows how to display teeny little fish.
NENode - Class in lrs
Represents the non-empty state of a LStruct.
NENode(Object, LRStruct) - Constructor for class lrs.NENode
Initializes this NENode to contain dat and a given tail list.
NEW - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
NEW_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
NEWARRAY - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
nextToken() - Method in class sysModel.parser.Lexer
Get the next token.
NoGridEnv - Class in sysModel.env
An environment that does not use grids to place fish.
NoGridEnv(ICmdFactory, ISecurityAdapter) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Create a new environment without grids.
NoGridEnv(ICmdFactory, ISecurityAdapter, int, Color) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Create a new environment without grids.
NoGridEnv.Direction - Class in sysModel.env
Concrete direction class.
NoGridEnv.Direction(double, double) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
NoGridEnv.Direction(NoGridEnv.Direction) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Copy constructor.
NoGridEnv.Direction() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Creates a new direction facing north.
NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment - Class in sysModel.env
Concrete local environment for the square unbounded environment.
NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment(NoGridEnv.Location, NoGridEnv.Direction) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment
Construct a new local environment.
NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda - Class in sysModel.env
Lambda to execute a move.
NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda(NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
NoGridEnv.Location - Class in sysModel.env
Concrete location class.
NoGridEnv.Location(double, double) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location
NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Test cases for NoGridEnv.
NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Test cases for NoGridEnv.LocalEnv.
NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException - Exception in sysModel.env
NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException() - Constructor for exception sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException
nonEmptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in interface lrs.IAlgo
Operates on a non-empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
nonEmptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in class lrs.visitor.Apply
Operates on a non-empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
nonEmptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in class lrs.visitor.Clear
Operates on a non-empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
nonEmptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in class lrs.visitor.GetLength
Operates on a non-empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
nonEmptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in class lrs.visitor.GetNth
Operates on a non-empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
nonEmptyCase(LRStruct, Object) - Method in class lrs.visitor.Remove
Operates on a non-empty LRStruct host, given an input object.
nonEmptyCase(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv, Object) - Method in interface sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ILocalEnvVisitor
Case called if the location is non-empty.
nonEmptyCase(BoundedEnv.NonEmptyField, Object) - Method in interface sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.IFieldVisitor
Non-empty case.
NonEmptyLocalEnvState - Class in sysModel.env
Empty local environment state.
NonEmptyLocalEnvState() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NonEmptyLocalEnvState
Singleton ctor.
NoOpLambda - Class in sysModel
No operation.
NoOpLambda() - Constructor for class sysModel.NoOpLambda
Private singleton constructor.
NoOpPoolInfoVisitor<R,D> - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors
Abstract visitor in which all cases call a default method.
NoOpPoolInfoVisitor() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.NoOpPoolInfoVisitor
NOP - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
notify(ILambda) - Method in class sysModel.SimEngine
Accept a lambda and pass it to all observers.
NullEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Dummy environment used if no other environment has been created or loaded yet.
NullEnv() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Private singleton constructor.
NumberToken - Class in sysModel.parser
Number token.
NumberToken(double) - Constructor for class sysModel.parser.NumberToken
Make a new number token.
numCase(double) - Method in class sysModel.parser.DefaultTokenVisitor
Case to be called if a number is read.
numCase(double) - Method in interface sysModel.parser.ITokenVisitor
Case to be called if a number is read.


OCEAN_BLUE - Static variable in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Color of the ocean.
OFFSET - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Table with code offsets.
okClicked() - Method in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Callback when user clicks ok button.
okClicked() - Method in class view.InputStringDialog
oldSetViewPosition(Point) - Method in class view.DisplayViewport
Set the old position of the view.
Opcode - Class in sysModel.classFile.code
Java opcode class.
Opcode() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
openAccessory - Variable in class view.EnvFileChooser
Open accessory.
openCase() - Method in class sysModel.parser.DefaultTokenVisitor
Case to be called if an open parenthesis is read.
openCase() - Method in interface sysModel.parser.ITokenVisitor
Case to be called if an open parenthesis is read.
OpenToken - Class in sysModel.parser
Open parenthesis token.
OpenToken() - Constructor for class sysModel.parser.OpenToken
Private singleton constructor.
ORIGIN_TIP_DELAY - Static variable in class view.DisplayViewport


paint(Graphics2D, Component) - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Draw the fish.
paint(Graphics2D, Component) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestFish
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Paint this component.
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class view.EditToolbar.ColorIcon
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class view.EditToolbar.FishIcon
pan(double, double) - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Pan the panel by the specified amount of pixels.
pan(double, double) - Method in interface view.DisplayViewport.Pannable
Pan by the specified amount.
PAN_CENTER - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Center of the pan area.
PAN_CENTER - Static variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
PAN_CENTER - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Center of the pan area.
PAN_SIZE - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Size of the pan area.
PAN_SIZE - Static variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
PAN_SIZE - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Size of the pan area.
ParamFishDisplay - Class in model.fish.display
Parameterized fish display.
ParamFishDisplay(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
Make an object that knows how to drawFish simple fish.
ParamFishDisplay() - Constructor for class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
Default constructor.
parse(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Factory method for parsing a stream of tokens and creating a global environment from it.
parse(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Parses a direction.
parse(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
Parses a location.
parse(Lexer) - Static method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Parses a direction.
parse(Lexer) - Static method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location
Parses a location.
parse(String, ICmdFactory, ISecurityAdapter) - Static method in class sysModel.parser.Parser
Invoke the parser and recreate a global environment from a file.
parse(URL) - Method in class sysModel.PolicyFile
Parse a policy file, incorporating the permission definitions described therein.
parseEnvironment(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Factory method for parsing the parameters for an environment and then creating it.
parseEnvironment(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Factory method for parsing a stream of tokens and creating a global environment from it.
parseEnvironment(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Factory method for parsing a stream of tokens and creating a global environment from it.
parseEnvironment(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Factory method for parsing a stream of tokens and creating a global environment from it.
parseEnvironment(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Factory method for parsing a stream of tokens and creating a global environment from it.
parseEnvironment(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv
Factory method for parsing a stream of tokens and creating a global environment from it.
parseEnvironment(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
parseFish(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Parse fish and add them to the environment.
parseFish(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv
Parse fish and add them to the environment.
parseFish(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Parse fish and add them to the environment.
parseFish(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Parse fish and add them to the environment.
parseFish(Lexer) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
Parser - Class in sysModel.parser
Parser class.
Parser() - Constructor for class sysModel.parser.Parser
ParserException - Exception in sysModel.parser
Exception in the parser.
ParserException(String) - Constructor for exception sysModel.parser.ParserException
Make a new ParserException.
ParserException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception sysModel.parser.ParserException
Make a new ParserException.
PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING - Static variable in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
String with path separator character.
PolicyFile - Class in sysModel
An implementation of a Policy object whose permissions are specified by a policy file.
PolicyFile() - Constructor for class sysModel.PolicyFile
POP - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
POP2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
popProtected() - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Pops the top protection flag from the stack and sets it as new value.
printHeader(PrintWriter) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Print file header.
printHeader(PrintWriter) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Print file header.
printHeader(PrintWriter) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Print file header.
printHeader(PrintWriter) - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Print file header.
printHeader(PrintWriter) - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Print file header.
printHeader(PrintWriter) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
processWindowEvent(WindowEvent) - Method in class view.MBSView
Processes window events occurring on this component.
pushProtected(boolean) - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Push the current protection flag onto the stack and set a new value.
put(int, int) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTable
Put this PC-line number pair into the hash tables.
PUTFIELD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
PUTFIELD2_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
PUTFIELD_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
PUTFIELD_QUICK_W - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
PUTSTATIC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
PUTSTATIC2_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
PUTSTATIC_QUICK - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode


queryForInteger(String, String, int, JFrame) - Static method in class view.MBSView
Query for an integer.


