A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S U W _


cBox - Variable in class ballwar.view.OptionPanel
The drop-list holds all the items.
Change1Strategy - Class in ballwar.model.strategy
A strategy that demonstrates self-modifying behavior by replacing itself with another strategy after a certain length of time.
Change1Strategy() - Constructor for class ballwar.model.strategy.Change1Strategy
Change2Strategy - Class in ballwar.model.strategy
Similar self-modifying behavior to Change1Strategy.
Change2Strategy() - Constructor for class ballwar.model.strategy.Change2Strategy
clearBalls() - Method in class ballwar.model.BallModel
Clears all the balls from the dispatcher and resets the display string to its original state.
clearBalls() - Method in interface ballwar.view.IBallCtrlAdapter
Asks the model to clear (delete) all the balls.
clearItems() - Method in class ballwar.view.OptionPanel
Remove all the items from the list.
collide(Ball) - Method in class ballwar.model.Ball
color - Variable in class ballwar.model.paint.FixedColorDecoratorPaintStrategy
The color that will be painted.
ColorStrategy - Class in ballwar.model.strategy
ANoOpStrategy-based strategy that randomly sets the context's color each time its updateState() method is called.
ColorStrategy() - Constructor for class ballwar.model.strategy.ColorStrategy
combineStrategies(Object, Object) - Method in interface ballwar.view.IBallCreateAdapter
Add a combination of two strategies to the model.
cosA - Variable in class ballwar.model.strategy.CurveStrategy
Precalculated value of cos(angle)
count - Variable in class ballwar.model.paint.AnimatePaintStrategy
The counter that keeps track of which paint strategy to use next.
CurveStrategy - Class in ballwar.model.strategy
ANoOpStrategy-based strategy that continuously modifies the velocity to produce circular motion.
CurveStrategy() - Constructor for class ballwar.model.strategy.CurveStrategy

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