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Ball - Class in ballwar.model
An concrete circular ball that moves in a line with its given velocity and bounces off the walls of a rectangularly shaped container.
Ball(IBallEnvironment, IUpdateStrategy, IPaintStrategy) - Constructor for class ballwar.model.Ball
Constructor for a ball.
ball - Variable in class ballwar.model.paint.BallPaintStrategy
Unit sized circle used as a prototype
BallControl - Class in ballwar.controller
The "Controller" in a Model-View-Controller architecture Sets up the appropriate wiring between the model and the view.
BallControl() - Constructor for class ballwar.controller.BallControl
Constructor for the BallControl class Used when run as an applet.
BallControl(WindowListener) - Constructor for class ballwar.controller.BallControl
Constructor for the BallControl class Used when run as an application.
BallControl.IPaintFac - Interface in ballwar.controller
An abstract factory used for manufacturing paint strategies.
BallControl.IStrategyFac - Interface in ballwar.controller
An abstract factory used for manufacturing strategies.
BallGUI - Class in ballwar.view
A subclass of JFrame containing the various GUI components specified in the program behavior specification.
BallGUI(WindowListener, IBallCreateAdapter, IBallCtrlAdapter, IGameCtrlAdapter) - Constructor for class ballwar.view.BallGUI
Constructor for the class.
BallModel - Class in ballwar.model
Represents the main "model" of the system that coordinates the non-GUI processing.
BallModel(IViewCtrlAdapter) - Constructor for class ballwar.model.BallModel
Constructor for the BallControl class Instantiates the BallGUI frame with the required ILambdas for making a ball, clearing the balls from the screen and for painting the balls onto the Container Starts the timer up.
BallPaintStrategy - Class in ballwar.model.paint
Paint strategy that paints a filled circle with the Ball's radius.
BallPaintStrategy() - Constructor for class ballwar.model.paint.BallPaintStrategy
No parameter constructor that creates a 1 pixel radius ball at the origin.
BallPaintStrategy(AffineTransform, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ballwar.model.paint.BallPaintStrategy
Constructor that allows one to create the prototype ball of arbitrary dimension and location.
ballwar.controller - package ballwar.controller
ballwar.model - package ballwar.model
ballwar.model.paint - package ballwar.model.paint
ballwar.model.paint.shape - package ballwar.model.paint.shape
ballwar.model.strategy - package ballwar.model.strategy
ballwar.view - package ballwar.view
BirdSheepImagePaintStrategy - Class in ballwar.model.paint
An example of an ImagePaintStrategy that randomly picks one of two animated image files to display when it is instantiated.
BirdSheepImagePaintStrategy() - Constructor for class ballwar.model.paint.BirdSheepImagePaintStrategy
No-parameter constructor that instantiates the AffineTransform used internally and randomly loads one of two files: ballwar\model\paint\images\humbird4.gif or ballwar\model\paint\images\img104c.gif with a fill factor of 0.5.
bounce() - Method in class ballwar.model.Ball
Checks if the ball needs to bounce off the wall of its container.
BreathingStrategy - Class in ballwar.model.strategy
An ANoOpStrategy-based strategy that only only overrides the updateState behavior to make the ball's radius grower larger and smaller in a random sinusoidal manner.
BreathingStrategy() - Constructor for class ballwar.model.strategy.BreathingStrategy

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