RandNumGenerator - Class in model
Singleton random number generator.
RandNumGenerator() - Constructor for class model.RandNumGenerator
Private singleton constructor.
RANDOM_COLOR - Static variable in class view.EditToolbar.ColorIcon
read(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Read from stream and return unresolved constant pool object.
read(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Read from stream and return unresolved constant pool object.
readAttributes(DataInputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Read class file attributes.
readClassInfo(DataInputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Read class information.
readConstantPool(DataInputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Read constant pool.
readFields(DataInputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Read class file fields.
readHeader(DataInputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Read a class file header.
readInterfaces(DataInputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Read class file interfaces.
readMethods(DataInputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Read class file methods.
refCase(APoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Abstract default reference case.
ReferenceInstruction - Class in sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
Instruction containing a reference to the constant pool.
ReferenceInstruction(byte, short) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.ReferenceInstruction
ReferenceInstruction(byte[], short, short, LineNumberTable) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.ReferenceInstruction
Make a new generic instruction from the bytecode stating at pc, padded using paddingPC, and use the line number table for branches.
refresh() - Method in class sysModel.PolicyFile
reindex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Reindex constant pool indices.
reindex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Reindex constant pool indices.
reindex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AUTFPoolInfo
Reindex constant pool indices.
reindex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Reindex constant pool indices.
reindex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
Reindex constant pool indices.
reindex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.EmptyPoolInfo
Reindex constant pool indices.
reindex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
Reindex constant pool indices.
reindex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
Reindex constant pool indices.
reindex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
Reindex constant pool indices.
reindex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Reindex constant pool indices.
reindex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Reindex constant pool indices.
relocateBranches(AInstruction, int) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Relocate branches in the instruction.
Remove - Class in lrs.visitor
Remove all occurances of the item specified as input, if found.
Remove() - Constructor for class lrs.visitor.Remove
removeEnvSettings() - Method in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Remove environment settings from dialog.
removeFish(AFish) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv
Remove the fish from the environment.
removeFish(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Remove the fish from the global environment.
removeFishFromInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Remove the fish to the environment's internal data structure.
removeFishFromInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
Remove the fish from the global environment.
removeFishFromInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Remove the fish from the global environment.
removeFishFromInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Remove the fish from the global environment.
removeFishFromInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Remove the fish from the global environment.
removeFishFromInternalData(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
removeFront(LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.ANode
Removes and returns the first data object for the referencing LRStruct.
removeFront(LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.EmptyNode
Throws java.util.NoSuchElementException.
removeFront() - Method in class lrs.LRStruct
Removes and returns this LRStruct's first.
removeFront(LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.NENode
repadInstr(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Change the padding on the inside of the instruction found at pc, so that it is padded for a PC=newPC, not for a PC=paddingPC.
resetPan() - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Reset the pan.
resetPan() - Method in interface view.DisplayViewport.Pannable
Reset the pan.
resetScrolling() - Method in interface controller.IScrollAdapter
Reset the pan of the panel.
resetViewport() - Method in class view.DisplayViewport
Reset the viewport.
resolve() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Resolve constant pool objects.
resolve() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Resolve constant pool objects.
resolve() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AUTFPoolInfo
Resolve constant pool objects.
resolve() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Resolve constant pool objects.
resolve() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
Resolve constant pool objects.
resolve() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.EmptyPoolInfo
Resolve constant pool objects.
resolve() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
Resolve constant pool objects.
resolve() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
Resolve constant pool objects.
resolve() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
Resolve constant pool objects.
resolve() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Resolve constant pool objects.
resolve() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Resolve constant pool objects.
RET - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
RETURN - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
returnHome(IScrollAdapter) - Method in interface controller.IDisplayAdapter
The action to be executed if the display should return home.
returnHome(IScrollAdapter) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
The action to be executed if the display should return home.
returnHome(IScrollAdapter) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
The action to be executed if the display should return home.
returnHome(IScrollAdapter) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
The action to be executed if the display should return home.
returnHome(IScrollAdapter) - Method in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
The action to be executed if the display should return home.
returnHome(IScrollAdapter) - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
The action to be executed if the display should return home.
returnHome(IScrollAdapter) - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
returnHome(IScrollAdapter) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
The action to be executed if the display should return home.
reverseDirection() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Reverse this direction.
reverseDirection() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Reverse this direction.
rewindIndex(int) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Rewind the program index by multiple instructions.
rewindIndex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Rewind the program index to the previous instruction.
RockFish - Class in model.fish
A rock "fish" that doesn't move.
RockFish(Color) - Constructor for class model.fish.RockFish
rotateGraphics(Graphics2D) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Rotate the graphics object by the angle between (0,-1) and this direction.
rotateGraphics(Graphics2D) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Rotate the supplied Graphics2D object to match this direction.
RoundFishDisplay - Class in model.fish.display
Display for a round fish.
RoundFishDisplay() - Constructor for class model.fish.display.RoundFishDisplay
Make an object that knows how to display round-ish fish.
run() - Method in class controller.MBSController
Main program entry point.


