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i - Variable in class ballwar.model.strategy.Change1Strategy
The counter that deternines the number of updates before this strategy replaces itself in its context.
i - Variable in class ballwar.model.strategy.Change2Strategy
Counter that determines the number of updates before this strategy replaces itself.
IBallCmd - Interface in ballwar.model
Interface that represents commands sent through the dispatcher to process the balls
IBallCreateAdapter - Interface in ballwar.view
Interface that represents the ball creattion capabilities of the model offered to the view.
IBallCtrlAdapter - Interface in ballwar.view
Interface to the model from the view that is used to control the balls once they are already created.
IBallEnvironment - Interface in ballwar.model
An interface that represents the environment in which the ball is operating.
IGameCtrlAdapter - Interface in ballwar.view
Interface to the model that the view uses to control the game itself.
ILambda - Interface in util
Represents the abstract lambda expression whose sole purpose in life is to evaluate itself on an input and return the result of the evaluation.
image - Variable in class ballwar.model.paint.ImagePaintStrategy
The image to paint
imageObs - Variable in class ballwar.model.paint.ImagePaintStrategy
ImageObserver needed for some image operations
ImagePaintStrategy - Class in ballwar.model.paint
Paint strategy that paints an image from a file, scaled to the host Ball's radius.
ImagePaintStrategy(String, double) - Constructor for class ballwar.model.paint.ImagePaintStrategy
Constructor that takes the image filename and fill factor.
ImagePaintStrategy(AffineTransform, String, double) - Constructor for class ballwar.model.paint.ImagePaintStrategy
Constructor that takes an external AffineTransform, the filename of the image to paint and a fill factor of the image.
IMoveable - Interface in ballwar.model
Interface that represents a "moveable" object.
IMovementKeys - Interface in ballwar.model
Interface that represents a set of movement keys.
impulse(Point, Point, Point, Point, double, double, double) - Method in class ballwar.model.AElasticMassCollisionCmd
Calculates the impulse (change in momentum) of the collision in the direction from the source to the target This method calculates the impulse on the source ball.
init() - Method in class ballwar.controller.BallControl
Initializes the system by instantiating the view and the model and all the necessary adapters.
init(Ball) - Method in interface ballwar.model.IPaintStrategy
Initializes the given ball.
init(Ball) - Method in interface ballwar.model.IUpdateStrategy
Initializes the given ball.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.ADecoratorPaintStrategy
Default behavior is to simply delegate to the decoree's init method
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.APaintStrategy
By default, do nothing for initialization.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.BallPaintStrategy
By default, do nothing for initialization.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.ImagePaintStrategy
Initializes the internal ImageObserver reference from the host Ball Also calculates the net scale factor for the image.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.MultiPaintStrategy
Delegates to all the IPaintStrategies in the composite.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.paint.SquarePaintStrategy
By default, do nothing for initialization.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.strategy.ANoOpStrategy
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.strategy.AUpdateStrategy
Initializes the ball with a random radius, velocity, location (within the bounds of the ball's environment) and color.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.strategy.HeavyStrategy
Initializes the context's mass to positive infinity.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.strategy.LightUpStrategy
Saves the context's current color.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.strategy.MoveStrategy
Initializes the context such that the movement keys of the currently selected player are registered with the environment.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.strategy.MultiStrategy
Initializes the context with the first then the second composee.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.strategy.RockStrategy
Sets the context's velocity to zero.
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.strategy.ScoreStrategy
Associates this strategy with the currently selected player
init(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.strategy.SwitcherStrategy
Initializes the context using the decoree strategy.
init() - Method in class ballwar.view.BallGUI
Initializes and lays out the GUI components.
IPaintStrategy - Interface in ballwar.model
Interface that represents a strategy used by a Ball when asked to perform variant paint operations.
IPlayer - Interface in ballwar.model
Interface that represents a single player that has a name and a score and is associated wtih a particular set of movement keys.
IRandomizer - Interface in util
A utility class used to generate different types of random values.
IShapeFactory - Interface in ballwar.model.paint.shape
Abstract factory that creates a Shape for use as prototype shapes in IPaintStrategies.
IUpdateStrategy - Interface in ballwar.model
Interface that represents a strategy used by a Ball when asked to perform variant operations associated with initialization, updating its state, collisions and destruction.
IViewCtrlAdapter - Interface in ballwar.model
The adapter interface the model uses to communicate to the view.

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