Steganography Group



Group Members    

Work Distribution


Erik Swanson

-- 25% Web Page design for main page, background, time domain method, conclusions, and group page. HTML coding of entire web site. Recording of wav files to be hidden. Aided in development of both time and frequency algorithms. Helped with poster design and printing.

CJ Ganier

-- 25% Major player in algorithm design for both frequency and time. Helped with poster design and printing. Helped to come up with poster wording and presentation.

Randy Holman

-- 25% Matlab guru. Wrote up frequency domain method for web page. Helped with recording of wav files and worked up initial algoritm for frequency. Helped with poster design and printing.

Julie Rosser

-- 25% Algoritm coding for time and frequency helped to write up results section of web page. Major contributer towards poster design. Helped to come up with poster wording and presentation.
We feel as though everyone contributed equally towards the successful completion, poster design, and presentation of our project.