SALOAD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
same(ASquareEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Return true of this direction is the same as the other.
same(ASquareEnv.Location) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
Return true of this location is the same as the other.
same(NoGridEnv.Direction) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Return true of this direction is the same as the other.
same(NoGridEnv.Location) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location
Return true of this location is the same as the other.
SASTORE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
save(PrintWriter) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Save an environment to a file.
saveEnvironment(String) - Method in interface controller.IEnvAdapter
Save environment to file.
saveEnvironment(String) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Save environment to file.
select() - Method in class view.CreateEnvDialog.AddEnvChoice
select() - Method in class view.CreateEnvDialog.ConcreteEnvChoice
Select this choice.
select() - Method in interface view.CreateEnvDialog.IEnvChoice
Select this interface.
select() - Method in interface view.EditToolbar.ChoiceWithIcon
Callback if this choice was selected.
select() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.ColorChoice
select() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.FishChoice
SEPARATOR_CHAR - Static variable in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
Character with separator character.
setAccessFlags(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Mutator for access flags.
setAccessFlags(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Mutator for access flags.
setAdapters(IEditAdapter, ISimulationExceptionAdapter) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Set adapters.
setAttributes(AAttributeInfo[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Sets the attribute list.
setAttributes(ArrayList<AAttributeInfo>) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Mutator for attributes.
setBranchTargets(short[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction
Set the branch target indices.
setBranchTargets(short[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
Set the branch target indices.
setBranchTargets(short[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
Set the branch target indices.
setBranchTargets(short[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Set the branch target indices.
setBranchTargets(short[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Set the branch target indices.
setBranchTargets(short[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
Set the branch target indices.
setBranchTargets(short[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideInstruction
Set the branch target indices.
setBranchTargets(byte[], int, int[]) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
Sets the branch targets for an instruction.
setClassAccessFlags(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Mutator for the class access flags.
setClassInfo(ClassPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Mutator for the class information.
setCode(byte[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Set the code bytes.
setCode(byte[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Mutator for the bytecode.
setColor(Color) - Method in class view.EditToolbar.ColorChoice
setColor(Color) - Method in class view.EditToolbar.ColorIcon
setComponentsEnabled(LRStruct, boolean) - Static method in class view.MBSView
Set the enabled status of those menu items that need an environment to be valid.
setControlsInIdleState() - Method in class view.SimToolbar
Set the controls in idle state.
setControlsInRunState() - Method in class view.SimToolbar
Set the controls in run state.
setCorner(int, int) - Method in interface controller.IScrollAdapter
Set the top left corner of the scroll panel.
setCorner(int, int) - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Make field (x,y) visible in top left corner.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Mutator for data.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Mutator for data.
setDescriptor(AUTFPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Mutator for the type descriptor information.
setDescriptor(AUTFPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Mutator for descriptor.
setDescriptor(AUTFPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Mutator for descriptor.
setDoubleValue(double) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
Mutator for the data.
setEditModeEnable(boolean) - Method in class view.MBSView
Enable or disable the edit mode.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class view.EditToolbar
Enables or disables the edit toolbar.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class view.SimToolbar
Enables or disables the simulation toolbar.
setExceptionTableEntries(CodeAttributeInfo.ExceptionTableEntry[]) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Set the exception table entries.
setFirst(Object, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.ANode
Sets a new first data object for the referencing LRStruct.
setFirst(Object, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.EmptyNode
Throws java.util.NoSuchElementException.
setFirst(Object) - Method in class lrs.LRStruct
Sets first data element to a new value.
setFirst(Object, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.NENode
setFloatValue(float) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
Mutator for the data.
setHead(ANode) - Method in class lrs.LRStruct
Changes the head node (i.e.
setIdleState() - Method in interface view.IRunIdleAdapter
Set idle state.
setIndex(int) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Mutator for the program index.
setIntValue(int) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
Mutator for the data.
setIterationLambda(ILambda) - Method in interface controller.ISimAdapter
Set simulation iteration command.
setIterationLambda(ILambda) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Set simulation iteration command.
setLocalEnv(BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment) - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.NonEmptyField
Set local environment.
setLocalEnvironment(AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv) - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Set the local environment of this fish.
setLongValue(long) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
Mutator for the data
setMajorVersion(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Mutator for the major version.
setMinorVersion(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Mutator for the minor version.
setName(AUTFPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Mutator for _name information.
setName(AUTFPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Mutator for the name information.
setName(AUTFPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Mutator for the name information.
setName(AUTFPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Mutator for field name.
setName(AUTFPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Mutator for field name.
setName(String) - Method in class sysModel.fish.DynamicFishFactory
Mutator for the name.
setName(Color) - Method in class sysModel.fish.DynamicFishFactory
Mutator for the color.
setNameAndType(NameAndTypePoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Mutator for the NameAndType information.
setProbOfBreeding(double) - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Set probability of breeding.
setProbOfDying(double) - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Set probability of dying.
setProperties(short, short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Set the code properties.
setProtected(boolean) - Method in interface sysModel.ISecurityAdapter
Set the protection flag.
setProtected(boolean) - Method in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Set the protection flag.
setReference(short) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.ReferenceInstruction
Set the constant pool id.
setRest(LRStruct, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.ANode
Sets a new rest for the referencing LRStruct.
setRest(LRStruct, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.EmptyNode
Throws java.util.NoSuchElementException.
setRest(LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.LRStruct
Sets a new tail for this LRStruct.

post condition: getRest() now returns tail.

setRest(LRStruct, LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.NENode
setRunState() - Method in interface view.IRunIdleAdapter
Set run state.
setSeed(int) - Method in class model.RandNumGenerator
Overridden set seed method.
setSeedLambda(ILambda) - Method in interface controller.IEnvAdapter
Set the seed command.
setSeedLambda(ILambda) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Set the seed command.
setSourceFileName(AUTFPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.SourceFileAttributeInfo
Set the source file name information.
setSpeed(int) - Method in interface controller.ISimAdapter
Change the simulation speed.
setSpeed(int) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Change the simulation speed.
setStartLambda(ILambda) - Method in interface controller.ISimAdapter
Set simulation start command.
setStartLambda(ILambda) - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Set simulation start command.
setState(ILocalEnvState) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv
Set state.
setSteps(int) - Method in class view.MBSView.StepItLambda
setStrValue(String) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AUTFPoolInfo
Mutator for the data.
setSuperClass(ClassPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Mutator for the superclass.
setThisClass(ClassPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Mutator for the this class.
setToolTipsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Enable or disable showing of tooltip giving information about the environment object beneath the mouse.
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
setUp() - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
setUp() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv
setUp() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
setUp() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv
setUp() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
setUp() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv
setUp() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
setUp() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv
setUp() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
setUp() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_Location
setUtf(AUTFPoolInfo) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Mutator for the utf information.
setViewPosition(Point) - Method in class view.DisplayViewport
Sets the view position (upper left) to a new point.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class view.EditToolbar
Shows/hides the fish toolbar.
setX(double) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
Set column.
setX(double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location
Set column.
setY(double) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
Set row.
setY(double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location
Set row.
shortFromBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.Types
Construct a short from two bytes in a byte array.
showAboutPanel() - Method in class view.MBSView
Brings up a simple dialog with some general information.
showDialog() - Method in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Show the modal dialog that allows the user to create a new environment.
showDialog() - Method in class view.InputStringDialog
Show the modal dialog.
showHelp() - Method in class view.MBSView
Brings up a window with a scrolling text pane that display the help information for the simulation.
showOpenDialog(Component) - Method in class view.EnvFileChooser
Bring up a modal file chooser dialog allowing the user to choose the environment file and specify the bounded/unbounded environment class.
showOriginTip() - Method in class view.DisplayViewport
Show a tool tip over the upper left corner of the viewport with the contents of the pannable view's pannable tip text (typically a string identifiying the corner point).
showSaveDialog(Component) - Method in class view.EnvFileChooser
Bring up a modal file chooser dialog allowing the user to save to an environment file.
SimDriver - Class in sysModel
Simulation control coordinating interaction between view, simulation engine and environment.
SimDriver() - Constructor for class sysModel.SimDriver
Construct a new model.
SimEngine - Class in sysModel
Simulation engine that contains the observable and manages observers.
SimEngine() - Constructor for class sysModel.SimEngine
SimpleFish - Class in model.fish
A simple fish that swims back and forth.
SimpleFish(Color) - Constructor for class model.fish.SimpleFish
SimToolbar - Class in view
Toolbar for simulation control.
SimToolbar(ISimAdapter, IRunIdleAdapter) - Constructor for class view.SimToolbar
Create a new SimToolbar and all its tools.
Singleton - Static variable in class lrs.EmptyNode
Singleton Pattern.
Singleton - Static variable in class lrs.visitor.Apply
Singleton - Static variable in class lrs.visitor.Clear
Singleton - Static variable in class lrs.visitor.GetLength
Singleton - Static variable in class lrs.visitor.GetNth
Singleton - Static variable in class lrs.visitor.Remove
Singleton - Static variable in class model.fish.display.CircleFishDisplay
Singleton instace.
Singleton - Static variable in class model.fish.display.LittleFishDisplay
Singleton instance.
Singleton - Static variable in class model.fish.display.NarrowFishDisplay
Singleton instance.
Singleton - Static variable in class model.fish.display.RoundFishDisplay
Singleton instance.
singleton() - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.EmptyPoolInfo
Singleton accessor.
singleton() - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckClassVisitor
Singleton accessor.
singleton() - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckMethodVisitor
Singleton accessor.
singleton() - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckNameAndTypeVisitor
Singleton accessor.
singleton() - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckUTFVisitor
Singleton accessor.
singleton() - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.GetPoolInfoSizeVisitor
Singleton accessor.
Singleton - Static variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.EmptyField
Singleton instance.
Singleton - Static variable in class sysModel.env.EmptyLocalEnvState
Singleton instance.
Singleton - Static variable in class sysModel.env.NonEmptyLocalEnvState
Singleton instance.
SIPUSH - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
SlowFish - Class in model.fish
Class for a slow fish.
SlowFish(Color) - Constructor for class model.fish.SlowFish
Create a new slow fish.
SourceFileAttributeInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.attributes
Represents the SourceFile attribute in a class file.
SourceFileAttributeInfo(AUTFPoolInfo, byte[], ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.attributes.SourceFileAttributeInfo
sourceFileCase(SourceFileAttributeInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors.ADefaultAttributeVisitor
Case for SourceFile attribute.
sourceFileCase(SourceFileAttributeInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors.IAttributeVisitor
Case for SourceFile attribute.
start() - Method in interface controller.ISimAdapter
Start simulation.
start() - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Start simulation.
startPC - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo.ExceptionTableEntry
STATE_BEGIN - Static variable in class sysModel.PolicyFile
STATE_GRANT - Static variable in class sysModel.PolicyFile
STATE_PERMS - Static variable in class sysModel.PolicyFile
step() - Method in interface controller.ISimAdapter
Make a simulation step.
step() - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Make a simulation step.
stop() - Method in interface controller.ISimAdapter
Stop simulation.
stop() - Method in class sysModel.SimDriver
Stop simulation.
stringCase(StringPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for string info.
stringCase(StringPoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for string info.
stringCase(StringPoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for string info.
StringPoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents a string in the constant pool.
StringPoolInfo(AUTFPoolInfo, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
StringPoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
SWAP - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
sysModel - package sysModel
sysModel.classFile - package sysModel.classFile
sysModel.classFile.attributes - package sysModel.classFile.attributes
sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors - package sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors
sysModel.classFile.code - package sysModel.classFile.code
sysModel.classFile.code.instructions - package sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
sysModel.classFile.constantPool - package sysModel.classFile.constantPool
sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors - package sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors
sysModel.env - package sysModel.env
sysModel.env.tests - package sysModel.env.tests
sysModel.fish - package sysModel.fish
sysModel.fish.tests - package sysModel.fish.tests
sysModel.parser - package sysModel.parser


TABLESWITCH - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
TableSwitchInstruction - Class in sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
TABLESWITCH Java instruction.
TableSwitchInstruction(int, long, long, int[]) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
TableSwitchInstruction(byte[], short, short, LineNumberTable) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Make a new TABLESWITCH instruction from the bytecode stating at pc, padded using paddingPC, and use the line number table for branches.
TAIL_LENGTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.CircleFishDisplay
TAIL_LENGTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.LittleFishDisplay
TAIL_LENGTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.NarrowFishDisplay
TAIL_LENGTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
TAIL_LENGTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.RoundFishDisplay
TAIL_WIDTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.CircleFishDisplay
TAIL_WIDTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.LittleFishDisplay
TAIL_WIDTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.NarrowFishDisplay
TAIL_WIDTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.ParamFishDisplay
TAIL_WIDTH - Static variable in class model.fish.display.RoundFishDisplay
Test_ASquareEnv_Direction - Class in sysModel.env.tests
Test cases for ASquareEnv.Direction.
Test_ASquareEnv_Direction() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
Test_ASquareEnv_Location - Class in sysModel.env.tests
Test cases for ASquareEnv.Location.
Test_ASquareEnv_Location() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
TEST_CODE - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
TEST_CODE - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTableTest
TEST_CODE2 - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
TEST_CODE_DELETE_RESULT - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
TEST_CODE_DELETE_RESULT2 - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
TEST_CODE_EMPTY - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
TEST_CODE_INSERT_RESULT - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
TEST_CODE_INSERT_RESULT2 - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
TEST_CODE_INSERT_RESULT3 - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
TEST_CODE_INSERTDELETE - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
TEST_CODE_INVALID - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
Test_DeactivatableLambda - Class in sysModel.env.tests
Test cases for DeactivatableLambda.
Test_DeactivatableLambda() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.tests.Test_DeactivatableLambda
Test_Fish - Class in sysModel.fish.tests
Test cases for AFish.
Test_Fish() - Constructor for class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
Test_Fish.TestFish - Class in sysModel.fish.tests
Test_Fish.TestFish(Color) - Constructor for class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestFish
Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv - Class in sysModel.fish.tests
Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv(ICmdFactory, ISecurityAdapter) - Constructor for class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish.TestGlobalEnv
testAddFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
Test addFishToInternalData.
testAddFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
Test addFishToInternalData.
testAddFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
Test addFishToInternalData.
testAddFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
Test addFishToInternalData.
testAddFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv
Test addFishToInternalData.
testAddFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv
Test addFishToInternalData.
testAddFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv
Test addFishToInternalData.
testAddFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv
Test addFishToInternalData.
testAngle() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
Test angle.
testCorrespondingLoad() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstructionTest
testCorrespondingStore() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstructionTest
testCtorAndGetCode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
testDeactivate() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_DeactivatableLambda
Test deactivating a lambda.
testDelete() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
testDie() - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
Test fish to local environment delegation for age.
testDontDeactivate() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_DeactivatableLambda
Test not deactivating a lambda.
testDontDeactivate2() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_DeactivatableLambda
Test not deactivating a lambda.
testDraw() - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
Test fish to local environment delegation for draw.
testEditFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
Test editFish.
testEditFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
Test editFish.
testEditFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
Test editFish.
testEditFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
Test editFish.
testEditFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv
Test editFish.
testEditFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv
Test editFish.
testEditFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv
Test editFish.
testEditFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv
Test editFish.
testExceptions() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
testExecute() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's execute.
testExecute() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's execute.
testExecute() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's execute.
testExecute() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's execute.
testExecute() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's execute.
testExecute() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's execute.
testExecute() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's execute.
testExecute() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's execute.
testFactory() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.AInstructionTest
testFindInstr() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
testFindOpcode() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
testGetPanDelta() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
Test getPanDelta.
testGetPanDelta() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
Test getPanDelta.
testGetPanDelta() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
Test getPanDelta.
testGetPanDelta() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
Test getPanDelta.
testGetPanDelta() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv
Test getPanDelta.
testGetPanDelta() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv
Test getPanDelta.
testGetPanDelta() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv
Test getPanDelta.
testGetPanDelta() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv
Test getPanDelta.
testGetSet() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
Test getters and ctors.
testGetSet() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
Test getters, setters, and ctor.
testGetSet() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
Test getters, setters, and ctor.
testGetSet() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_Location
Test getters, setters, and ctor.
testGetViewPosition() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
Test getViewPosition.
testGetViewPosition() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
Test getViewPosition.
testGetViewPosition() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
Test getViewPosition.
testGetViewPosition() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
Test getViewPosition.
testGetViewPosition() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv
Test getViewPosition.
testGetViewPosition() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv
Test getViewPosition.
testGetViewPosition() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv
Test getViewPosition.
testGetViewPosition() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv
Test getViewPosition.
testIndex() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
testInField() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
Test inField.
testInField() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
Test inField.
testInField() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_Location
Test inField.
testInsert() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionListTest
testLineNoToPC() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTableTest
testNeighbor() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
Test getNeighbor.
testNeighbor() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
Test getNeighbor.
testNeighbor() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_Location
Test getNeighbor.
testOnlyOneMove() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test to make sure only one move lambda can be executed.
testOnlyOneMove() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test to make sure only one move lambda can be executed.
testOnlyOneMove() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test to make sure only one move lambda can be executed.
testOnlyOneMove() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test to make sure only one move lambda can be executed.
testOnlyOneMove() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test to make sure only one move lambda can be executed.
testOnlyOneMove() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test to make sure only one move lambda can be executed.
testOnlyOneMove() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test to make sure only one move lambda can be executed.
testOnlyOneMove() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test to make sure only one move lambda can be executed.
testOutOfRange() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
Test outOfRange.
testOutOfRange() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv
Test outOfRange.
testPCtoLineNo() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTableTest
testRemoveFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's removeFish.
testRemoveFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's removeFish.
testRemoveFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's removeFish.
testRemoveFish() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's removeFish.
testRemoveFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's removeFish.
testRemoveFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's removeFish.
testRemoveFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's removeFish.
testRemoveFish() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's removeFish.
testReverse() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
Test reverse.
tests - package tests
testSame() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
Test same.
testSame() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
Test same.
testSame() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
Test same.
testSame() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_Location
Test same.
testTryBreedFwd() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryBreedFwd.
testTryBreedFwd() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryBreedFwd.
testTryBreedFwd() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryBreedFwd.
testTryBreedFwd() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryBreedFwd.
testTryBreedFwd() - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
Test fish to local environment delegation for tryBreedFwd.
testTryBreedFwd() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryBreedFwd.
testTryBreedFwd() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryBreedFwd.
testTryBreedFwd() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryBreedFwd.
testTryBreedFwd() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryBreedFwd.
testTryMoveFwd() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryMoveFwd.
testTryMoveFwd() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryMoveFwd.
testTryMoveFwd() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryMoveFwd.
testTryMoveFwd() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryMoveFwd.
testTryMoveFwd() - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
Test fish to local environment delegation for tryMoveFwd.
testTryMoveFwd() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryMoveFwd.
testTryMoveFwd() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryMoveFwd.
testTryMoveFwd() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryMoveFwd.
testTryMoveFwd() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's tryMoveFwd.
testTurn() - Method in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
Test turning.
testTurnLeft() - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
Test fish to local environment delegation for turnLeft.
testTurnRight() - Method in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's turnRight.
testTurnRight() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's turnRight.
testTurnRight() - Method in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's turnRight.
testTurnRight() - Method in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's turnRight.
testTurnRight() - Method in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
Test fish to local environment delegation for turnRight.
testTurnRight() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's turnRight.
testTurnRight() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's turnRight.
testTurnRight() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's turnRight.
testTurnRight() - Method in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
Test local environment's turnRight.
tintB - Variable in class model.fish.display.ImageFishDisplay.TintFilter
tintG - Variable in class model.fish.display.ImageFishDisplay.TintFilter
tintR - Variable in class model.fish.display.ImageFishDisplay.TintFilter
toString(LRStruct) - Method in class lrs.ANode
Uses anonymous visitor class to compute a String representation.
toString() - Method in class lrs.LRStruct
Returns "()" if empty, otherwise returns the contents of this

LRStruct enclosed in parentheses.

toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Return a human-readable version of this attribute.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Return a human-readable version of this attribute.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.SourceFileAttributeInfo
Return a human-readable version of this attribute.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Return a human-readable version of this class.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Return a human-readable version of the code.
toString(boolean, boolean) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
Return a human-readable version of the code.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
Return instruction in human-readable form.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
Return instruction in human-readable form.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Return instruction in human-readable form.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Return instruction in human-readable form.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
Return instruction in human-readable form.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideInstruction
Return instruction in human-readable form.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AUTFPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.EmptyPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FieldPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.InterfaceMethodPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.MethodPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Return a human-readable version of this field.
toString(ConstantPool) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Return a human-readable version of this field and correctly handle booleans and strings.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Return a human-readable version of this method.
toString(ConstantPool) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Return a human-readable version of this method.
toString(ConstantPool, boolean, boolean) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Return a human-readable version of this method.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.env.AEnvFactory
Return string representation.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.ASquareLocalEnvironment
String representation of the local environment.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Overridden toString method.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
Overridden toString method.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.env.FishApplyParams
Return the string representation of the fish-local environment pair.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Overridden toString method.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment
String representation of the local environment.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location
Overridden toString method.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Return a string representation of this fish.
toString() - Method in class sysModel.PolicyFile
toString() - Method in class view.CreateEnvDialog.AddEnvChoice
toString() - Method in class view.CreateEnvDialog.ConcreteEnvChoice
Return string representation.
toString() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.ColorChoice
toString() - Method in class view.EditToolbar.FishChoice
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Return a verbose human-readable version of this class.
toStringVerbose(boolean, boolean) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Return a verbose human-readable version of this class.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ASCIIPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AUTFPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.EmptyPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FieldPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.InterfaceMethodPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.MethodPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
toStringVerbose() - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.UnicodePoolInfo
Return a human-readable version of this constant pool object.
translatePC(short, short, LineNumberTable, LineNumberTable) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Translate the program counter values contained in this attribute from an old line number table to a new one.
translatePC(short, short, LineNumberTable, LineNumberTable) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Translate the program counter values contained in this attribute from an old line number table to a new one.
translatePC(short, short, LineNumberTable, LineNumberTable) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.SourceFileAttributeInfo
Translate the program counter values contained in this attribute from an old line number table to a new one.
translatePC(short, short, LineNumberTable, LineNumberTable) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.UnknownAttributeInfo
Translate the program counter values contained in this attribute from an old line number table to a new one.
tryBreedFwd(AFish, IBlockedCommand, IOpenCommand) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv
Attempt to breed the fish forward, which may or may not be successful.
tryBreedFwd(IBlockedCommand, IOpenCommand) - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Attempt to breed the fish forward, which may or may not be successful.
tryMoveFwd(AFish, IBlockedCommand, IOpenCommand) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv
Attempt to move the fish forward, which may or may not be successful.
tryMoveFwd(IBlockedCommand, IOpenCommand) - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Attempt to move the fish forward, which may or may not be successful.
turnLeft(double) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Turn this direction to the left.
turnLeft() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Turn this direction PI/2 radians to the left.
turnLeft(double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Turn this direction to the left.
turnLeft() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Turn this direction PI/2 radians to the left.
turnLeft(double) - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Turn the fish radians to the left.
turnLeft() - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Turn the fish Pi/2 radians to the left.
turnRight(AFish, double) - Method in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv
Turn the fish radians to the right.
turnRight(AFish, double) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.ASquareLocalEnvironment
Turn the fish radians to the right.
turnRight(double) - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Turn this direction to the right.
turnRight() - Method in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Turn this direction PI/2 radians to the right.
turnRight(double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Turn this direction to the right.
turnRight() - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Turn this direction PI/2 radians to the right.
turnRight(AFish, double) - Method in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment
Turn the fish radians to the right.
turnRight(double) - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Turn the fish radians to the right.
turnRight() - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Turn the fish Pi/2 radians to the right.
Types - Class in sysModel.classFile
Type conversions.
Types() - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.Types


uintFromBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.Types
Construct an int from four bytes in a byte array.
UnboundedEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Implementation of a square unbounded environment.
UnboundedEnv(ICmdFactory, ISecurityAdapter) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
Construct a new square unbounded environment.
UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment - Class in sysModel.env
Concrete local environment for the square unbounded environment.
UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment(ASquareEnv.Location, ASquareEnv.Direction) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
Construct a new local environment.
UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda - Class in sysModel.env
Lambda to execute a move.
UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda(UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Test cases for UnboundedEnv.
UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Test cases for UnboundedEnv.LocalEnv.
UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException - Exception in sysModel.env
UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException() - Constructor for exception sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException
unicodeCase(UnicodePoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor
Case for unicode info.
unicodeCase(UnicodePoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Case for unicode info.
unicodeCase(UnicodePoolInfo, Object) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckUTFVisitor
Return host.
unicodeCase(UnicodePoolInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.IPoolInfoVisitor
Case for unicode info.
UnicodePoolInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.constantPool
Represents Unicode data in the constant pool.
UnicodePoolInfo(String, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.UnicodePoolInfo
UnicodePoolInfo(DataInputStream, ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.UnicodePoolInfo
Constructor reading from a stream.
UNKNOWN_DC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_E5 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_E6 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_E7 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_E8 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_E9 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_EA - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_EB - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_EC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_ED - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_EE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_EF - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_F0 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_F1 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_F2 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_F3 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_F4 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_F5 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_F6 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_F7 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_F8 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_F9 - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_FA - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_FB - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_FC - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UNKNOWN_FD - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
UnknownAttributeInfo - Class in sysModel.classFile.attributes
Represents an unknown attribute in a class file.
UnknownAttributeInfo(AUTFPoolInfo, byte[], ConstantPool) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.attributes.UnknownAttributeInfo
unknownCase(UnknownAttributeInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors.ADefaultAttributeVisitor
Case for an unknown attribute.
unknownCase(UnknownAttributeInfo, D) - Method in interface sysModel.classFile.attributes.visitors.IAttributeVisitor
Case for an unknown attribute.
unsigned(int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.Types
Convert a signed int into an unsigned integer.
unsigned(short) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.Types
Convert a signed short into an unsigned short.
unsigned(byte) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.Types
Convert a signed byte into an unsigned byte.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class sysModel.fish.AFish
This method is called whenever the observed object is changed.
ushortFromBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class sysModel.classFile.Types
Construct a short from two bytes in a byte array.


valueCase(APoolInfo, D) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor
Abstract default value case.
VERSION_DATE - Static variable in class view.MBSView
Program date.
view - package view


WIDE - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode
WideBranchInstruction - Class in sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
Wide branch Java instruction.
WideBranchInstruction(byte, int) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
WideBranchInstruction(byte[], short, short, LineNumberTable) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
Make a new wide branch instruction from the bytecode stating at pc, padded using paddingPC, and use the line number table for branches.
WideInstruction - Class in sysModel.classFile.code.instructions
Wide Java instruction.
WideInstruction(byte[]) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideInstruction
WideInstruction(byte[], short, short, LineNumberTable) - Constructor for class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideInstruction
Make a new generic instruction from the bytecode stating at pc, padded using paddingPC, and use the line number table for branches.
wordCase(String) - Method in class sysModel.parser.DefaultTokenVisitor
Case to be called if a word is read.
wordCase(String) - Method in interface sysModel.parser.ITokenVisitor
Case to be called if a word is read.
WordToken - Class in sysModel.parser
Word token.
WordToken(String) - Constructor for class sysModel.parser.WordToken
Make a new word token.
WrappingEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Implementation of a square wrapping environment.
WrappingEnv(ICmdFactory, ISecurityAdapter) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv
Construct a new square wrapping environment.
WrappingEnv(ICmdFactory, ISecurityAdapter, int, int) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv
Construct a new square wrapping environment.
WrappingEnv.Location - Class in sysModel.env
Overridden location class that does wrapping.
WrappingEnv.Location(double, double) - Constructor for class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Location
Ctor for location.
WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Test cases for WrappingEnv.
WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv - Class in sysModel.env
Test cases for WrappingEnv.LocalEnv.
WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException - Exception in sysModel.env
WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException() - Constructor for exception sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv.SuccessException
WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location - Class in sysModel.env
Test cases for WrappingEnv.Location.
WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location() - Constructor for class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Write this attribute into a stream
write(OutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Write class file into stream.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Write this constant pool object into the stream, including the type byte.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Write this constant pool object into the stream, including the type byte.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AUTFPoolInfo
Write this constant pool object into the stream, including the type byte.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Write this constant pool object into the stream, including the type byte.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
Write this constant pool object into the stream, including the type byte.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.EmptyPoolInfo
Write this constant pool object into the stream, including the type byte.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
Write this constant pool object into the stream, including the type byte.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
Write this constant pool object into the stream, including the type byte.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
Write this constant pool object into the stream, including the type byte.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Write this constant pool object into the stream, including the type byte.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Write this constant pool object into the stream, including the type byte.
write(DataOutputStream, ConstantPool) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Write this field into a stream.
write(DataOutputStream, ConstantPool) - Method in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Write this method into the stream.


XXXUNUSEDXXX - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.Opcode


zoomIn() - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Zoom in.
zoomOut() - Method in class view.DisplayPanel
Zoom out.


_accessFlags - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Field access flags.
_accessFlags - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Method access flags.
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
_add - Static variable in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
_attributes - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Attributes of the class.
_attributes - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
_attributes - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
_breedLambdas - Variable in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
List of breed commands issued.
_buildinClasses - Variable in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
List of built-in classes that should not be checked and be loaded with the regular class loader.
_cancelled - Variable in class view.InputStringDialog
_cellSize - Variable in class view.DisplayPanel
Cell size.
_classAccessFlags - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Class access flags.
_classes - Variable in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
Classes already loaded.
_classInfo - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Class information.
_classInfoIndex - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
Class index.
_classLoader - Variable in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Class loader.
_classPath - Variable in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Class path.
_classPathDirs - Variable in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Class path directories.
_classPathString - Variable in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
String with class path.
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Command factory for lambdas given to the simulation driver.
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
_cmdFactory - Variable in class sysModel.SimDriver
Command factory for use in the environment.
_code - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.GenericInstruction
_color - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.ColorIcon
_color - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.FishIcon
_colorComboBox - Variable in class view.EditToolbar
Combobox to choose color.
_componentsDisabledDuringRun - Variable in class view.MBSView
List of menu items that are disabled if the simulation is running.
_componentsThatNeedAnEnvironment - Variable in class view.MBSView
List of menu items that are only enabled if an environment is present.
_constantPool - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Constant pool.
_constantPool - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Constant pool.
_constantPool - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Reference to the constant pool.
_createEnvDialog - Variable in class view.MBSView
Create environment dialog.
_curColor - Variable in class sysModel.fish.DynamicFishFactory
_curName - Variable in class sysModel.fish.DynamicFishFactory
_da - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.FishIcon
_dat - Variable in class lrs.NENode
The first data element of this LRStruct.
_data - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Attribute _data.
_decoree - Variable in class sysModel.env.DeactivatableLambda
Decorated command.
_defaultTarget - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Default target.
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
_delete - Static variable in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
_descriptor - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Type descriptor information.
_descriptor - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Type descriptor information.
_descriptor - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Type descriptor information.
_descriptorIndex - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Type descriptor index.
_dialog - Variable in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Environment dialog.
_dialog - Variable in class view.InputStringDialog
_dir - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
_dir - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment
_dir - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
_displayAdapter - Variable in class view.DisplayPanel
Display adapter.
_displayAdapter - Variable in class view.DisplayViewport
Display adapter.
_displayAdapter - Variable in class view.MBSView
Display adapter.
_displayPanel - Variable in class view.MBSView
Display panel.
_displayViewport - Variable in class view.MBSView
Display viewport.
_displayViewport - Variable in class view.MBSView.StepItLambda
_doubleValue - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.DoublePoolInfo
_drJava - Variable in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
True if DrJava is present.
_dummyB - Variable in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
_dummyO - Variable in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
_dx - Variable in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Direction delta x.
_dx - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Direction delta x.
_dy - Variable in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Direction
Direction delta y.
_dy - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Direction
Direction delta y.
_editAdapter - Variable in class sysModel.SimDriver
Edit adapter.
_editToolbar - Variable in class view.MBSView
Edit toolbar.
_env - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
_env - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
_env - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
_env - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
_env - Variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
_env - Variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
_env - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
_env - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
_env - Variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
_env - Variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
_env - Variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
_env - Variable in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
_env - Variable in class sysModel.SimDriver
_envAdapter - Variable in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Adpapter to the model for dealing with environments.
_envAdapter - Variable in class view.DisplayPanel
Environment adapter.
_envAdapter - Variable in class view.MBSView
Environment adapter to the model.
_envChooser - Variable in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Combobox containing the different choices for the environment.
_envDialog - Variable in class view.CreateEnvDialog.AddEnvChoice
CreateEnvDialog used.
_envDialog - Variable in class view.CreateEnvDialog.ConcreteEnvChoice
CreateEnvDialog used.
_envFactory - Variable in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Environment factory to be used for creating the environment.
_envFactory - Variable in class view.CreateEnvDialog.ConcreteEnvChoice
Environment settings.
_fieldMap - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
List of local environments in this global environment.
_fields - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Fields in the class.
_fileChooser - Variable in class view.MBSView
Environment file chooser dialog.
_fish - Variable in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.BreedLambda
_fish - Variable in class sysModel.env.FishApplyParams
_fish - Variable in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
_fish - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.FishIcon
_fishClassName - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.FishChoice
_fishClassName - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.FishIcon
_fishColor - Variable in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Color of the fish.
_fishComboBox - Variable in class view.EditToolbar
Combobox to choose fish class.
_fishDisplay - Variable in class sysModel.fish.AFish
Display for the fish.
_fishFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
_fishFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
_fishFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
_fishFactory - Variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
_fishThreadGroup - Variable in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Fish thread group.
_floatValue - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.FloatPoolInfo
_glassPane - Variable in class view.DisplayViewport
Panel for the tool tip.
_head - Variable in class lrs.LRStruct
The state of of this LRStruct.
_height - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
_height - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.ColorIcon
_height - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.FishIcon
_high - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Upper bound.
_icon - Variable in class model.fish.display.ImageFishDisplay
_icon - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.FishChoice
_indefinitelyIterLambda - Variable in class view.MBSView
Iteration command to run indefinitely.
_index - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
_instance - Static variable in class model.RandNumGenerator
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.EmptyPoolInfo
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckClassVisitor
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckMethodVisitor
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckNameAndTypeVisitor
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.CheckUTFVisitor
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.visitors.GetPoolInfoSizeVisitor
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.env.NullEnv
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.NoOpLambda
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.parser.CloseToken
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.parser.CommaToken
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.parser.EndOfStreamToken
Singleton instance.
_instance - Static variable in class sysModel.parser.OpenToken
Singleton instance.
_instructionList - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
_interfaces - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Class information about implemented interfaces.
_intValue - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.IntegerPoolInfo
_isProtected - Variable in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Flag if actions are protected.
_iterationCommand - Variable in class sysModel.SimDriver
Command executed after the simulation finishes an iteration.
_keys - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Branch keys.
_knownAttributes - Static variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Array with registered attributes.
_lastOrigin - Variable in class view.DisplayViewport
Center before last movement.
_lineNumberToPC - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTable
Hash table to convert from line numbers to PCs.
_lnt - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.InstructionList
_loc - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
_loc - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment
_loc - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment
_localEnv - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.NonEmptyField
_localEnv - Variable in class sysModel.env.FishApplyParams
_localEnv - Variable in class sysModel.fish.AFish
The local environment of the fish.
_localEnv - Variable in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
_localEnvList - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
List of local environments in this global environment.
_localEnvList - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv
List of local environments in this global environment.
_longValue - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.LongPoolInfo
_low - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Lower bound.
_majorVersion - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Major version.
_maxLineNo - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTable
Line number value just after the last instruction.
_maxPC - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTable
PC value just after the last instruction.
_methods - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Methods in the class.
_minorVersion - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Minor version.
_mouseAdapter - Variable in class view.DisplayPanel
Mouse adapter for editing.
_moveLambdas - Variable in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
List of move commands issued.
_name - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.AAttributeInfo
Attribute _name information.
_name - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Class name information.
_name - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Name information.
_name - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.FieldInfo
Name information.
_name - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.MethodInfo
Name information.
_nameAndType - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
NameAndType information.
_nameAndTypeIndex - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AClassNameTypePoolInfo
NameAndType index.
_nameIndex - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.ClassPoolInfo
Class name index.
_nameIndex - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.NameAndTypePoolInfo
Name index.
_newDir - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
_newDir - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
_newDir - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
_newLoc - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
_newLoc - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
_newLoc - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.LocalEnvironment.MoveLambda
_newLocalEnv - Variable in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.BreedLambda
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
_notify - Static variable in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
_num - Variable in class sysModel.parser.NumberToken
_observable - Variable in class sysModel.SimEngine
The observable.
_opcode - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
_opcode - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
_optButtons - Variable in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Array of buttons on the dialog.
_optButtons - Variable in class view.InputStringDialog
_optionsPanel - Variable in class view.CreateEnvDialog
Panel for the environment options.
_originalImage - Variable in class model.fish.display.ImageFishDisplay
_originTip - Variable in class view.DisplayViewport
Origin tool tip.
_originTipTimer - Variable in class view.DisplayViewport
Tool tip timer.
_originX - Variable in class view.DisplayPanel
Origin column.
_originY - Variable in class view.DisplayPanel
Origin row.
_outOfBounds - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
"Singleton" instance for all out-of-bounds locations.
_parentFrame - Variable in class view.EditToolbar
The frame that contains this edit toolbar.
_pathSep - Variable in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Path separator.
_pcToLineNumber - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTable
Hash table to convert from PC to line numbers.
_probOfBreeding - Variable in class sysModel.fish.AFish
The probability that this fish attempts to breed this timestep.
_probOfDying - Variable in class sysModel.fish.AFish
The probability that this fish will die in this timestep.
_probOfMoving - Variable in class model.fish.SlowFish
Probability that this slow fish moves.
_props - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo
Properties read out from _data field.
_protectionFlagStack - Variable in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
Stack of protection flags.
_radians - Variable in class model.fish.display.ImageFishDisplay
_randSeed - Variable in class view.MBSView
Seed value.
_riAdapter - Variable in class view.SimToolbar
_rotSteps - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv
Number of steps for complete rotation.
_runButton - Variable in class view.SimToolbar
Run button.
_sa - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.FishIcon
_scrollAdapter - Variable in class view.MBSView
Scroll adapter.
_scrollPane - Variable in class view.MBSView
Scroll panel.
_scrollParent - Variable in class view.DisplayViewport
Scroll pane controlled by this viewport.
_securityAdapter - Variable in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Security manager that controls the actions of the fish.
_securityAdapter - Variable in class sysModel.fish.DynamicFishFactory
_securityManager - Variable in class sysModel.MBSClassLoader
Security manager in use.
_securityManager - Variable in class sysModel.SimDriver
Security manager.
_seed - Variable in class model.RandNumGenerator
Seed value.
_seedCommand - Variable in class sysModel.SimDriver
Command to set the seed when a new environment is loaded or created.
_simAdapter - Variable in class view.MBSView
Simulation adapter.
_simAdapter - Variable in class view.MBSView.StepItLambda
_simAdapter - Variable in class view.SimToolbar
Simulation adapter.
_simDriver - Variable in class controller.MBSController
Simulation control.
_simEngine - Variable in class sysModel.SimDriver
Simulation engine.
_simToolbar - Variable in class view.MBSView
Simulation toolbar.
_simToolbar - Variable in class view.MBSView.StepItLambda
_simulationExceptionAdapter - Variable in class sysModel.SimDriver
Simulation exception adapter.
_simulationSpeed - Variable in class sysModel.SimDriver
Simulation speed.
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv.Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Direction
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.env.tests.Test_ASquareEnv_Location
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.env.UnboundedEnv.Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.env.WrappingEnv.Test_WrappingEnv_Location
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.fish.tests.Test_Fish
_sm - Variable in class sysModel.MBSSecurityManager
SecurityManager to delegate to.
_speedSlider - Variable in class view.SimToolbar
Speed slider.
_startCommand - Variable in class sysModel.SimDriver
Command executed before the simulation starts running.
_state - Variable in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv.ALocalEnv
_state - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.LocalEnvironment
_stepButton - Variable in class view.SimToolbar
Step button.
_stepCount - Variable in class view.MBSView
Step count.
_steps - Variable in class view.MBSView.StepItLambda
_stopButton - Variable in class view.SimToolbar
Stop button.
_strValue - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.AUTFPoolInfo
_superClass - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Class information about the superclass.
_tail - Variable in class lrs.NENode
The rest of this LRStruct.
_target - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.BranchInstruction
Branch target.
_target - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.WideBranchInstruction
Branch target.
_target - Variable in exception sysModel.fish.FishException
The exception that was thrown.
_targets - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.LookupSwitchInstruction
Branch targets.
_targets - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.code.instructions.TableSwitchInstruction
Branch targets.
_test - Variable in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv
_test - Variable in class tests.DrJava_Test_BoundedEnv_LocalEnv
_test - Variable in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv
_test - Variable in class tests.DrJava_Test_NoGridEnv_LocalEnv
_test - Variable in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv
_test - Variable in class tests.DrJava_Test_UnboundedEnv_LocalEnv
_test - Variable in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv
_test - Variable in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_LocalEnv
_test - Variable in class tests.DrJava_Test_WrappingEnv_Location
_textField - Variable in class view.InputStringDialog
_thisClass - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.ClassFile
Class information about this class.
_timer - Variable in class sysModel.SimDriver
Processing timer.
_tintedVersions - Variable in class model.fish.display.ImageFishDisplay
_tok - Variable in class sysModel.parser.Lexer
Stream tokenizer.
_toolTipsEnabled - Variable in class view.DisplayPanel
State of tool tips.
_type - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.APoolInfo
Object type.
_utf - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Utf information.
_utfIndex - Variable in class sysModel.classFile.constantPool.StringPoolInfo
Utf index.
_view - Variable in class controller.MBSController
_waterColor - Variable in class sysModel.env.AGlobalEnv
Color of the water.
_width - Variable in class sysModel.env.BoundedEnv
_width - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.ColorIcon
_width - Variable in class view.EditToolbar.FishIcon
_word - Variable in class sysModel.parser.WordToken
_x - Variable in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
_x - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location
_y - Variable in class sysModel.env.ASquareEnv.Location
_y - Variable in class sysModel.env.NoGridEnv.Location

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z _